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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 322
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Chapter 322 Fanny Assisted

So this was the good friend that their daughter had been talking about, Fanny!

Cynthia and Alston looked at the little girl at the same time.

The little girl was wearing a light yellow dress today, which made her look very tender. Her little face

was round and bulging, her facial features were small and beautiful, and her eyes were round like a

deer in the forest. She was timid and extremely cute.

Cynthia looked at her with motherly love and touched her cute hair. “So you are Fanny. Hello, I am

Keller’s mother!”

Fanny raised her head and looked up at Cynthia, revealing a cute and lovable smile. She called out,

“Hello. My name is Fanny. Little Keller said that her mother is very beautiful. Looks like she really did

not lie.”

When Cynthia heard this, she immediately laughed. This little girl was quite good with words. She was

very sweet.

Not only did Cynthia like such a cute little girl, but Alston did too. He liked this little girl very much when

he saw her.

“Fanny, I am Keller and Desmond’s father. Come to our house to play when you have time.”

Fanny had just seen Alston in the classroom. His face had been cold. Although he was very handsome,

he was a bit scary. At this time, he looked very gentle. Fanny was not so afraid. She also smiled at

Alston, “Thank you. I will go and play with Keller and Desmond.”

Miya saw that they were in full swing and did not put her in their eyes at all. She said angrily, “Have you

forgotten that I am here? This little girl kicked me for no reason. It seems that she is also ill–bred. Mr.

and Mrs. Smith, I think you need to worry about who your children are hanging out with.”

Fanny could not understand a lot of words that Miya had said. But she knew that Miya was scolding

her, and her eyes suddenly turned red, like a small animal, and she grabbed Cynthia’s skirt pitifully.

Cynthia suddenly felt distressed. She held her in her arms and glared at Miya, “Shut up. As a teacher,

do you think you can actually mock and insult such a young child at will? You are not worthy of being a

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teacher. If any kindergarten dares to hire you, I think there is no need for this kindergarten to be


Such a teacher would definitely do things behind the parents‘ backs and abuse the children!

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding parents who were watching the show also began to


“How can this teacher be so evil? I feel distressed just looking at the little girl, and she even has the

heart to scold her!”

“She dares to do this in front of us, who knows what she will do in private!”

Miya listened to these discussions, and her eyes were panic–stricken. She had really been too angry

just now, so she had spoken without thinking. She had completely forgotten the Smith family’s

background and the group of parents around her and had directly said what she was thinking. What

should she do?

She panicked and wanted to find a solution.

Not only Miya but Teacher Merton was also frightened by Cynthia’s words. If it was because of Miya

that the kindergarten. could not be opened, what should they do?!

“Mrs. Smith!” Teacher Merton called Cynthia dryly. He wanted her not to attack the kindergarten, but

when he met her eyes, he could not say a word. Miya had been rude many times and had even

seduced her husband,

Cynthia knew what Teacher Merton wanted to say. She did not want to attack the kindergarten. The

teachers here were all very good, and she had a good impression of Teacher Merton. It was just Miya

that had caused the entire kindergarten to be in chaos.

“You don’t have to worry. I believe that your kindergarten will be able to handle this matter well and give

us parents an explanation. What do you think?”

After Cynthia said this, Teacher Merton knew what she meant. As long as they dismissed Miya,

Sunshine Kindergarten would not be affected.

He was very surprised by this result.

Miya relied on the deputy head of the kindergarten too much. She was not capable in all aspects and

had no patience for children. She flirted with many male parents of the students. This made all the

teachers in the kindergarten very disgusted. They had been afraid that she would become a time bomb

at any time. They did not expect that things would have really happened.

When Miya heard Cynthia’s words and looked at Teacher Merton’s relieved expression, she was

extremely angry. “Mrs. Smith, are you forcing me to quit the job? Isn’t this bullying?”

She looked at the surrounding parents and pointed at Alston and his wife. “You guys don’t know this,

right? This man is Smith Group’s CEO. This woman is his wife, from the Green family. The Smith family

and the Green family are powerful. That’s why they dare to bully a young teacher like me. So what if

they have money? If one has money, he can do whatever he wants?”

Cynthia looked at her excited and aggrieved appearance and sneered, “Being rich is really amazing. At

least when my children are bullied, I can avenge my children.”

Miya clenched her fingers into fists and was about to speak when Desmond suddenly spoke, “Miya,

how do you know that my father is the president of Smith Group?”

Miya was stunned for a moment, then looked at Teacher Merton. “She just told me that, and I didn’t

know your identities at all when we were talking.”

As she spoke, the corners of her mouth curved up proudly. “At that time, I didn’t even know the identity

of Mr. Smith. How could I have seduced him? What a joke.”

“But, Miya…” The little girl in Cynthia’s arms also spoke up, “Why did you ask Keller about the

relationship between Keller’s parents yesterday?”

When she said this, not only was Miya stunned, but Cynthia also raised her eyebrows. She touched

Fanny’s little face and asked, “Fanny, tell us what happened.”

Fanny pursed her pink lips and said, “Yesterday, I saw Miya talking to Desmond. After she was scared

off by Teacher Merton, she went to Keller. I heard Miya say in a low voice that she wanted to know how

your relationship was. I don’t understand. Why did Miya want to know this?”

The little girl did not understand. The adults present were all clear about it. Wasn’t she just to separate

the Smith family, wanting to take Mrs. Smith’s position?

In an instant, everyone looked at Miya in a different light. A child might be lying, and a few children had

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said such words. Could it be that all of them were lying?

“What else do you have to say, Miya?” Cynthia looked at her with a cold gaze.

Miya’s face was red and she was trembling with anger. She pointed at Fanny and said in a sharp voice,

“You little b*tch…”

“Shut up!” A dignified voice came from behind the crowd. The onlookers made way for her. A middle–

aged woman in simple clothes walked out from behind the crowd. There was a slightly younger woman

behind her.

The woman walking in front was serious, but her movements were elegant. With one look, it was

obvious that she had a very good temperament. Her facial features were soft, and although there were

some wrinkles on her face, she gave people the impression of elegance and kindness.

The woman following behind her looked younger. She had some thick makeup, and the shape of her

face was a bit harsh. She kept winking at Miya, telling her not to speak.

“Principal!” When Teacher Merton and the other teachers saw the woman in the lead, there was a trace

of surprise in their eyes, as if they had found a backbone.

Miya looked at the principal and did not speak. Instead, she looked at the woman behind her and called

out in a wronged tone, “Little aunt!”

She had always been alone just now. She had been targeted by such a large group of men and

women. Everybody was targeting her. Now that her little aunt had finally come, she had some

confidence. She ran over and grabbed the vice–principal’s arm tightly.

The vice–principal glared at her. It had only been a short while, yet she had caused so much trouble.

She had been sleeping at home, but the principal had called her over. When she heard that the person

her niece had offended was Smith Group’s CEO, she immediately felt bad.

“What’s wrong with you today? You’re so bold. You dare to provoke anyone and even speak rudely. If

something happens, even I won’t be able to protect you.”

The vice principal scolded Miya in a low voice.

Miya lowered her head, her expression still a little unconvinced. “I didn’t know his identity before. Little

aunt, don’t worry. They don’t dare to do anything to me. So what if they are rich and powerful? As long

as they dare to use their power to do things, I will expose these things and see who will get into trouble.

The press will definitely have a great impact on them.”