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Night of Destiny (Anastasia Tillman)

Chapter 2767
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“Let's go.

I'll make sure they are held accountable for this,” Ezekiel's handsface had turned serious.

Mindy had been expecting Harmony to be embarrassed, but to her surprise, before Harmony could reveal anything, a man’s suit

jacket was draped over her.

Annoyed, she asked, “Who is that man? Why did he go on stage?” “He seems to be Miss Mayo's boyfriend!” said the employee.

Mindy scoffed.

“This is our company’s event.

How can outsiders interfere? Where is Harmony?” “In the lounge, | think.” At that moment, Harmony had indeed entered the rest


When Ezekiel looked down and saw her outfit, he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

“Who made you dress like this?” “The brand, of course,” Sera huffed.

“| seriously can’t understand why they would want Harmony to wear such revealing clothes.” “That employee deliberately

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unfastened my shawl just now.

| think they simply want to embarrassin front of the media.” Harmony was also furious.

Ezekiel clenched his fist.

“1 will make them pay.” “I'll go change my clothes, and then we can leave!” Harmony said, and just as she was changing, Mindy

cin, snapping, “Where is Harmony Mayo? Why isn’t she on stage?” Ezekiel, who was facing the dressing room and had his

back to Mindy, turned around.

He looked at this Ads by Pubfuture arrogant and rude woman and said gravely, “Are you the one who forced my girlfriend to wear

that dress?” Mindy was startled.

Ezekiel's gaze was piercing.

“Well... we also need it for brand promotion,” Mindy stammered.

“You'd better prepare your lawyers.

| will sue your company into bankruptcy.” Ezekiel’s tone was filled with hostility.

It seemed that he would follow through with his words.

Mindy turned pale with fright.

She looked at Sera for help, but Sera ignored her.

Mindy quickly apologized, “I'm sorry, | apologize to Miss Mayo, | was too negligent.” “Miss Sharp, it’s too late to apologize,” Sera

reminded her.

“You'd better prepare your lawyers! Mr. Weiss always follows through with his words.” Mindy was so scared that her mind went

blank for a few seconds, and the desire to win had long disappeared.

After Ezekiel left with Harmony, Mindy hurriedly grabbed Sera, “Sera, | am so sorry.

| didn’t mean to make things difficult for your artist.

It was a misunderstanding, really.

The media didn’t capture anything anyway.

Can we just let this go?” Sera sneered, “Misunderstanding? If my artist hadn't turned around in time, and her outfit was captured,

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do you know what kind of harm she would face? Mindy, how can you still be manipulated by others in your position? Maybe you

didn’t mean to target my artist, but you were used by others.

You'll Ads by Pubfuture have to face the consequences!” “Sera, please givea way out.

I'm really, really sorry.” Mindy’s eyes were red with desperation.

She felt deeply regretful at this moment.

“This is not something | can decide anymore.

It's all up to Mr. Weiss.

He will follow through with his words.” Sera pushed Mindy’s hand away and left.

Mindy finally understood that she had been manipulated by Catalina.

While Catalina was just a phone call away, Mindy had risked her entire career.

Mindy swayed as her mind went blank for a moment when an employee ran over and asked her, “Miss Sharp, will Miss Mayo come

back on stage?” But Mindy didn’t answer because she was completely lost.

All she wanted to do now was to beg Harmony for forgiveness, to ask her to resolve this matter, and not to take away her job.