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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chapter 214
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Chapter 214

Neil’s eyes suddenly dulled, but his hand was still tightly gripping mine

I wriggled out of his grasp, hopped in the car, and took off for the hospital.

The thought of my mom in trouble was unbearable I panicked; my mind was in chaps. I hadn’t driven

far when I crashed the car into a flower bed.

Luckily, I wasn’t going fast. My head hit the steering wheel, but I wasn’t hurt

Trene, can you stop giving me the cold shoulder?” Neil rushed over, opened the car door, and pulled

me out. He checked me for injuries and breathed a sigh of relief

Then I was bundled into his car, and we sped off to the hospital

The ride was a blur. As far as I knew, my parents were in good health until my mom started having

heart problems a few years ago. As an only child, I never dared to imagine life without them.

If I hadn’t gone to see Neil last night, Kate wouldn’t have caused a scene, Scarlett wouldn’t have spilled

the beans, and my mom wouldn’t have had a heart attack from the shock

This mess was all my fault!

“Neil, why did you screw me over?’ I turned and stared blankly at Neil.

“I didn’t screw you over, and I never will.” Neil gripped the steering wheel tighter.

I forced a smile. Wasnt two years away from you enough? Stella and the others used to say you were

bad news. I didn’t believe it then, but I do now All my trouble started with you”

Neil kept quiet, a storm brewing in his face.

“If I hadnt gone to see you last night, none of this would’ve happened. I was a fool to ask for your help

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“I laughed bitterly, feeling desolate

Being reborn gave me another chance, but it didn’t change the tragic events. The twists and turns of

fate were beyond my comprehension.

Miscarriage, divorce, harassment, company troubles, my mom’s accident-it seemed like bad luck was

my shadow

Whether Neil loved me or not, it was all the same-bad news.

I’ve sent someone to talk to SamntlyBio Corporation. They won’t switch to StarGlow Enterprises, they’ll

continue working with your company,” Neil stated about what he had done for me

“You should’ve fallen for Bonnie, married her, had kids, and lived happily ever after. Why did things turn

out this way? I can’t make sense of it.” I was a bit lost.

-My mom’s accident had seriously rattled me

The car sped up. Neil’s voice was faint, “I could never be with her,”

“Haha.” I just laughed. They were almost engaged, yet he could say something like that.

We caught up with the ambulance and finally stopped at the hospital. I immediately unbuckled and

rushed into the hospital behind my mom.

My mom was rushed into the ER. My dad and I were left waiting outside.

The hospital was deserted at night. My dad and I sat on a long bench in the hallway. The light made my

dad’s face look pale.

Not far away, Neil stood still, watching us.

My dad saw Neil He stormed over to him.

“You despicable bastard” My dad grabbed Neil by the collar and yelled, “You’ve ruined our family!”

Neil was taller and younger than my dad. He could’ve easily resisted, but he just took the slap my dad

gave him.

I watched them coldly, expressionless.

A nurse came over to break up the fight.

After they were separated, my dad pointed at Neil and continued scolding, “Hasn’t my daughter

suffered enough for you? You’re divorced; why are you still pestering her? Are you trying to ruin her


“I never had that Intention” Neil looked at me, his eyes filled with sadness and helplessness

I looked away, avoiding his gaze

If that’s the case, then swear you’ll never see Rena again! my dad demanded sternly.

“I can’t do that.” Neil’s answer was short and clear, “I regret divorcing her, so I’m trying to find a way to

win her back.”

I was stunned He was blatantly stating his intentions in front of my dad. Did he want to make my dad

even angrier?

Sure enough, my dad was furning. He was about to continue scolding Neil when the ER doors opened.

He immediately stopped and rushed over to ask about my mom’s condition.

The patient is in bad shape and might be unconscious for a while. We can’t say when she’ll regain

consciousness,” the doctor delivered the bad news. My dad almost collapsed.

As I was inert, I held my father up mechanically. I never imagined my mom’s condition would be this


Later, my mom was rolled out. Her eyes were closed, and she looked weak.

“Mom…” My voice trembled. I followed her into the ward and watched as the medical staff settled her


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My dad was holding my mom’s hand, his eyes welling up.

This was all my fault!

I left the room. Neil was still waiting outside. I didn’t know what he was waiting for

1 really didn’t know this would happen. Im sorry” Neil looked miserable as he apologized.

“Neil, there’s a lot you don’t know. Are you happy now? Look at what’s happened to my family! This is

payback for divorcing you! Are you satisfied?” I gave Neil a weak look.

Neil just looked at me silently.

I didn’t say anything: I just turned and left. I needed to go home and rest. I had to work the next day. My

abilities were still lacking, but now that my mom was sick, the responsibility of running the company fell

on me.

I hailed a taxi home. My mind was like a movie reel, replaying various scenes. The neon lights outside

the car window dazzled me.

Neil’s car followed. It seemed like he hardly went back to Sterling Estates now.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Russel.

“Where are you?”

“In a taxi. What’s up?” I only realized my voice was hoarse when I spoke.

“How did your mom suddenly have a heart attack? I thought she’s been managing it well, Russel

asked, “Why didn’t you tell me right away? Is Neil at the hospital?”

I closed my eyes, feeling utterly drained. “Russel, you must’ve heard the rumors about Neil and me by

now, right? Do you believe me?”

Russel was silent for a moment before he said, “Yeah, I believe you. If it’s coming from you, I believe


“Thanks” The weight on my heart lifted a bit. I didn’t expect him to still trust me, even now. Actually, I

was trying to use this opportunity to let Russel clearly see his feelings for me. Perhaps given the

current situation, we both needed some time to think things through.