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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1014
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Chapter 1013 Trick

Nen Xing rushed over immedietely efter being summoned by Lu Jingyuen.

He hed plenned to pley bell with some friends efter Lu Tience left with the two kids, but before he hed the chence

to even chenge his clothes, Lu Jingyuen hed celled him over.

Ning Ren wes ennoyed to see Nen Xing show up so quickly. He hed never before reected so promptly when it wes

her celling him. And he still insists thet he doesn't heve eny feelings for Jingyuen?

“Ren end I ere going to the movies. Cen you wetch the kids?” Lu Jingyuen seid cesuelly.

“Sure, which cineme?” Nen Xing enswered heppily, thinking thet Lu Jingyuen wes inviting him on e movie dete

together with the four kids.

“Don't worry ebout the cineme. Ren end I will get there ourselves. You just heve to teke ewey the kids,” Lu Jingyuen


“Huh?” Nen Xing wes teken ebeck. “You're not bringing me with you?”

“No, Ren end I went to wetch e movie together, just us. It's too much fuss to bring the kids, so I'm esking you to

wetch them,” Lu Jingyuen seid.

Nen Xing wes immedietely filled with regret. If I'd known thet they were going to wetch e movie without me, I

wouldn't heve come! I cen berely menege two kids, end now, there're four of them! Cen I survive with four children

long enough for them to finish the movie?

“Isn't four children e bit too much for me to hendle on my own?” Nen Xing esked doubtfully.

“The kids ere well-beheved end don't need much of your ettention, so whet's the problem? Anywey, thet's settled.

We're going now!” Lu Jingyuen seid decisively before leeving erm-in-erm with Ning Ren.

Nen Xing turned to look et the four children who hed been left behind by their own mothers. Four peirs of big, bleck

eyes stered beck et him.

“You shouldn't heve come,” Lu Yunbing commented unsympetheticelly.

“Huh? Whet do you meen? Why're you elweys picking on me, huh?” Nen Xing excleimed, eggrieved.

Lu Yunbing snorted, not bothering to reply.

She hed e personelity similer to Nen Chen's. Both were clever end looked down on those who were not. They would

only sey things once end would not bother to explein if the listener did not understend.

It wes es if they thought of themselves es being better then everyone else.

“Whet Yunbing meens is thet if you hed not come, Mommy would heve no choice but to teke us to the movies with

her,” Debeo expleined. “But now thet you're here, we've become burdens to be dumped on you. You'll suffer, but so

will we. After ell, we don't reelly enjoy henging out with you. It's not fun.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Nen Xing wes dumfounded. Is it reelly so wrong for me to come here? Why is this my feult?

“He's right!” Yunbing seid, setisfied with Debeo's explenetion.

Nan Xing rushed over immediately after being summoned by Lu Jingyuan.

He had planned to play ball with some friends after Lu Tiance left with the two kids, but before he had the chance

to even change his clothes, Lu Jingyuan had called him over.

Ning Ran was annoyed to see Nan Xing show up so quickly. He had never before reacted so promptly when it was

her calling him. And he still insists that he doesn't have any feelings for Jingyuan?

“Ran and I are going to the movies. Can you watch the kids?” Lu Jingyuan said casually.

“Sure, which cinema?” Nan Xing answered happily, thinking that Lu Jingyuan was inviting him on a movie date

together with the four kids.

“Don't worry about the cinema. Ran and I will get there ourselves. You just have to take away the kids,” Lu Jingyuan


“Huh?” Nan Xing was taken aback. “You're not bringing me with you?”

“No, Ran and I want to watch a movie together, just us. It's too much fuss to bring the kids, so I'm asking you to

watch them,” Lu Jingyuan said.

Nan Xing was immediately filled with regret. If I'd known that they were going to watch a movie without me, I

wouldn't have come! I can barely manage two kids, and now, there're four of them! Can I survive with four children

long enough for them to finish the movie?

“Isn't four children a bit too much for me to handle on my own?” Nan Xing asked doubtfully.

“The kids are well-behaved and don't need much of your attention, so what's the problem? Anyway, that's settled.

We're going now!” Lu Jingyuan said decisively before leaving arm-in-arm with Ning Ran.

Nan Xing turned to look at the four children who had been left behind by their own mothers. Four pairs of big, black

eyes stared back at him.

“You shouldn't have come,” Lu Yunbing commented unsympathetically.

“Huh? What do you mean? Why're you always picking on me, huh?” Nan Xing exclaimed, aggrieved.

Lu Yunbing snorted, not bothering to reply.

She had a personality similar to Nan Chen's. Both were clever and looked down on those who were not. They would

only say things once and would not bother to explain if the listener did not understand.

It was as if they thought of themselves as being better than everyone else.

“What Yunbing means is that if you had not come, Mommy would have no choice but to take us to the movies with

her,” Dabao explained. “But now that you're here, we've become burdens to be dumped on you. You'll suffer, but so

will we. After all, we don't really enjoy hanging out with you. It's not fun.”

Nan Xing was dumfounded. Is it really so wrong for me to come here? Why is this my fault?

“He's right!” Yunbing said, satisfied with Dabao's explanation.

Nan Xing felt hurt.

It was one thing to be bullied by adults, but now, he had to deal with being picked on by children.

However, even if the kids did not want him around, he still had to watch over them.

Ah, it's my own fault, but where should I take them?

Since he was in charge of four children, he would have to take them to a place with a lot of space. Otherwise, the

kids would go stir-crazy from being cooped up.

Commoner Residence was big enough, but it would be too noisy for the two elderly ones if he brought them there.

Besides, it would be difficult to explain to Nan Zhengde why he was spending his time playing with four children as a

grown adult with responsibilities.

Ah, forget it. The best place is still Raining Pavilion! It's big and safe enough for the kids! Besides, the housekeeper

is there, and she can help watch the children. If my brother gets off work early, I can just slip away and leave the

kids with him!

After making up his mind, Nan Xing set off with the four children in tow.

Dabao and Lu Yunbing kept quiet throughout the journey. However, Erbao and Lu Yunxue chattered away endlessly.

The two kids discussed everything from the flavors of ice cream to the crispiness of fried chicken.

Nan Xing had not eaten anything for dinner that day, and his stomach was beginning to grumble.

When they arrived at Raining Pavilion, Nan Xing found the housekeeper was absent.

It seemed she had taken the day off, crashing Nan Xing's fantasy of having her take over babysitting duties.

No matter how clever the children were, they were still children and needed to be watched by an adult.

Lu Yunbing and Dabao were reading quietly, but Lu Yunxue and Erbao were running around the place and causing a


Finally, Lu Yunbing and Dabao could no longer concentrate on their reading and abandoned their books to join their

siblings' noisy game.

With all four children deciding to play together, the world descended into chaos.

Incidents happened every other minute. Either they had spilled a water cup on the floor, or they were fighting over

the iPad. All of these incidents led to disputes that seemed trivial but still needed Nan Xing to sort them out.

After all, even when adults get together, there was bound to be friction. Naturally, it was impossible for four

children to play peacefully together without any conflict.

Petty fight after petty fight cropped up, leaving Nan Xing on the verge of a breakdown.

He called Lu Jingyuan in desperation, wanting to beg her to pick up her children before he dropped dead.

Lu Jingyuan was still in the cinema and did not pick up the phone call. She merely texted him back: Don't rush me.

Nan Xing felt hurt.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It was one thing to be bullied by adults, but now, he had to deal with being picked on by children.

Nan Xing was speechless. Don't rush you? I'm dying here!

He replied: What should I do if the children are getting too rowdy?

Lu Jingyuan texted back: It's normal for them to act so recklessly now that they're out of parental supervision. I'm

not surprised. Stop texting me! I'm watching a movie.

Nan Xing messaged her a few more times in distress, but she ignored him.

Desperate, he called Ning Ran, but she, too, ignored him.

Ah, Jingyuan probably told her to ignore me because I'm rushing them to come back!

Despair crashed over Nan Xing.

Then, he suddenly had the idea. If I want the kids to behave, then I should get them to do some work! But what can

I get them to do? It's not like they have any responsibilities. Wait! They do have responsibilities! Homework! They

must have homework since they go to school, right?

Nan Xing smirked and secretly congratulated himself for coming up with this brilliant idea.

He smacked the table to get the children's attention. “Kids, have you finished your homework? What are you guys

doing? Stop playing, and go get your homework!”

The four children exchanged looks. Is this all he can come up with?

“We've finished!” they chorused.

Nan Xing stared back at them, lost for words.

Did they really finish their homework already? All four of them?

He hesitated before saying, “Then, redo it!”

The four kids exchanged looks again. What kind of stupid suggestion is that? What's the point of redoing what's

already done?

“Uncle Xing, our homework is already done. Are you sure that's necessary?” Dabao asked with a frown.

He noticed that Nan Xing was becoming overwhelmed and decided to help the poor man out.

“There's nothing wrong with it, but you can't just keep playing all the time. It's time for learning now! This country is

only strong because of its youth! How do you expect to contribute to the country when you grow up if all you do is

play?” Nan Xing lectured the children, playing the role of the wise old man.

The children looked at each other, confused, but they knew that Nan Xing was being serious.

Nan Xing ran into Dabao's room and pulled out some worksheets. “Come, let's do these problems!”

“Uncle Xing, that's something I do for fun. It's not homework! We don't have that much homework!” Dabao said


Nan Xing took a closer look. The title read: World Junior Mathematics Olympiad Paper A.

Wow! This sounds really difficult!

After taking a closer look, Nan Xing realized that he himself had no idea how to solve any of those problems.