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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 288
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Chapter 288

Violet had been sitting in the living room for nearly two hours, her thoughts consumed. by

worry over Patrick’s injured hand!

She couldn’t bring herself to go upstairs, fearing that he might direct his frustration at his


Despite her reservations, her concern for Patrick continued to grow.

After two hours had passed, she quietly summoned the butler, instructing him to open

Patrick’s door and check on his condition.

The butler, knowing the severity of Patrick’s injury

any potential scolding.

bravely ascended the stairs, risking.

However, upon entering Patrick’s room, he was immediately taken aback.

Patrick’s face was flushed, his entire demeanor dazed, and when he touched Patrick’s

forehead, it was burning with fever.

Without wasting any time, the butler quickly went downstairs to find Violet.

Her initial reluctance to go upstairs had now turned into deep regret. Patrick’s fever was

likely a sign of an infection in his wound.

Violet instructed the butler to fetch the family doctor. She swiftly headed upstairs with a

towel soaked in alcohol to physically cool Patrick down.

By the time the doctor arrived, Patrick’s fever had lessened.

However, the situation remained grave.

The examination confirmed that the fever was a result of the wound’s inflammation.

The doctor re-bandaged Patrick’s wound and prescribed fever-reducing medication. He

advised Violet to wake Patrick and ensure he took the medication before sleeping.

Violet asked the butler to see the doctor off and prepared warm water. Her intention. was

to wake Patrick to administer the medicine.

However, Patrick proved difficult to rouse. After several attempts, he finally opened his

eyes, murmuring in confusion, “Am I delirious? Why is Violet in my room?”

Violet was momentarily lost for words. Did he think she was a hallucination?

She was about to instruct him to take the medicine.


12:31 Tue, 27 Feb F

Chapter 288

At that moment, Patrick muttered, “Violet was a heartless woman. Why would she care

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about me?”

Once he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, turned over, and simply treated Violet as if

she were invisible.

Violet was left speechless and thought his words did not make any sense.

If she were truly heartless, she wouldn’t have summoned the doctor.

With no other option. Violet gave Patrick’s arm a gentle push and said, “Patrick, don’t

sleep. Get up and take your medicine.”

Patrick’s reaction was akin to someone shooing away an irritating mosquito during. their

slumber. He made an uncomfortable swatting motion at Violet’s hand.

However, his injured hand was the one that he reached out with, causing him to wince. in

pain, instantly snapping him out of his stupor.

He couldn’t help but furrow his brow due to the pain and slowly opened his eyes. When he

saw Violet, he couldn’t hide his irritation, asking, “Why are you in my room?”

Violet didn’t want to take advantage of an injured person, and she said, “You have a fever.

I had the doctor come over to prescribe some medicine for you. Get up and take


Patrick, being unwell, lay in bed and stubbornly turned his head away from Violet,

declaring, “I won’t take it.”

Violet was somewhat helpless. “If you don’t take the medicine, you won’t be able to

reduce your fever,” she said.

Patrick’s mind was preoccupied with Skyler’s phone call and Gabriel’s message. He spoke

sternly, “It’s none of your business whether the fever subsides or not.”

Violet sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. “How about this? If you seriously don’t

want to take the medicine, I’ll call the doctor back, and he can give you an injection or an


Patrick suddenly looked at Violet and asked with a hint of anxiety in his eyes, “Who said I

want injections or IVs?”

Violet fixed her gaze on him and tried to sound patient, “If you don’t want injections or IVs,

then you must take the medicine.”

She couldn’t help but think that she was beginning to sound like a nagging mother,

pushing Patrick to take his medication and get injections. Her determination to make him

do it was almost as if she were his mother.

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Chapter 288

Patrick Hersey stared at Violet’s face, which showed a faint hint of worry, his expression

shifting uncertainly.

After a moment, he looked a bit conflicted and spoke in a deep voice, “Give me the


Having successfully convinced Patrick, Violet quickly handed over the medicine and a

glass of water.

Patrick looked at her with a cool expression and accepted the medicine with hist uninjured

hand, deliberately avoiding the water.

Violet raised an eyebrow. “You need to take the water too.”

Patrick’s forehead twitched slightly, and he gave her a glance as if she was a fool. “Do you

think I can hold a glass of water with this hand?”

Violet was momentarily surprised and quickly responded, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.

Take the medicine first, and I’ll hold the water for you.”

This was the first time Patrick had seen Violet being so considerate.

However, despite Patrick’s injury, he seemed usy. If it weren’t for the fact that he

had gotten hurt for her, she might have never paid this much attention to him.

Thoughts of this made Patrick’s face change with varying emotions.

Violet couldn’t help but speak up when she saw no reaction from Patrick. “Patrick, take

your medicine quickly!”

Patrick looked at her with a complex expression and asked, “Get some mints for me from

the bedside table below!”

Violet hesitated for a moment and couldn’t react quickly. “Take your medicine first, and

then I’ll help you with the mints.”

Patrick’s expression turned a bit unpleasant. “I asked you to get them, so just do it. Why

so much talk? I want you to be prepared in advance!”

Violet pursed her lips helplessly. She took a few mint candies from the bedside table and

held them in her palm, all for the sake of him, who was injured.

She looked at Patrick. “Can you take your medicine now?”

Patrick took a deep breath and requested, “Unwrap one of the candies for me and place. it

on the bedside table.”

Violet realized for the first time just how difficult Patrick could be.



Chapter 288

She silently unwrapped a candy, put it on the candy wrapper, and set it on the bedside

table. She looked at Patrick as if to say, “Can you take your medicine now?”

Patrick glanced at her, then lowered his head to inspect the pills in his palm, his brows

furrowing deeply.

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In a seemingly resigned manner, he abruptly swallowed the medicine, quickly sna tched a

glass of water from Violet, and took several gulps. Next, he reached for the mint candies

on the bedside table, shoving them into his mouth, seemingly finding relief at


Violet was left dumbfounded by this series of actions.

After a moment of silence, she whispered, “Patrick, are you perhaps afraid of bitterness?”

Patrick’s face turned a shade of gray. He ground his teeth as he warned, “Violet, what the

hell are you talking about?”

Violet couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at his flustered and annoyed expression. She turned

her head away, concealing her amusement, not daring to meet Patrick’s gaze.

However, her shoulders continued to shake involuntarily.

She had never seen Patrick take medicine before and hadn’t expected him to be so averse

to bitter taste.

This was genuinely surprising!

Even though the doctor had prescribed medication earlier without a sugar coating, it

didn’t seem like it should have been such a big deal.

Suppressing her laughter, Violet cast a discreet glance at Patrick.

Patrick’s tone was as if he wanted to take extreme measures. “Violet, if you dare to let this

slip, you’re in big trouble!”

Finally, Violet couldn’t contain her laughter. She looked at Patrick’s beautiful but ashen

face and couldn’t help but step back, her voice filled with amusement, “Don’t worry, I

absolutely won’t spill the beans!”

Patrick had a face that showed disbelief. His delicate features were twisted with irritation.

Violet gazed at Patrick, unable to conceal the smile in her eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was

because she secretly admired Patrick, but she couldn’t help but think that Patrick looked

rather adorable at that moment.


Chapter 288


The cold and domineering CEO, who typically exuded an air of authority, was afraid of the

bitterness of medicine. If his employees at the company ever found out, they’d be in for a


But, this was a secret she had no intention of sharing with



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