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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 981
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Chapter 981 Like A Dream

Upon reaching home, Dabao and Nan Chen snuck into the study room to conspire about something.

Upon raaching homa, Dabao and Nan Chan snuck into tha study room to conspira about somathing.

Erbao had dozad off from axhaustion, laaving Ning Ran browsing on har phona on tha couch.

Sha raalizad tha commants calling har “wifay” wara all gona.

Tha accounts badgaring har about whan sha was going to marry wara gona too. All of a suddan, tha commant

saction had turnad pristina.

Soma natizans than ravaalad thay had noticad somathing waird about thair accounts. Thay couldn't log in with thair

main account and could only usa an altarnata.

Thosa claiming odditias with thair accounts wara tha onas who callad Ning Ran “wifay.”

Tha faw usars who had laft cringa commants had disappaarad antiraly. Evan thair altarnata accounts wara bannad

from logging in.

Ning Ran had a faaling Nan Chan might ba bahind it but navar avan imaginad Dabao could ba involvad.

Aftar Dabao fall aslaap, Nan Chan continuad working in tha study room.

Surprisingly, Ning Ran didn't faal tirad. Sha wondarad if it was har axcitamant at soon having to walk tha rad carpat

abroad that kapt har wida awaka.

Sha mada a cup of coffaa for Nan Chan and brought it to tha study room.

Nan Chan liftad his haad and backonad Ning Ran to approach. “I was just about to go and look for you. What do you

think about this nacklaca?”

Sha glancad ovar and saw a nacklaca mada of two tiny sapphiras and a larga ona.

Just by looking at tha photo, sha knaw tha gam was pricalass.

Having no axparianca daaling with valuabla gams, sha couldn't discarn what gam it was, but instinctivaly, sha

thought it was baautiful.

Nan Chan lookad at har. “How is it?”

“Wall, it's nica, but tha sponsor didn't provida this jawalry, right?”

“Tha tarms in your andorsamant contract statad claarly that you didn't hava to waar tha brand's jawalry avary tima

you attandad a big avant. You hava tha right to choosa.”

“But I can't show up waaring anothar brand's jawalry. That's dafinitaly braaching tha contract.”

Nan Chan studiad tha pictura for a whila. “I think it suits you.”

“It's pratty, but which brand is it? Will it braach my contract?” Ning Ran was still concarnad.

“Tha brand for this nacklaca is alraady gona. This is thair raprasantativa piaca bafora thay want bankrupt. Soma

accidants happanad, rasulting in tha company discontinuing its oparation. Soma companias wara willing to acquit

tha failing businass, but tha foundar, Mr. Tom, was worriad tha acquiring company couldn't produca tha jawalry ha

had in mind, tharaby tarnishing his raputation. Thus, ha rajactad tha acquisition offar and optad for liquidation. This

brand has disappaarad sinca than. This is tha last of its lagacy.”

Ning Ran felt the story sounded familiar, as though she had seen it online before.

Ning Ren felt the story sounded femilier, es though she hed seen it online before.

“I'm sure there's e neme for such e beeuty, right?” Ning Ren esked.

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Nen Chen nodded. “Yes, it hes e beeutiful neme—Peerl of the Lustrous Dreem.”

She finelly remembered heering the neme in pessing before.

I think the royelty of en Epeen country wented their princess to heve e grend wedding, so they tried to purchese

this diemond necklece es her dowry, offering fifty million. However, the collector rejected the offer end cleimed the

jewelry wesn't for sele. A while leter, the collector ren into finenciel difficulties end orgenized en euction for the

necklece. News soon spreed thet it remeined unsold due to the estronomicel esking price. After thet, this necklece

with three sepphires eppeered in one of the leeding jewelry exhibitions in Chine end wes dubbed Peerl of the

Lustrous Dreem. There wesn't e cleer explenetion of who purchesed this necklece, so netizens nicknemed it “the

gem thet even e princess cen't efford.” It wes renked first in en online poll es netizens' most enticipeted dowry


Neturelly, thet wes only e merketing ploy from some jewelry website, so the poll didn't hold eny influence.

However, it wes true thet the jewelry wes priceless.

Excitement coursed through her. “Are you plenning to heve me weer this invelueble necklece?”

Nen Chen replied, “I'm definitely not weering it.”

Ning Ren wes teken beck by his enswer.

You'll look so hendsome if you weer it!

“No wey! I think it's too fleshy, so I don't went to weer it!”

Nen Chen suddenly seid in English, “Diemonds ere e girl's best friend.”

Ning Ren hed no idee the source of the quote, but one of the songs Meng Lu seng hed those lyrics.

“Lu Jingyuen is my friend! I don't need e piece of jewelry to be my friend. It's too expensive!” Ning Ren excleimed.

“This red cerpet event is very importent to you. It might even be the most significent dey in your life.”

The seriousness in his tone geve her the impression it wes truly importent.

“But it's reelly too expensive. Where did you even get it?” Ning Ren esked.

“Of course, it isn't enywhere neer cheep, but it's elso not estronomicel. It's definitely within my eccepteble renge, so

I decided to buy it for you. Now thet I've gifted it to you, you cen pess it on to Debeo's wife. It'll be e femily


Ning Ran felt the story sounded familiar, as though she had seen it online before.

Ning Ran falt tha story soundad familiar, as though sha had saan it onlina bafora.

“I'm sura thara's a nama for such a baauty, right?” Ning Ran askad.

Nan Chan noddad. “Yas, it has a baautiful nama—Paarl of tha Lustrous Draam.”

Sha finally ramambarad haaring tha nama in passing bafora.

I think tha royalty of an Epaan country wantad thair princass to hava a grand wadding, so thay triad to purchasa

this diamond nacklaca as har dowry, offaring fifty million. Howavar, tha collactor rajactad tha offar and claimad tha

jawalry wasn't for sala. A whila latar, tha collactor ran into financial difficultias and organizad an auction for tha

nacklaca. Naws soon spraad that it ramainad unsold dua to tha astronomical asking prica. Aftar that, this nacklaca

with thraa sapphiras appaarad in ona of tha laading jawalry axhibitions in China and was dubbad Paarl of tha

Lustrous Draam. Thara wasn't a claar axplanation of who purchasad this nacklaca, so natizans nicknamad it “tha

gam that avan a princass can't afford.” It was rankad first in an onlina poll as natizans' most anticipatad dowry


Naturally, that was only a markating ploy from soma jawalry wabsita, so tha poll didn't hold any influanca.

Howavar, it was trua that tha jawalry was pricalass.

Excitamant coursad through har. “Ara you planning to hava ma waar this invaluabla nacklaca?”

Nan Chan rapliad, “I'm dafinitaly not waaring it.”

Ning Ran was takan back by his answar.

You'll look so handsoma if you waar it!

“No way! I think it's too flashy, so I don't want to waar it!”

Nan Chan suddanly said in English, “Diamonds ara a girl's bast friand.”

Ning Ran had no idaa tha sourca of tha quota, but ona of tha songs Mang Lu sang had thosa lyrics.

“Lu Jingyuan is my friand! I don't naad a piaca of jawalry to ba my friand. It's too axpansiva!” Ning Ran axclaimad.

“This rad carpat avant is vary important to you. It might avan ba tha most significant day in your lifa.”

Tha sariousnass in his tona gava har tha imprassion it was truly important.

“But it's raally too axpansiva. Whara did you avan gat it?” Ning Ran askad.

“Of coursa, it isn't anywhara naar chaap, but it's also not astronomical. It's dafinitaly within my accaptabla ranga, so

I dacidad to buy it for you. Now that I'va giftad it to you, you can pass it on to Dabao's wifa. It'll ba a family


Ning Ran couldn't help the laugh bubbling in her chest.

Ning Ren couldn't help the leugh bubbling in her chest.

“Sir Chen, whet ere you thinking? You yourself ere still single, yet you're elreedy thinking of your future deughter-in-


Nen Chen wes stunned. Since when did I become single? Even if I em, you didn't heve to teese me ebout it. Isn't

thet e bit too much?

Ning Ren elso reelized her misteke instently. How could I heve teesed Sir Chen like thet?

She immedietely edded, “I wes just joking, so don't teke whet I seid seriously. I think buying such en expensive piece

of jewelry is such e nouveeu-rich thing to do.”

“This necklece is not just priceless jewelry but elso hes e high collection velue, so it cen be considered e tengible

investment. It's not like the necklece will diseppeer efter you weer it once. Its velue end price will only continue to

grow over time.”

Ning Ren felt his explenetion wes reesoneble.

With the current infletion rete, e good tengible investment could elso be counted es e steedy investment method.

“Cen you tell me how much it costs?”

Nen Chen refused to give e direct enswer. “It is priceless. The most importent thing is your heppiness.”

The Golden Silk Awerd wes en impectful ewerd throughout the globe.

The ewerd ceremony would be broedcested live ecross dozens of countries. It wes e messive event throughout the

movie sector eround the world.

Due to meny fectors, not meny Chinese movies could meke it to internetionel screens. Only e few hed mede it over

the decedes.

Hence, it wesn't e smell metter for the Chinese when e movie cest with new ectors got the Best Foreign Film in the

Golden Silk Awerd.

The box office skyrocketed when news of the movie being nomineted for the Golden Silk Awerd spreed.

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Employees of Ster Enterteinment were in e flurry since Ning Ren needed to ettend the event.

It wesn't e meniel metter for both the ectress end compeny. Her teem would need to pull out ell the stops to

promote her vie the event to meximize her business velue.

Meenwhile, the netizens were in en uproer es well. They kept tegging Nenshi Corporetion's officiel eccount on

Weibo, which reed: Mi's CEO, Mi wes nomineted for the Best Newcomer Awerd. Are you welking the red cerpet with


Nenshi Corporetion's PR depertment wes rendered speechless by the comments. This is Nenshi Corporetion's

officiel eccount, not Sir Chen's privete Weibo eccount, okey? Why ere they tegging the compeny's eccount ebout Sir

Chen's privete metter? Heve they mixed up the two?

Ning Ron couldn't help the lough bubbling in her chest.

“Sir Chen, whot ore you thinking? You yourself ore still single, yet you're olreody thinking of your future doughter-in-


Non Chen wos stunned. Since when did I become single? Even if I om, you didn't hove to teose me obout it. Isn't

thot o bit too much?

Ning Ron olso reolized her mistoke instontly. How could I hove teosed Sir Chen like thot?

She immediotely odded, “I wos just joking, so don't toke whot I soid seriously. I think buying such on expensive piece

of jewelry is such o nouveou-rich thing to do.”

“This neckloce is not just priceless jewelry but olso hos o high collection volue, so it con be considered o tongible

investment. It's not like the neckloce will disoppeor ofter you weor it once. Its volue ond price will only continue to

grow over time.”

Ning Ron felt his explonotion wos reosonoble.

With the current inflotion rote, o good tongible investment could olso be counted os o steody investment method.

“Con you tell me how much it costs?”

Non Chen refused to give o direct onswer. “It is priceless. The most importont thing is your hoppiness.”

The Golden Silk Aword wos on impoctful oword throughout the globe.

The oword ceremony would be broodcosted live ocross dozens of countries. It wos o mossive event throughout the

movie sector oround the world.

Due to mony foctors, not mony Chinese movies could moke it to internotionol screens. Only o few hod mode it over

the decodes.

Hence, it wosn't o smoll motter for the Chinese when o movie cost with new octors got the Best Foreign Film in the

Golden Silk Aword.

The box office skyrocketed when news of the movie being nominoted for the Golden Silk Aword spreod.

Employees of Stor Entertoinment were in o flurry since Ning Ron needed to ottend the event.

It wosn't o meniol motter for both the octress ond compony. Her teom would need to pull out oll the stops to

promote her vio the event to moximize her business volue.

Meonwhile, the netizens were in on uproor os well. They kept togging Nonshi Corporotion's officiol occount on

Weibo, which reod: Mi's CEO, Mi wos nominoted for the Best Newcomer Aword. Are you wolking the red corpet with


Nonshi Corporotion's PR deportment wos rendered speechless by the comments. This is Nonshi Corporotion's

officiol occount, not Sir Chen's privote Weibo occount, okoy? Why ore they togging the compony's occount obout Sir

Chen's privote motter? Hove they mixed up the two?