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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 83
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Chapter Eighty-Four Chapter Eighty-Four

Delilah stood off to the side just outside the kitchen cursing her luck

As expected returning the pack hadn’t been an issue. Since she was still a part of it she could access the link though it was frayed and the

collective pack scent rather stale as she hadn’t been among them for quite some time

~ ~

Originally she planned to sneak into the kitchen to prepare her gift to the alpha herself. Unfortunately she stopped dead in her tracks when

she saw Myra. The older she-wolf would definitely recognize her and she certainly wouldn't let Delilah wander around. She had no choice

but to wait in the wings for an opportunity

Delilah hoped Myra would wander off but the kitchen omega was content to putter around with the others. She didn’t know the reason for

27s niece had found her fated mate. Delilah vaguely remembered the young she-

rest to her anyway

“Ihave the Alpha’s tea ready per the Luna’s request,” a young omega announced

“Very good,” Myra nodded

Delilah eased away from the door as the omega pushed out a tea trolley laden with a tea set that looked quite old, which was unusual since

neither the previous alpha or luna drank tea. They had always preferred the caffeine jolt of coffee as most werewolves did

She waited until the server was almost at the lift before she struck hitting her over the back of the head. The omega crumpled having no

defense. Delilah dragged her inert body into the closet not bothering to see

Chapter Eighty-Four if she was all right before taking command of the trolley

Pushing it onto the lift Delilah sighed relief. Finally her plan was going accordingly. Taking out the bag she had been given she dumped the

contents into the tea pot. Hopefully it would have enough time to reach full potency. She hadn't the slightest idea how to make tea. Sighing

she straightened her old uniform. It had been years since she last wore it, decades, and she noticed the uniforms had changed. She hoped

the Alpha wouldn't notice the difference

The lift doors opened and she pushed the trolley down the hall. There were definitely more guards about even within the packhouse. This

was certainly information her benefactor could use but she had to wait to contact him after she completed her current task. Delilah couldn’t

help the smile that crept into her face. She was going to enjoy this

Knocking on the door she waited for permission to enter. She found Alpha Jason alone at his desk going over paperwork. It was remarkable

how much he looked like his father. How many times had she met Jackson in his office for a quickie to take the edge off his stress while he

worked? Glancing at the other desks she assured herself he was alone. Evidently the

Beta and Q Gamma were off on other tasks

Jason looked remarkably calm behind his desk. Jackson hated paperwork but Jason seemed at home. He hardly looked up as she

approached while he read various proposals

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“The Luna sent tea,” Delilah said

He grunted and she wasn’t sure if he even heard her but he also smirked. It seemed his Luna liked to send him gifts. A note of envy pierced

her but also hardened her resolve. She poured the tea and set the cup on his desk


Chapter Eighty-Four i

Jason barely acknowledged the omega pushing in the tea trolley

Several weeks ago, Phoebe started a campaign to get him to drink tea saying it would help him relax. In truth, he was quite relaxed

Prior to meeting Phoebe Lobo would restlessly prowl the back of his mind distracting him and slowing down the work he needed to do.

Now his wolf simply went to linking with his mate and left Jason to work in peace

Like most werewolves Jason preferred coffee and the energy spike it gave but he couldn't say no to his Luna

The omega poured a cup and set it on his desk. He sighed picking it up. The sooner he drank the sooner he could get back to work. His

Wolf stirred lazily. An odd scent invaded his nose as he gulped down the cup’s contents only to suddenly reel back from the astringent

flavor. It was so bitter he struggled to keep it down. In the back of his mind Lobo let out a snarl before the connection was snuffed out

Jason leaned back in his chair suddenly feeling light-headed. He tried to speak but his mouth wouldn't form words. His mind couldn't shape

coherent thoughts and the world became indistinct and fuzzy. And yet scent became even more pronounced overwhelming his nose as his

nostrils flared sensing a female in full arousal

His chair was pulled away from the desk and spun around. A voluptuous form filled his view as she leaned forward. She said something but

her voice seemed muffled and strange. Her scent though was all too obvious

“What's the matter, Alpha?” Delilah coyly smiled

Jason waved a hand in front of his face, *..an—gel...”

“Too bitter?”


“That's right, let this angel give you some sugar,” Delilah leaned

Chapter Eighty-Four _

forward capturing his mouth and shoving her tongue into his mouth swallowing whatever protest he was trying to mumble

Her tongue swirled in his mouth and twisted around his before she pulled out playfully biting his lower lip in the same way that used to

drive Jackson crazy. Jason shook his head raising a hand as if trying to swat a fly

His eyes were dilated and his nostrils flared

“That's right, baby. We are going to have a lot of fun,” Delilah cooed unbuttoning his shirt so she could caress his chest before undoing his


“Let's see what you have for me.”


“All right, all of you into the music room,” Phoebe laughed herding the pups in front of her for their next lesson

As she stood a wave of dizziness suddenly assailed her. Placing a hand on the wall she waited for the moment to pass

“Luna?” Garrison asked stepping close to steady her

What was that? “Trouble,” Mani stirred. ‘Something's wrong with Mate.” ‘What?’ Get to Mate!” ‘But Jason is working.” ‘Get to Mate now!”

“Luna?” Phoebe shook her head and hurried down the corridor. She just

managed to read the stairs before a sharp pain suddenly pierced her shattering her heart. Crying out she sank to her knees

This pain. She could never forget it. Betrayal. But Jason would never

Chapter Eighty-Four “Mate!” Mani whimpered

Just a heads up: novelenglish.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter—uisit

us now and continue your journey!

“Luna! Are you all right?” Garrison rushed forward

Snarling Phoebe batted away his hand, forced herself onto her

shaking feet and up the steps. Mani was clawing at the sides of her mind

Something was wrong...very wrong


Delilah yanked on Jason's pants until his impressive member was finally freed. She smiled wickedly. It seemed he inherited quite a bit from

his father

“We are going to have so much fun,” Delilah said stepping back and undoing her dress. She shrugged out of it before pulling off her parties

and standing bare in front of him. “This is going to be the greatest day of your life.”

She sauntered forward reaching for him eager to see if he tasted anything like his father. Suddenly the door burst open slamming against

the wall and Delilah cursed the fact she forgot to lock it

“Get out—* she turned expecting another omega

Instead a petite, pretty wolf with silver eyes stood in the doorway. Her eyes shimmered so bright they practically glowed as she strode into

the room. The air suddenly shifted becoming almost stagnant in it oppression

Delilah found herself frozen, unable to move or speak as the she-wolf stalked forward. The newcomer raised her hand slapping Delilah so

hard she practically spun around before stumbling back into a bookshelf before collapsing on the floor

Without a word Phoebe turned to Jason to see him partially undressed. She was ready to demand an answer as he sat waving a hand as

if warding off a shadow


Chapter Eighty-Four “Jason?” He shook his head as she approached. He waved his hand in front of him unable to focus. Cupping his face

she stared into his eyes to see they were dilated and unfocused. Jason groaned as the tingles of the mate bond calmed his agitation

“What is wrong with him?”

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“Drugged,” Mani said

“Drugged?’ Phoebe glanced at the desk to see the tea cup

Her attention turned to the trolley to see her mother’s tea set. Picking up the tea pot she lifted the lid and sniffed, reeling back from the

bittersweet stink. Phoebe set it down and spotted a plastic bag tucked under the serving tray. She picked it up and hesitantly sniffed

Jasmine, passion flower, coriander and..mandrake?

“Makes sense,” Mani huffed

“What do you mean?’

Yasmine is an aphrodisiac.’

“Oh yeah, Phoebe nodded recalling the time a fellow she-wolf had wanted something to improve her mate’s performance and asked

Phoebe for a special tea blend. ‘So they drugged him with an aphrodisiac to make him cheat on the bond? Who? Why?"

Are you really asking that after everything that is going on?’

“.an-gel..” Jason groaned

“Shh,” Phoebe cupped his face. The bond seemed to calm his agitation

Lipstick was smeared across his lips prompting her to grab tissues and wipe it off in disgust



Chapter Eighty-Four

Phoebe looked up to see Garrison standing in the doorway confused at what he was witnessing

“The Alpha’s been poisoned.”

“What?” Garrison jerked to attention

“Some sort of aphrodisiac in his tea,” Phoebe explained. “Take that thing away. Lock her in maximum security and alert the Beta and


Have them figure out how she even got here without raising alarms.”

“Yes Luna!” Garrison hurried forward seizing the naked she-wolf and dragged her toward the door. “What about the Alpha?”

“Ll take care of him. Close the door. He’s not in any condition to be seen by the rest of the pack.”

With a nod he departed leaving her alone with Jason who began whimpering and reaching for her. Phoebe sat in his lap hoping her

nearness would calm him like it usually did. His arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in her neck sniffing and groaning. She

could feel his growing arousal as his hands caressed her seeking her skin

“What should we do? Should we take him to the hospital?”

“Won't do much good. Not like there is a cure for herbs. Besides, there are too many females there.’

“think he’s starting to feel feverish.”

“It might be triggering a rut.’

“So what should we do? Have him sedated?’ ‘Well, we could always..you know.”


“What? It might help him burn out the herbs’ effects faster.”