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Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 62
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Chapter 64 Pic decided to tellabout how He, Dew, and Mike decided to help his dads while his mother was out of town visiting his new baby cousin. Drew had been thitren, Mike ten, and he was twelve. They decided to do the dishes, get the dishwasher loaded, and added soap. The only problem was they had added the wrong kind of dish soap. They had no idea awthing was wrong until they cback to the lichen for snacks, to find the entire floor covered in bubbles. They had been trying to clean up when Patricks daly walked to a bubble-filled kitchen. Instead of priting mad at the boys, they began laughing, called a cleaning service, and took the h** not for dinner. But not before they took a video of the sap covered kitchen for Patrick's mother. Patrick swore his mother wouldn't let any of them now the dishwasher again until they were almost that of high school. He had just finished his story when there was a knock on the door, and when he said cin, lake stuck his head in the door, Dimmers going to be ready in venues. Did you feel like coming stairs, or would you liketo lovking at me, waiting forto devide.

like that idea; let's make that a rule for us," I said, sitting down between Duw and lake.

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tor I was seated, everyone began passing around the food. Dinner was amazing. Someone had made grilled chicken with baked potatoes and salad, along with OK, an who cooked, because this is amazing. I glanced around the table to see who the cook was. Thew and I did the cooking tonight," Josh said, his cheeks turning a cute shade of pink at my praise.

Can you teach me?" I asked them. "I never really learned how to cook, I either ate the free lunch at school or microwaved whatever frozen meal was in the freezer. Drew and linh both quickly agreed, and I did a little happy dance in my chair, which the guys found hilarious When we were done eating. I insisted on cleaning up since Drew and Josh had cooked Patrick, Mike, and take offered to help, so the cleanup went East. We ended up all gathered in the living room, trying to decide what movie to choose. After sheated debate and a round of rock-paper scissors, which seemed to be the guys To to way to make decisions, a comedy was chase, and I cuddled between Jake and ch as the movie started.

About halfway through the movie, the guys decided they wanted popcorn, so the move was paused, and Patrick and Jake went to make some. While they were gone, I moved over to sit between Drew and Mir. Drew movedinto his lap, and Mike bed my feet, placing them across his lap.

Patrick and lake brought back howls of popcorn, and we started the movie again. Mike had rested our bowl on my legs and would handplaces wherever I nudged him with my foot. When the powas gone, be moved the bowl off my legs and set it on the coffee table. Then, he rested his hand on my knee and idly began running his fingers up and down the inside of my thigh. When I shifted my leg, Mike stopped. Catching my eye, he looked to where his hand was resting about hallway up my thigh and looked at me, asking without words if I was ok with what he was doing. When I nodded my head yes; he gave the the most devilish grin I lad over sern and went back in rubbing my thich.

Drew was leaning against the arm of the couch, withresting against his chest. It had laid an arm across my stomach and been running his fingers along the wint of my shorts. When he saw my silent exchange with Mike, he placed his mouth close to my ear and whispered, "Are you okay with what we are doing and where it's probably going to lead?" at a juist us; il anyone gets uncomfortably, we will stop and take it to a bedroom, murmured.

'Oh Baby, that is so forking hot, Drew prowled quely in my ear. I giggled and relaxed into his embrace, focusing on the movie and letting the guys do what they wanted. They boli continued to idly run their lingers over my thigh and stomach, slowly inching their way closer to any core. I was trying to pretend nothing was Juppang wundering how long I could hold out before I made a note that attracted the attention of the others.

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After a couple of nunutes of watching the movie, Mike lud med highgh to br the hem of by sheets with his fingers. Drew had moved his Engers to the top of my pubic hour and was tracing his fingers altog it. With both of them teasing for, my p**y was throbbing like it had its own heartbeat. When I let out a soft mean, three pain of res focused on lakes gran, followed by lusts, sounded from the other end of the couch. Then Patrick, murmured, F**k, that's hot; I bet the soaked 19% Chapter 64 When Mike heard what Patrick said, he ran his fingers across my panty amered p**y Oh brother, she is, her panties are drenched I bet if I slid my finger in her tight little p**y, she would explode." I moaned at his statement, and Mike chuckled, e sped up his teasing, running his fingers along the top of my panties. Drew continued to slide his fingers along my pubic bone, resting them on top of my this without making contact with it.

O Mike finally slid his fingers under my parties, c***g them along my soaking lips. Pausing, Mike Inked at me. "Still good, honey?" At my enthusiastic nod, he moved his Engers to my tight hole wall began running his finger along the mitside of it. there meanwhile pressed his fingers down against my swollen **t, and I cried out, my empty p**y throbbing and ready for Mikes finger to slide side. I whimpered at their continued teasing and began thrusting my hips toward Mike's fingers.

Drew pressed his palm against my pelvis. Tasy baby, you don't want to hurt yousel Before I relaxed back onto the couch, Mike reached upn pulling my shorts and panties down and off my legs, tossing them out of the way. There were more groans from around the room, as Drew spread my legs wider. They both began teasingagain, and when Mike slid he fingers inside of me, Drew pinched my c***t at the time, and I capart in their arms.

Chapter Comments Visitor Wow. So hote VIEW 1 COMMENT RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.