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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107: Proclamation Charles stood in shock for a moment, unable to believe the question that

Grey was asking him. “Who the fuck are you asking for? My father?”

Grey felt a stab of annoyance.” You heard me clearly, Charles. I’m not going to repeat myself. Where is

your father? Is he in? Where have you been hiding him?” His deep voice rang through the night,

leaving an echo. Grey’s fist clenched even harder, anger fueled him up.

Charles chuckled. “You are not making any sense, Grey. My father is dead.”

“Is that supposed to be a tease or a lie? I know you are hiding him and it will be the best for you if you

let him out of that door!” He muttered.

Charles regarded him for another moment. “I don’t even know what you are talking about. Why are you

asking about my dead father?” He inquired with confused brows.

Grey advanced closer, taking Charles by the collar and pulling him back until his back was against the

wall. Four men emerged from behind the flower suddenly. Clad in black suits, they stepped closer to


Grey felt a surge of anger as he squeezed his collar, though careful not to choke him.

“Don’t use questions to reply to me!” He yelled in his face.” Tell me the truth! Where is the man that

killed my father!” He expressed in a thick but sadness filled voice.

Someone caught Grey from behind suddenly, pulling him apart. Grey felt weak at the revelation that he

just saw and the fact that he was never going to see his family again. For a moment, he lost his energy

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and allowed the men to yank his hands off Charles. The men thought they had the strength to pull him


Just as one of them tried to punch Grey, Charles screamed. “Don’t you dare!”

The men looked back at Charles, though they didn’t let go of Grey.

Charles felt a stab of annoyance. He rushed forward. “Blaze, let himn go!” He yelled and pulled the

man away from Grey.

“But Boss,” Blaze, who was reluctant to let Grey go started but Charles slapped him, cutting him off

abruptly. “How dare you!” He yelled with his full strength. “I told you to let him go! How dare you lay

your hand on Hercules!” He pointed out.

The men exchanged gazes slowly. “What? Hercules?” Blaze stuttered but he couldn’t even bring

himself to react at that moment.

Charles moved closer and yanked his hand away from Grey forcefully.

“Hercules!” The men chorused at once and went on their knees in front of Grey.

Grey watched the drama unfold slowly. Though, he didn’t expect it. He didn’t know that Charles would

proclaim him in front of his men. He didn’t trust him anyways. Maybe he could have thought it through

before stepping into his house. If Charles was really going to harm him, he would have done so. Yet,

Grey found it difficult to believe that Charles doesn’t know anything about his father. If his father was

alive, Charles would definitely be aware of it. “I think you are misunderstanding something. My father is

dead. He died ten years ago,” Charles explained softly.


Grey rushed towards him again, in anguish and anger. He caught him by the collar again, his eyes hard

on him. “What did I tell you about revealing my personality? You just disobeyed me! How do I know you

aren’t working against me!” He yelled in anger. Charles regarded him for a moment in the silence. He

slowly dropped to the ground, in front of Grey.

Grey watched him for a moment, shocked. Charles was kneeling in front of him.

“We might not be that close when we were young but we behaved like brothers,” Charles started, his

gaze anywhere but Grey.” I know my dad might have killed your father_,” Grey interrupted quickly.” He

killed him! This statement is relevant and correct! “He yelled in frustration. He tried to retrain himself

even though he wanted to bash Charles’ face.

Charles nodded briefly. “I don’t know what you saw but if you keep saying it, then he must have been

the one.” Grey sighed and looked away. He raked his fingers through his hair for a moment

before he looked back at Charles. “So, you didn’t believe me?”

“My father’s death was an accident. The news was that he died alongside your father. We had to

cancel the autopsy because we didn’t want the world to know your father was murdered. I don’t know

what my father saw to have done something so wicked but,” Charles looked up eventually.” I would

love to find out for you. And I understand the mistrust, I mean I would have done the same thing if I was

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in your shoes but_,” he trailed off.

Grey regarded him for a moment as if reading his thoughts. The eyes spoke of loyalty. Though, Grey

didn’t know if it was best to rely on something like that. His father had been killed by his trusted and

closest friend.

“Are you saying you don’t know where your father is?”

“Of course, I know,” Charles stressed.” He died, we buried him,” he revealed.

Grey slowly let out the air he didn’t know he was holding. Everything actually felt stuffy for him. He

turned away and tried a flashback.

What if he saw it wrong? What if it was his eyes playing tricks on him? Or maybe it was just someone

that looked like Leo but wasn’t even him?

These questions rolled and toiled in his mind but the answers evaded him.

“I might have been angry about your appearance but I will never harm you,” Charles proclaimed. “I

want to stand with you to the end. But,” he swallowed harder.” You can kill me right now, I will gladly

accept any punishment for my father’s sin.”

Grey saw the tears streaming down Charles’ cheeks. “I will accept any punishment imposed on me as

Hercules’ follower and elder. If my father was the reason why this group is going into ruin, then I will


anything you have to dish out,” he said with determination. Grey watched him, somehow lost of words

to say.