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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 461
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Chapter 119: Maggie The Deceiver

Thomas turned to look at me, almost like he wasn't expecting to see me there so soon. Then he smiled

and patted the bench beside him.

"Is everything okay? What about mom and dad?“ I blurted out.

He smiled again. “Take a breath, Ciana. I'm not bringing you bad news, well, not too bad anyway. There

are always some troubles out there, but nothing too crazy. Come, sit with me."

I let out a breath of relief. Nodding, I kicked my feet into action and sat down beside him. Thomas

looped his arm around me and pulled me to him in a side hug.

"You look well. Palace life suits you," he said, winking at me.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "How did you even know I was here?”

"I've got scouts around the kingdom. Scouts that are loyal to me and your parents. They send me

updates now and then. I heard you spent some time in the Vaner pack and when it fell to Luther, you

returned to the palace,' he explained.

And that was the easy, watered down version. I laughed nervously and glanced back at the palace.

"So, tell me, are you well? What is it that drew you back here after you left home again?“ he


"It's a long story,' I did my best to summarize it, "Basically, I came back to help Theo save Warren, and

in the process, defeated the evil King Sebastian.'

Thomas didn't seem to be too surprised by what I said. I wondered whether there was anything that

would surprise him. He was always composed, just like Dad.

"Sounds like you've accomplished what you wanted to do for your friends. I'm surprised that you are

still hanging around here.“

"Well, I've been helping King Theo out with his transition from prince to king," I said, coming up with the

first thing that popped into my head.

I stayed because of him. He needed me, just like I needed him.

I did miss my pack and my family, even though I'd found a different one here with Theo, Brook, and


Then, my mind wandered a little bit. Theo and I really had come a long way to get to where we were.

From the first kiss in the pavilion, to the recent date we went on, so much had changed and I couldn't

imagine my life without him.

I loved waking up listening to his heartbeat every morning, and falling asleep in his arms at night. And

the way he touched me and brought me to unbearably pleasurable heights....

My cheeks warmed and I looked down. I worried Thomas would see exactly what I was thinking on my


"Uh-huh. Sure,' Thomas said, rolling his eyes, as if he could read my mind.

"Come on, Thomas, tell me why you are here.' I quickly changed the topic, nudging him in fake


"I wanted to speak with King Theo directly, but I suppose you should hear this as well," he started, his

smile fading, putting on a more serious expression. “You know a lot of the pack didn't really support or

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like Raymond. They just went along because they were scared of him."

"I know that," I said, nodding.

"Unfortunately, there are still some divided loyalties. Not between your family and Raymond but

between Sebastian's regime and Luther's. Many of them didn't think Sebastian was a good king.

Because of that, they want to support Luther and not the crown," he explained.

"But, even under Sebastian's reign, the royal court didn't do anything particularly bad to our pack. Now

that Theo is on the throne, things can only get better. Can't you make them see that?"

"Well, that is the complication. Just because Sebastian didn't attack our pack isn't enough to make him

or his descendants good kings. Theo is young, and being Sebastian's son doesn't help him gain

popularity. They will compare Luther and Theo. That’s why a lot of people in our pack are starting to

think that Luther should be king."

"But they haven’t even given Theo a chance to show what he is capable of. That isn't fair," I argued,

shaking my head.

"I know, dear. People are scared. They were scared of Sebastian and they don't know what Theo will

bring. That fear is making them want to place their trust in someone they think is more reliable," he


"I should go back. I've spent a lot of time with Theo, I can tell them the kind of person he is and I can

convince them to support him," I said, standing up.

Thomas chuckled and grabbed my arm. He pulled me back down on the bench.

"That is probably a good idea. However, you don't need to rush off right this second. I came by here

because I'm heading out to find your parents," he explained. 'I've got to get the Alpha back. This is

something he needs to handle."

"My parents? They still aren't back yet?' I asked. "Didn't you let them know what happened with


"I did. They were confident I could handle it. However, under the new circumstances in the country,

your father needs to come back. I'm worried that there will be an all-out war soon."

"Thomas, where are my parents?" I asked, meeting his gaze.

Thomas' gaze fixed on me. After a while, he sighed. 'It’s a secret, but you're old enough to know now.

However, you should learn it from your parents, not me. I'm sure they will tell you when they get back."

He put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

There was no point pressing for an answer from Thomas. If he didn't want to tell a secret, no one would

be able to get a single word out of him.

"I'm the only one that can contact them and get them back here. But I didn't want to leave the pack

leaderless for a while, that's why I came here to talk to you. I'm glad you were planning to go back

anyway. You are the Alpha's daughter and a symbol of hope for them,' he said, touching my chin.

Thomas was right. More important than being an ambassador for Theo, I was the Alpha's daughter,

and I needed to be there for my pack until my father could return.


"I don’t like this plan." Theo looked at me through the mirror.

I didn’t have much to pack, but still needed to quickly double check on a few necessities. After putting

away my medicine sachet, I looked back at him.

"I don't like to leave you either, but I have to get my pack back on your side. Especially with Thomas

away looking for my parents, I need to be there for my people, just like you have to be here for the


He came behind me and wrapped his arms around me and gave a soft sigh. I leaned into him.

"Still, doesn't mean I like it." He kissed my shoulder. "The last couple of times you went back, you

ended up putting yourself in danger.'

"It's fine now. Thomas put everything together, and you've seen Frederic and Murray. They’re

trustworthy people." I turned in his arms and placed my hands on his chest. "I promise to keep myself

safe and I need you to trust me.'

He pulled me in tight and kissed the top of my head. "I trust you. It's everyone else, I don't trust them.’

I hugged him back and tightened my hold on him. I leaned my head up and pecked him on the lips


He leaned his forehead against mine and let out a soft sigh. 'I love you."

"I love you too."

"I know you are capable of handling yourself but I would feel better if you took Greg and Sherry as your

escorts, just so I know that you are safe."

"Okay, just two of them, don't send any more. You are already shorthanded. I am safe and I will remain

safe. Your focus needs to be here and sorting out the rebel issue."

"Deal." The sides of his lips tilted upward into a small smile. My chest fluttered.

"I love your smiles," I mumbled into his chest. "Makes me feel special. Like they are reserved just


"They are, Ciana." He kissed the top of my head. "They always have been.'

When we pulled apart we captured each other's lips in a heated kiss before a knock broke us apart.

Theo grunted in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, the consorts are ready to leave now. Each one of them was given gold, jewelry, and a

badge that was issued by the crown to recognize their service to the royal court and country. We've

arranged private transportation and escorts to make sure they get back to their packs safely. The ladies

were all excited to go home."

"Great! I'll be there shortly."

The guard left the door and Theo looked back down at me.

"I'll miss this face.“

"I'll miss you too. When things are settled, I will come running back to you, I promise."

"You better.'

He crushed his lips down to mine again, held my hands and we relished the next few precious

moments together before it was time for me to leave.

One hour later. Brook and I were bidding each other farewell at the palace gate.

"Oh Ciana,' Brook said and pulled me into a hug. "Promise me that you'll come to visit sometime."

I pulled away from her and smiled. 'That is definitely on my list. Don't cry. If everything goes well, we'll

see each other in a few months.

She brushed away the little tears that had escaped from her eyes. "I'll miss you.'

"If you feel sad, just think about the gold and status you bring home." I gave her a wink. "That has to

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make you feel somewhat better."

She let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes cutely. 'Please. I am walking away with so much more

than that. I made a life long friend here. That's priceless."

I gently tapped her nose and teased her, 'I'll tell Jake that he isn't part of Brook's life long-friend club,

only I am. You think he would be jealous?"

"Hey Ciana, that's not..." She didn't know what to say, and I didn't expect her to.

"The answer is no, he won't!“ I laughed, "Because he isn't Brook's friend, he is Brook's boyfriend! Ha ha


Brook's face turned bright red. "Alright Ciana, you totally ruined our sentimental moment!"

I held her hand with a soft smile.

"That's the point! I hope you'll smile when you think of me, my dear Brook. Take care!"


The trip back home was eventless, however, when I had just gotten to the pack house, I saw that there

was a lot of commotion going on.

"Ciana? You're home." A small teenage girl ran up to me and hugged me without warning. "Thank


I pulled out of her hold and looked her in the eyes. 'Erin, what's going on here?"

Erin, Susan's daughter, pulled away. "You haven't heard?’

I shook my head.

"Luther sent an ambassador to help convince the rest of the pack to go against the throne. She is this

really fancy woman and she sounds convincing. She makes good points and everything, but after what

Raymond tried to do with Luther, I don't trust anything Luther does.'

"Well, you're a very wise young lady, Erin," I praised. “Do you know where she is?'

Erin nodded and pointed inside the house. "She should be in the foyer. You won't miss her. She's

wearing a white cloak and a black mask."

"Thank you, Erin. It's good to see you.' I gave her a hug goodbye and walked into the pack house.

As Erin said, there was a woman in a white cloak wearing a black mask talking to a group of pack


Then someone saw me and greeted me warmly. 'Welcome back, Ciana.“

The rest of the group lowered their heads in greeting.

"Hello everyone.'

The woman in the cloak visibly stiffened. She smiled at the crowd, and in a low voice she said, "Let’s

call it a day today. Thank you all for coming to listen to me."

Her voice was a bit hoarse but sounded very familiar.

I stepped closer, “I'm Ciana Black. My father, Soren Black, is the Alpha here. And you are?"

"Greetings. Who I am isn’t important. You only need to know about Luther,' she replied as she started

walking away.

"Wait," I called after her but she didn't stop. She continued on and walked out of the back door of the

pack house which led to the forest.

I followed her into the woods.

"Are you afraid of me?" I taunted her. 'You don't even dare to show your face, do you?"

The woman stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned around.

"Show me your face,' I commanded. She removed her mask ever so slowly and I held my breath as I

watched her.