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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 4093
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Jack raised an eyebrow as he looked at Carville strangely.

There were so many people there, but Carville pointed right at him. Even if he was positioned relatively toward the

front, it was not like he was alone there.

Looking at Carville's expression, the other party did not seem to recognize him either, so Jack was suddenly a bit


Jack had thought that he would be saved from a lot of trouble if he stood there quietly and said nothing. Yet, even

when he did nothing, someone had come to look for trouble. Even Lourain was surprised.

"Are you deaf? I'm asking you something! Do you hear me?! Is there something wrong with your head, or do you

want to challenge me?" Carville laughed as he said.

Jack scoffed.

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Just like everyone else, he did not like Carvile at all. That man thought that he could do whatever he wanted just

because he had a bit of skill.

In truth, he had not won that earlier battle so decisively at all.

Anders had only lost because he lacked experience and because he underestimated his opponent!

The others could not see that, but Jack had clearly seen it all. He had not wanted to bother with Carville at all, but

there was no way Jack would let Carville off if Carville wanted to cause him trouble.

Jack held his head high, "Even though I think there's something wrong with your head, I have to admit that your

brain still works alright. You guessed it right, I really am planning on challenging you based on the rules.”

There was another intention to Jack's words. He did not want to challenge Carville directly but only did so based on

the rules. After all, the warriors there were split into two types.

The recipients and the challengers. He was only able to challenge Carville as a challenger. Yet, in Jack's eyes,

fighting Carville was no challenge at all.

Carville did not expect the man to agree with him, but turns out the man actually wanted to challenge him!

He sure had some guts!

Either that, or he was just trying to bluff!

After all, a challenge needed both sides to be in the arena. The guy could say whatever he wanted as long as he did

not step into the arena then Carville would not be allowed to step down and confront the man. Other than the

arenas, the whole place was a restricted area!

Carville narrowed his eyes as he measured Jack.

He scoffed and said, "Brat! Didn't you see what happened to Anders? Do you think that you're stronger than


Jack shook his head, "You sure love to talk nonsense! You should use this time to recover. After a battle, you have

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two hours to rest. You can't just waste those two hours. Otherwise, it'll be too late to regret anything..."

Carville was stunned to hear that, and even wondered if he had misheard things.

What did that guy say?

That guy wanted him to hurry up and recover, lest he regretted it?

That guy was even more arrogant than Anders!

It was as if he was a warrior at the peak!

When the others heard Jack, everyone turned to look at Jack with inquisitive gazes. There were even quite a few

who thought that there was something wrong with Jack's head.

After they observed Jack, they assumed that Jack was in between the level of a regular warrior and an above-

average warrior.

Of course, that was just a preliminary evaluation.

If Jack was stronger than everyone and deliberately hid his skills, then they would have made a wrong judgment.