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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196 She's Interested In Him George tried to make a conversation. He asked, “When did you buy this car?" After a moment, Isabelle replied, "I bought it a while ago. It's been kept overseas." A couple of days ago, Yves had it shipped back to her.

George almost asked if she'd traveled anywhere other than Melfrey, but he remembered Isabelle didn't like people prying into her affairs, so he held back his curiosity.

As he watched the neon lights flash by outside the car window, George gently rubbed the watch on his left wrist with his right thumb.

Suddenly, he suggested gently, "How about we take a walk by the beach?" George didn't want to waste this rare opportunity just sitting in the passenger seat, driving around aimlessly, before going hto sleep.

With Isabelle's personality, he guessed that once they finished this lap, that would be it.

Hearing his suggestion, Isabelle glanced at him and said, "I didn't expect you to know how to enjoy life, Mr. Harris." She turned the steering wheel and changed direction.

After sthought, George admitted, "If I told you I just didn't want to waste such a good opportunity to be with you, would you mind, Ms. Jenkins?" Would she understand what he meant? Isabelle responded, "I understand." George was taken aback. "Hmm?" She understood? 1/4 $49% Chapter 196 She's Interested In Him Isabelle continued, "If I were you, I'd also want to spend more twith someone as great as me. After all, people likeare rare." Seeing Isabelle so seriously praising herself, George was torn between laughing and crying. He could only nod and agree, "Ms. Jenkins, you're absolutely right." Is this narcissism? No, she's just stating facts.

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Just as George was feeling helpless that his subtle confession had been deflected, he received no response. Isabelle suddenly said, "It's your freedom." George looked at her in surprise, realising she wasn't completely clueless. about romantic matters.

Yawning, Isabelle added, "Since I invited you into the car, I'll take you anywhere, even to the ends of the earth." George smiled. Apparently, there was still a chance.

The wind at the beach was strong; the salty sea breeze hit them, filling their noses, whipping through their hair, and brushing against their faces.

The two leaned against the car, watching the waves crash against the shore.

Isabelle had her hands tucked into her coat pockets, her long hair blowing messily and squinting slightly as the wind slipped down her neck and into her collar.

A jacket was handed to her. George asked, “Is this okay?” She looked up the arm holding the jacket to see George in just a thin shirt, then looked at his face.

As she reached for it, George spread the jacket and draped it over her shoulders himself, adjusting it to cover her well.

2/4 20:49 Mon, 10 Jun Chapter 196 She's Interested in Him The large jacket, warmed by his body heat, enveloped her. The weight settled heavily on her shoulders, warding off the chill.

"Don't you like the beach? Or today is not a good day?" George asked, noticing her indifferent expression.

49% Isabelle gazed at the turbulent sea, the sound of the waves annoying her from deep within.

"What's there to like or dislike?" She was tired of it.

When she was trapped in the lab, unable to tell day from night, she relied on the sound of the waves and temperature changes to tell time.

Years of training on the island, with the Dark Shadow leader also living there, meant she spent most of her taround the sea. She had seen and heard enough of it; she even dreamed about waves.

She didn't hate it, but she definitely didn't like it.

Seeing her clear dislike, George suggested leaving after a short while.

Isabelle drove him back.

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Suddenly, they heard a noise-something dropping under the car floor.

George bent down to pick it up.

The car was cramped, and with his tall frame, George could hardly stretch,. but his long arms helped.

Picking it up, he saw it was an expensive, intricate little box.

George said, "This looks like a gift. Who was this for?" He had noticed it earlier but hadn't had the chance to ask, so he casually arbad about it na 3/4 Chapter 196 She's Interested in Him

"I gave Principal Burton a green diamond bracelet. This is the leftover scrap," Isabelle explained, the item glancing at "you a don't mind, you can take it hand see if your mother likes it." She wasn't keen on dealing with it herself. Opening the box, George found a pair of green diamond earrings inside.

He smiled and said, "This will be my mother's favourite gift." A knock at the door woke Bernice, who had already gone to bed. She cout, wrapped in a coat, to see her youngest son.

Puzzled, she asked, "Just got home? Weren't you at Principal Burton's birthday party? Or did you work late at the company again?" George replied, "No, I was out with Ms. Jenkins." Bernice's eyes lit up upon hearing that.

When George presented the earrings, Bernice was both delighted and uneasy. She said, "Your father and I haven't properly thanked her yet, and now we're accepting another gift. It's not right." George reassured her, "It's fine." That night, George went to bed in a good mood, while others like Danny, James, Logan, and Dakota lay awake because of Isabelle.