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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 4033
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After seeing that, there was an eruption of discussions from below.

"This guy's not bad! He's already at the level of an above average warrior. No wonder he was willing to rush onto

the Path of Fate!"

"It was just the first exchange. Lionel hasn't shown his full strength. That guy is going to lose eventually!"

Lionel had a furious expression. "Brat, don't be pleased with yourself just yet! This is just the beginning!"

Right after he said that, five chains of lightning rushed at Jack. Those five chains were aimed right at Jack's head

and limbs.

Lionel was trying to finish him in one blow!

Jack raised an eyebrow, and the laws of space circulated under his feet. The Path of Fate was filled with the laws of

nature. Trying to use the laws of space to shift to another location was not very realistic, and he understood that.

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Jack was not using the laws of space to teleport but to avoid his opponent's attack as quickly as possible. Even if he

could not break through space, he could at least distort it.

Jack turned to the side and avoided the chains of lightning that were targeting his head and his right arm with

incredible speed.

As he avoided it, he slashed his sword down, launching a wave of energy that suddenly struck Lionel.

Then everyone heard a crack, and those chains around Lionel were sliced apart.

After those chains were broken, the slash did not stop and continued to pierce into Lionel's right arm.

Lionel felt an intense pain coming from his right arm that spread throughout his body. The soul attribute seemed to

climb up his whole body.

Lionel let out a cry of agony due to the pain. He suddenly lost control of the lightning chains around him as they

dispersed into pure energy.

Without any protection, the laws of nature around him started to crash violently into Lionel's body. Each wave of

energy felt like a ton of force slamming right into Lionel's body.

The sounds of his bones snapping were constantly heard. On top of that, he felt the pain of his soul being ripped


Lionel could no longer hold on as he collapsed to the ground. Blood was constantly being spat out of his mouth! He

looked like he was in a horrible state!

Jack raised an eyebrow as he kicked Lionel off the Path of Fate, keeping Lionel alive. Otherwise, the laws of nature

would have killed him in a short time.

Letting Lionel die like that would be too kind to him. Just like how Lionel had attacked Lourain earlier, there was no

way Jack would let Lionel off easy!

That scene was clearly seen by everyone there.

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Quite a few people were stunned in place!

What technique was that?

They were so close, and the lightning chains were so fast, but Jack had avoided it so easily. He had even

counterattacked as he did so.

That guy was way too hard to deal with!

"Lionel lost, but he didn't lose because he was less skilled, but because that man had such a strange technique.

When he avoided Lionel's attack just now, it was not just his body that was moving, but even the space around him!

Lionel probably never expected him to be able to avoid the attack at such a close distance! If Lionel knew, there's

no way he would have lost so badly!"

Everyone nodded in agreement at that person's words. Even though Lionel lost, everyone felt that it could not

prove that Jack was stronger than him.

It only proved that Jack had a strange technique that caught him off guard.

At that moment, Lionel was in so much pain that he had lost his mind. He constantly writhed on the ground like an


That prideful look he had earlier was completely gone from his face.