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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

Chapter Six.

Nelly’s POV.

The car came to an abrupt stop, and I lurched forward, nearly hitting my head on the seat in front of

me. Aisha woke with a start, her eyes bleary as she rubbed them with the heel of her hand.

“Get out,” a harsh voice ordered from the front of the car. I knew it was Alpha Kex, and I felt a surge of


“He couldn’t open the door for us, like a gentleman would have?” I whispered to Aisha.

“We are talking about Alpha Kex here,” Aisha whispered back, and I rolled my eyes. Yes, I knew

exactly who we were talking about.

There was a loud rap at the window, making me jump in my seat. I rolled the window. down and came

face-to-face with Alpha Kex, who looked extremely irritated.

“Do you need a special request before you step out?” he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

I flinched, my heart racing in my chest. I felt like I was in trouble, even though I hadn’t. done anything


Aisha spoke up, her voice steady. “We are so sorry, Alpha,” she said, her eyes downcast. “Please

forgive us.”

With a low hiss, Alpha Kex turned and began to walk away. I quickly opened the door, Aisha and I

followed behind him, my heart still racing from his display of anger.

I adjusted my gown, tugging at the fabric, trying to get it to fall just right. I glanced at Aisha, and I could

see the same nervous energy reflected in her eyes. We walked in silence, our footsteps falling in

unison behind Alpha Kex. I could feel the tension in the air, thick and heavy, as we made our way

towards the pack house.

Suddenly, a shrill scream broke the silence, sending a chill down my spine. I turned to see a woman

running towards us, her expression elated. She was petite, with blonde hair and brown eyes. She was

dressed in a simple gown, her feet bare as she ran across the grass.

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She stopped in front of Alpha Kex, a wide smile on her face. “Oh, Kex!” she said, her

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Chapter 6

voice breathless from running. She pulled him into a hug.

They broke apart from the embrace, and the woman pressed a quick kiss to Alpha Kex’s forehead. I

turned away, my stomach churning with disgust. Couldn’t they have saved. this display of affection for

when they were alone?

“Oh, I have missed you so much!” the woman gushed, a dreamy look on her face. I resisted the urge to


The woman reached out and wrapped her hands around Alpha Kex’s waist, gazing up at him adoringly.

He gently brushed a few strands of hair from her face, his expression unreadable.

“Emily,” he said, his voice tinged with exasperation. “How are you doing?”

“This pack is different without you here,” she said, sounding almost triumphant.

“So I have heard,” Kex replied, the ghost of a smirk on his lips.

Emily’s smile faltered for a moment. She leaned forward, as if to kiss him, but Kex pulled back, his

expression cool and detached.

I cleared my throat, the sound loud and jarring in the silence. I turned to face them. Instantly, the pair

broke apart, Emily’s face flushed with annoyance.

Emily’s eyes fixed on me, her gaze icy and calculating. She looked at me as if I was a thrash. I looked

away, feeling her gaze like a dagger piercing my skin.

Aisha met my eyes, a smirk on her face. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Aisha had always been one to

dislike being bested. I could tell she was pleased to see Emily’s discomfort.

“Who are they?” she repeated, turning her gaze back to Alpha Kex.

“You don’t need to know,” he said, his voice firm. “They are not worth your time.” He reached out and

gently caressed her cheek, and I watched as she blushed.

I rolled my eyes. “Ugh,” I thought to myself. It was all I could do to not gag. I was caught in this strange

triangle of drama, and I wanted nothing more than to escape.

I let out a deep sigh as Alpha Kex continued on his way, and I followed, my feet heavy with reluctance.

His arm was now wrapped around Emily’s waist, and they walked side. by side, their heads bent


As we entered the mansion, I tried to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over me. I needed

to focus, to not let my emotions cloud my judgment. But it was

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Chapter 6

easier said than done.

When we reached the third floor, Alpha Kex stopped at a door and pushed it open. My eyes widened in

surprise as I took in the room. It was nothing like my room at the pack.

The bed was enormous, and the dressing table was adorned with every type of makeup. and perfume

imaginable. The window was large, the view stretching out over the

in the distance. Everything was pink and white, my favorite colors.


“Get a grip,” my subconscious whispered in my mind.

“This is your room.” I heard Alpha Kex say, his voice cutting through my thoughts.

“Mine?” I asked, confused. “What about my friend?” I glanced around the room again, my eyes taking

in the luxurious furnishings, the soft fabrics and the opulent decor.

“No,” Alpha Kex said, his voice stern. “This room is for you alone. You don’t share it with anyone.” I felt

a lump in my throat.

“Why?” I asked, my voice trembling.

Alpha Kex’s expression was unreadable. “You know what I told you about having a sharp mouth,” he

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said, his voice low and dangerous.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whispered, my throat tight with fear. “I’m sorry.”

“Good, I made the decision in this pack and no one dared to question me,” he said in a stern voice. And

I nodded, afraid my voice might betray me.

Alpha Kex turned away from me with Emily, his eyes landing on Aisha. I watched as he gestured for

her to follow him, and she nodded, her head bowed. She looked so small and scared, and I felt a pang

of sympathy for her.

But then she turned and left, walking beside Alpha Kex as if nothing had happened. I watched them go,

feeling helpless and confused, so I decided to close the door.

His hand shot out, holding the door open just as I was about to close it. “Wait for me,” he said, his voice

low and commanding. “I will be back tonight.”

I shivered, his words sending a chill down my spine. I nodded, knowing I had no choice. As the door

closed behind him, I was left with a sense of unease. I wasn’t sure what to expect from him, but I knew

that I would have to be on my guard.

I don’t know how long I had been sitting at the door, lost in my thoughts, when the loud


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Chapter 6

Startled me from my reverie. It couldn’t be Aisha: she would have called my name. Who was it, then? A

cold dread began to creep over me. My mind raced through. the possibilities.

“I know you are in there!” the voice on the other side of the door roared. I recognized the voice

immediately it was Emily.


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