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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86: Attacks Grey was going through some files. He just came back from lunch not quite long. A

soft knock sounded on the door and he looked up. “Yes, come in.” he invited. Maria hesitated for a

moment before she opened the door and walked inside. Grey looked up at her and noticed the worried

expression on her face. He regarded her for a moment.

“Is everything alright?” Maria fidgeted. “I sincerely don’t understand what is happening. Mr. Jason left a

note for me when we arrived at W.W products company. Here,” she stretched it out to Grey. Grey took

it and read through. “What is this supposed to mean?” He looked up at Maria again. “He’s not going to

pay? What does that mean?” Maria nodded briefly.” Exactly sir. Mr. Jason said he won’t pay for the

products, I mean the second package that we delivered to him. And this happened after we had

unpacked. There was no way we could get our Surveillance cameras back

from them.”

Grey thought about it for a moment and realization hit him.” And it wasn’t in the contract.” It was a

statement and not a question.

Maria nodded quickly. “Yes, we were unable to do that because it was too close. Who knew Mr. Jason

would do something like this to us?”

Grey looked down at the note again.

It read; ‘if you want me to pay for the products, you will have to come to the office tomorrow by 12,

excluding your Manager.’ Grey didn’t know what really happened but it seemed like it entailed him.

Could it be Seth? Or Smith?

“Alright. Do you know what, you should see him and let’s hear what the outcome would be? Then, we

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can decide on the next course of action,” he suggested: Maria nodded again and she relaxed a bit.

“Noted sir. I will take my leave then,”

she announced and walked out.

Grey looked down at the note again as if he could see more than the words. Something doesn’t seem

right no matter how much he thought about it. The door opened almost immediately and Tina rushed

inside as if she was on her way to winning a trophy. “Sir” she shouted

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Grey looked up at her. “Where are your manners!” He corrected her.

Tina steadied herself on the ground and took a short bow. “I’m sorry sir but you need to listen to this,”

she held out the telephone towards Grey.

When Grey placed it beside his ear, a man was in the middle of a conversation.

“Is that understood?” Was the only thing Grey could hear.

“Sorry, this is the manager of SU world and_,”Grey barely finished talking when the telephone went off.

The caller must have hung up intentionally. What sort of games was he playing?

Grey looked up at Tina instead. “What is this all about? I was not able to hear anything. Is something

wrong?” He bombarded her.

Tina released an exasperated sigh, to calm her nerves. “The CEO of Nick ventures is going to sue us.

He said we had the Cameras hacked after we installed them at his company. Now, billions of dollars

got missing and he’s holding us responsible for it,” she informed.

“And how do cameras relate with the missing money?” Grey wondered aloud. Tina nodded severally.”

One of their workers already confessed that he was sent inside by us. He aided the disappearance of

the money.” Grey felt slightly disoriented.” That doesn’t make any sense. It’s their worker, why would

they pin that on us?” He felt even frustrated.

Tina stared at him for a moment, as if she was looking at the future.” One of our workers said Peter

initially worked here. That’s what Liam also said too. Apparently, Peter quit working here and was

employed by Nick Ventures.” she opined.

Grey looked away as he thought about it.” So, they think we intentionally let him off so we could plant

him at their Company?”

She gurgled.” Yes sir.”

And Grey couldn’t comprehend it.” But why would they believe such a thing? It doesn’t even make any

sense,” he released a sigh. “So, what’s their resolve?” ” They are demanding two things. We should

either pay the money or,” she trailed off, the words got stuck in her throat.

Grey looked up at her and saw the terror. “Or what?” He probed in.

Tina gulped. “Or the SU World fires you, sir.” The revelation didn’t shock him but it was surprising.

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For some minutes after Tina had left, Grey couldn’t stop thinking about it. It already revealed itself as a

plot but he was still confused about who was behind it.

He might need to meet Don after work anyways. For all he knows, no money was stolen, it was all


His phone rang towards the end of the day. It was Don. “We have some information for you. How do we

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meet?” “In front of MegaPhone Attitude club,” he replied and hung up. It seemed like Don had

information about Seth already. Who knows, it could be about the companies. He pulled up in front of

the club at around five. Don and Richard were waiting outside for him already. The moment they saw

the car, they walked closer and got inside the back seat.

Grey pulled out of the street, towards the safer ground, making sure there was no one around to

suspect anything. “So, what information do you have?” he demanded. “Boss, Richard found some

things about Seth,” Don announced and looked at Richard. “Tell the boss everything you heard.’ “Did

Seth meet with any companies to talk about me?” Grey cut in quickly Richard shook his head.” No, he

didn’t meet with anyone from any companies except that he went to the bank to return some money.

Then, he met with someone last night.” Grey sat well.” What did they discuss? And who is this man?”

“About the sale of his company. Seth is going to sell the company secretly. The person he met with was

Audrey, a notorious dealer in all kinds of sales.” Richard revealed. “Yes, he could buy a company and

sell it out without implications. It doesn’t matter if the company has issues as long as the owner has the

documents and he got his money. In fact, he also had backings in the police as we do,” Don .

explained. Grey gathered his brows.” I have a share in that company. 70% shares. How is he going to

sell it?”

“That’s what Audrey does, boss,” Richard informed.” He would find his way out of it as long as Seth has

the documents. Does he have the documents?”

Grey nodded briefly. Charles didn’t take the documents from him. In fact, they

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didn’t make any alternatives except for the documents that held it. Charles had it in mind to return the

shares, maybe that was why he didn’t bother about it.

“How can I find Audrey?”