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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1212
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"It's cold ......"

"Wilson, help me, help me!"

Rosemary's body is getting unsupportable and her consciousness is getting lax.


"Rosemary, are you there?"

Outside, Wilson and Adrian were shouting loudly and slapping their hands against the heavy door.

When Wilson walked up to a heavy door, a penetrating coldness from the bottom of the feet upward, looking down at the cold air

coming out from underneath, hastily pressed a button aside, the moment the door opened, Wilson's whole heart also stopped

beating, Rosemary crouched in the corner with her hands on her knees, her whole body had been attached with white frost.


Wilson took off his jacket and wrapped it around her body, picked her up and ran outside.

"Rosemary, wake up!"

"Rosemary, do you hear me? You're holding on, I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you."

When Adrian saw Rosemary in Wilson's arms, he was also stunned by the scene before him.

"This is more into the room where | live, so go to my place first!"

"Lead the way."

"Rosemary, hang in there, it's going to be okay soon."

At this time, Rosemary had a long, long dream, dreaming that she was standing alone in the snow and ice, the cold kept hitting her

body, she shouted loudly, hoping that someone would hear her cry for help, but her throat had already released the sound, still no

one cto save her, just when she thought she was going to die slowly like this, she heard in a daze Wilson's voice shouting at

her, but she is too sleepy, heavy eyelids can not open, even though she wanted to open her eyes to see her favorite man, but

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never open their eyes.

"Mr. Grant, the water is ready, put her in the water."

Wilson carefully lowered Rosemary into the tub, rubbing her hands anywhere on her body, calling her nover and over as he

did so.

"I'll go get her a glass of milk."

After saying that, Adrian hurriedly went outside to heat up a glass of milk, and in a short while both Adrian and Karen cover.

"Rosemary, how did you becthis way?"

Looking at the almost lifeless Rosemary, Karen's tears fell in torrents.

"Quickly massage her arms and legs and talk to her more."

Wilson almost yelled out loud.


Only after Wilson yelled at her, Karen realized what she was doing and kept massaging Rosemary's body with Wilson on one side.

"Here's the milk, let Rosemary have smilk to warm up."

Adrian cin with the milk, and Wilson helped Rosemary up and passed it to her mouth, saying softly, "Here, have smilk


"Slow down!"

cough cough ......

At that moment, Rosemary coughed violently and slowly opened her eyes to see a familiar handsface, "Wilson, is it really


Trying to reach out to touch his face, Rosemary realized she didn't even have the strength to lift her hand.

Wilson saw her wake up, his eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse as he said, "It's me, I'm sorry I'm late."

"I thought | would never see you again, never see the children."

As her consciousness grew lax, the only thought in her mind was that she wanted to live, she hadn't seen him or the baby yet, she

couldn't die so easily.

"Fool, how could it be? Look, I'm here now, aren't I?"

Dropping a kiss on her forehead, Wilson's voice caught in his throat.

He really didn't dare to imagine if he hadn't ctoday, whether he would have to lose her like this.

Hearing that familiar voice, a happy smile appeared on Rosemary's face, "How nice!"

The words fell, and the whole person fell unconscious again.

"Rosemary, what's wrong with you, don't you scare me, okay?"

"Mr. Grant, first carry Rosemary to the room and let the doctor give her a full body check-up."

Adrian tapped him on the shoulder and gestured for him to carry Rosemary to the bed.

"You guys go out first, and I'll check in when | help her change her clothes."

Karen was about to say if she wanted to help, but was stopped by a look from Adrian, who also understood that Wilson would not

let anyone else do the work for him at this time.

In a short time, Wilson cout, and when the doctor saw him cout, he hurried in and started to examine Rosemary.

"I'll leave Rosemary in your care, I'm going out to take care of sbusiness and will be over later."

Seeing that Rosemary's life was no longer in danger, Adrian turned to Wilson.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her."

Adrian gave him a look, sighed lightly and said, "It is indeed my responsibility for what happened, but don't worry, | will not let

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Rosemary suffer all this for nothing."

Although he knew that she had sarguments with those thousand Miss Kim, but then did not think in this regard, only thought

that it was a girl's fight, so did not care too much, if you know that in the end will be so, he would never let her leave his side half a


When Adrian left, Adrian walked to Wilson's side and said slowly, "It's best to let him handle this matter, and I'm sure he'll take care

of it."

"I know."

This point he never doubted, after all, Rosemary in his heart is very important, this he is no doubt, he just can not understand is,

Rosemary just chere, according to her character, it is impossible to provoke those people to kill her, although the celebrities

among the rivalry is often, but like this to kill or not many, it seems that this The matter still needs to be investigated secretly.

"Adrian, doa favor!"

Wilson attached to Adrian's ear and whispered a few words, only to see Adrian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take care of this


In fact, even if Wilson did not ask him to investigate, he also planned to secretly and secretly investigate.

"Doctor, is my sister okay?"

Karen saw the doctor finish his examination and asked in a hurry.

"This lady's body is not a big deal, but she stayed in the freezer for such a long time, the body's organs have received a lot of

damage, this period of tor need to take a good rest, later | will prescribe stonic medicine, see her body cold to force out,

this period of tyou remember not to give her cold drinks and so on."

The doctor is Adrian's personal doctor, and although he doesn't know exactly what Rosemary's status is, since Adrian called him

over, he naturally follows Adrian's instructions.

"Thank you doctor, so do | need to avoid food or anything like that?"

"Try to eat less raw, cold and spicy food, and let her eat more nourishing and warming food for the uterus, which will help her

conceive later."