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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chatper 408
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Chapter 408

“Mr. Karman.”

Monia walked up to Karman with champagne in her hand, and a smile that she was sure to

win broke out on her face:

“We at Balorant Family are very much looking forward to cooperating with you. We have

extended an olive branch to you many times over the years. However, you have been

hesitant. Maybe the conditions we offered are not enough.”

“Okay, today, on behalf of the Balorant family, based on our original negotiations, I will

inject an additional US$1 billion in capital to you. What do you think?”

Monia has always been high-profile and spoke in a loud voice. As soon as she said these

words, many guests around her heard her and were dumbfounded in surprise.

Damn it, an additional billion dollars!

One billion! Dollars!

Such a big deal!!

When she was interviewed by reporters on the red carpet before, Monia stated that she

attended the jewelry dinner tonight just because she wanted to discuss cooperation with

Karman. Now it seems that she really tried her best.

The noisy banquet hall suddenly became a little quieter, and some people looked at

Ashley who was not far away.

No one here knows that the Pliskin family also wants to cooperate with Karman.

Now Ashley and Monia are both here, representing the Pliskin family and Balorant family


In the end, who Karman is willing to choose to cooperate with, and who will win between

the Pliskin family and the Balorant family, probably depends on who is more powerful,

Ashley or Monia.

In the corner, there were several wealthy young men whispering:

“Tsk, one billion US dollars, this Monia is really generous. It seems that



Chapter 408

she is determined to cooperate with Master Karman!”

“You can add another billion dollars at will by making your own

decisions, which shows that this money is a piece of cake for the Balorant


“From this point of view, the Pliskin family, as the leader of the four major consortiums,

must easily have one billion US dollars. If there is competition, wouldn’t Ashley provide

two billion US dollars?”

“No, no, no, Ashley is a little daughter who has just been found by the Pliskin family. How

can she be such a big boss for the Pliskin family?”

“I think so. Ashley is in trouble today! How can she be so courageous? There is no way she

can compare with Monia!”

Many people’s eyes were on Karman, wondering if he would be so tempted by Monia’s $1

billion and even decide to cooperate with the Balorant family on the sp


However, when Karman heard Monia’s words, he felt calm.

He was about to go find Ashley, but as soon as he turned around, he was blocked by

Monia, who came to him again to discuss cooperation. It was really annoying.

Karman rubbed his forehead tiredly, and said coldly “Wait a minute” to Monia’s one billion

dollars, and then turned around to find Ashley with great enthusiasm.

Guests around:???

Monia was so angry that her face was blue, what happened to this Karman?

He’s not satisfied even with a billion dollars?

And ran to find that Ashley.

Ashley grew up living in the countryside. Has she ever seen such money as one billion US

dollars? Can you offer him such bold terms?

Monia chased after him unwillingly..

Walking up to Ashley and Karman, Monia spoke again:

“Mr. Karman, you don’t seem to have heard my conditions clearly. I am. willing to inject an

additional US$1 billion in capital for you. I hope you


Chapter 408

can agree to cooperate with the Balorant family.”

After Monia finished speaking, she looked at Ashley with arrogant eyes and pretended to

be generous:

“Ms. Pliskin, I know that the Pliskin family also wants to cooperate with Mr. Karman. Let’s

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not beat around the bush and compete directly. You might as well tell us that you are

willing to represent the Pliskin family to Mr. Karman. What kind of generous conditions are

you offering?”

Ashley glanced at her with indifferent eyes, and her tone was casual as usual, “The Pliskin

family has not added anyone, it’s the same as before.”

Monia’s expression overflowed with disdain when she heard this.

What a fool.

The competition is so fierce that we are not even willing to raise additional funds!

The faces of the young gentlemen in the corner all showed such expressions:

“Look, I’m just saying Ashley doesn’t have that much courage. She’s not qualified to make

decisions on behalf of the Pliskin family!”

“You still have the final say. I guess Ashley has been frightened by Monia’s one billion

dollars! She has never heard of such a huge amount of money before, right?”

“I bet that Karman will definitely choose to cooperate with Monia in the end! He is not

stupid, he will definitely choose the one with more money!”

“Alas, the Pliskin family lost like this! Ashley is beautiful, but she can’t bear the

responsibility of the eldest daughter of the Pliskin family. In terms of shopping ability, she

is really not as good as Monia!”

While everyone was whispering, Monia looked at Karman with increased confidence.

“Mr. Karman, now you should know who is the partner you should choose most, right?”

Karman first glanced at Ashley, then at Monia, and nodded slowly, “Of course I know, I

know it myself.”



Chapter 408

When Monia heard this, she felt even more confident about winning.

She added an additional billion dollars, but Ashley said nothing.

Comparing the two, any fool knows which one to choose!

Now in Karman’s heart, he is definitely leaning towards her!

Monia took a sip of champagne proudly, looked at Ashley like a charity, and raised her


“Ms. Pliskin, I would like to remind you that negotiations in the mall have always been

about you and me. Are you really not considering adding additional conditions to Mr.


Ashley looked at her slowly and raised her eyebrows faintly, “I won’t consider it.”

Hearing this answer, the contempt and disdain in Monia’s eyes clearly overflowed.

What a brainless idiot, he didn’t know how to seize the opportunity given to her.


y, she had been wary of Ashley before and treated her as a strong rival, but she didn’t

expect that she could snatch the cooperation from Karman so easily.

That’s good, it saves her the effort.

The other guests in the banquet hall couldn’t help but whisper to each other when they

saw this scene, and their voices became anxious.

“I really can’t stand it anymore. What’s going on with Ashley! Monia kindly reminded her,

but she’s still stuck in her ways! She deserves to lose this cooperation!”

“You just have beauty, no brains, and you know nothing about negotiation!”

The most important thing for these wealthy families in Kilos City is the cultivation of their

offspring. Only when their offspring are well nurtured can the family’s foundation be

prosperous and will not decline.

Now seeing the comparison between Ashley and Monia, those people were filled with


“I have learned a lot. After all, Monia is an aristocratic lady who has



Chapter 408

received elite education since she was a child. Ashley, who found her halfway, is

incomparable! Monia knows how to fight for the interests of the family and is enterprising.

She is really a sassy and strong woman.”

“A person like Ashley can’t bring much benefit to the family, and she might even destroy

the Pliskin family in the future!”

“Actually, Karman is willing to give ‘Roselle’ to Ashley for free, which shows that he likes

Ashley very much. It was quite possible to cooperate with the Pliskin family, but it turns

out that Ashley has no vision and just doesn’t invest more. Even the gods can’t save the

fool. !”

“I guess Karman must have admired Ashley so much because of the Pliskin family. If

Ashley was not from the Pliskin family, Karman would never even look at her!”

“Tsk, if the Pliskin family loses this cooperation, all the responsibility lies with Ashley, the

daughter they found halfway!”

Listening to these whispered remarks, the smug look on Monia’s face became more and

more obvious.

The jewelry dinner tonight was worth it.

She finally stepped on Ashley’s feet!

This is the most relaxing thing!

The last time she made a bet at the shooting range, she had been holding back a bad

breath in her heart, and today she finally let go of her bad breath!

Monia was filled with vanity as she listened to everyone’s flattery and compliments.

Karman on the side suddenly turned cold and said, “Please be quiet!”

Although he said “please”, his voice was obviously filled with anger.

Everyone in the banquet hall rarely saw Karman getting angry in public. They immediately

fell silent and were surprised. Why did Karman suddenly get angry?

For whom are you angry?

In the silence, Karman looked at Ashley nervously, wondering if she heard the chatter and

whether she was angry.



Chapter 408

It turned out that Ashley looked calm and arrogant throughout the whole process.

The woman is wearing the fairy-like ‘Windy’ and the stunning ‘Roselle.

It was as if she was born to be a god in the clouds, and the dust and mud on the ground

could not even touch the corners of her clothes.

Karman was shocked, and his admiration for Ashley grew to a higher level.

Immediately he said to everyone in the banquet hall, “Whether to

cooperate with the Pliskin family or the Balorant family, I have already made a decision in

my heart! I also want to take advantage of today’s jewelry dinner to announce it in


Hearing this, everyone pricked up their ears nervously.

Monia, on the other hand, looked leisurely and proud, and spoke confidently, “In that case,

Mr. Karman, please make the announcement.”

After saying that, he secretly gave Ashley a provocative look.

She added another billion dollars, but Ashley was so petty that she refused to add


It’s obvious who Karman will choose in the end.

Monia’s eyes were slightly fierce. The Balorant family and the Pliskin family have been

competing for so many years, and today, the winner was finally decided in her hands!

This also means that in this contest, she suppressed Ashley!

The Balorant family suppressed the Pliskin family!

Ashley, on the other hand, remained calm and didn’t say much from beginning to end.

Just when everyone was curious, Karman finally spoke, and his voice came to everyone’s

ears clearly:

“Today, please give me a testimony. I have already decided to cooperate with the Pliskin

family! In the future, I will work hand in hand with the Pliskin family to achieve win-win

cooperation and create more possibilities for jewelry and fashion!”

As Karman’s powerful words fell, the entire banquet hall suddenly fell



Chapter 408

into silence.


Monia feeling proud and ready to hug Karman to celebrate the cooperation.

After hearing Karman’s declaration, the expression on his face suddenly froze and became

extremely funny for a moment, as he looked at Karman and Ashley in disbelief.


Karman chose to cooperate with the Pliskin family!

what happened!

One of the young men around him stared in confusion, his voice rising in surprise, “Mr.

Karman, you just said you were cooperating with the Pliskin family? You…you said it right?

Why is that!”

Everyone else looked at Karman in disbelief.

Obviously the conditions are better when opened by Monia!

Karman looked at Ashley beside him with a smile and said, “Everyone was very curious

just now as to why I gave ‘Roselle’ to Ashley for free.”

“Now I can tell you why. The design inspiration of ‘Roselle’ comes from Attelia’s ‘Windy’

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“Without Attelia, there would be no ‘Roselle’ today.”

“Even though Attelia had not yet appeared in public at that time, her design, her ‘Windy,

inspired me a lot and inspired my peak inspiratio ‘Roselle’, which is loved by the world,

was born. .”

“It is no exaggeration to say that Attelia is my muse!”

When the reporters at the scene heard this, they finally understood!

No wonder in the interview just now, Karman said that he had been fantasizing in his mind

for a long time, standing by the red carpet and opening the car door for his muse. It

turned out to be this!

Facing everyone’s shocked looks, Karman continued, “Today’s jewelry dinner, I asked

Ashley to attend wearing ‘Roselle’ because I wanted to see with my own eyes what

‘Roselle’ looked like on her body.”

A reporter in the crowd suddenly realized, “No wonder ‘Roselle’ and



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Ashley are so matched. It’s like they were born for Ashley! That’s it!”

“So, Ashley specially wore a ‘Windy’ dress because she wanted to make Master Karman’s

dream come true!”

Karman nodded and looked at Ashley with gratitude, “Ashley, thank you.”

Ashley smiled, “You are too polite.”

Karman smiled and continued to say to everyone:

“Over the years, the Pliskin family and the Balorant family have wanted to cooperate with

me. Although Monia’s offer is very generous, I think you can understand me.”

“After I found out that Attelia was Ashley, the lost eldest daughter of the Pliskin-family, I

had only one thought in my mind. No matter how good the conditions Monia gave me, I

just wanted to cooperate with the Pliskin family. Yes, it was because Ashley was here the

Pliskin family!”

Everyone was even more shocked when they heard this than before.

what the hell!

Ashley’s position in Karman’s heart is so important!

For Ashley, I don’t even care about a billion dollars!

“Ashamed, ashamed. I just thought that Master Karman admired Ashley so much because

of the Pliskin family’s face. Now I know that it’s quite the opposite! Karman looked at the

Pliskin family differently because of Ashley’s face. Songkou cooperates with the Pliskin


“So, the Pliskin family has been talking about a cooperation that has not. been concluded

for many years, and now it is easily done because of Ashley?!”

“To have such an amazing little daughter, the Pliskin family was really lucky in their last


“Who just said that Ashley can’t bring benefits to the Pliskin family and will ruin the family

business? Is it a slap in the face?”

“No wonder Ashley was so calm throughout the whole process and didn’t add any

additional conditions once… The co-author has already negotiated a cooperation! Monia

completely lost this time!”

“In fact, in the long run, it will definitely be more beneficial for Karman



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to cooperate with the Pliskin family. The Balorant family has declined. The Pliskin family is

now the leader of the four major consortiums. It will only develop better and better in the

future, leaving Balorant further and further away…”

At this time, Monia clenched her back molars angrily as she listened to these harsh words.

The eyes looking at Ashley were full of furious resentment.

I really didn’t expect that she and Karman still have this kind of relationship.

So Karman came to Zyrrinthia Kilos City specifically to visit Ashley?

Fortunately, she still thought smugly that Karman was here to find her!

Monia’s narcissism was exposed, and the anger in her heart almost turned into a fierce

flame, burning Ashley to the bone.

Hello Ashley…

Just wait for me…

There are still three days. In three days, Country E and Country A will jointly impose

sanctions to suppress the Pliskin family.

Just cherish these last three days of being the little princess of the Pliskin family!

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!