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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 299
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Chapter 299 Scott Died

Third Person POV

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Scott slammed on the cell door, desperate to make a phone call. He had to call Ba stien; needed to

speak with Lila and the rest of her friends. They were in serious danger. He remembered everything

about the day his mind was manipulated; he remembered who did it.

He knows who killed those people and if he didn’t want them, he worries this same person would kill



It took a bit, but the officer finally came to the window; they had left it open for him this time considering

he was scheduled to be released in a few hours.

“What?” The officer said, narrowing his eyes at Scott.

“I need to make a phone call,” Scott said desperately. “It’s urgent.”

The officer rolled his eyes.

“You’ll be released soon, who do you need to call so urgently?”

“Alpha B astien,” Scott answered. “I know he just left but it’s an emergency.”

The officer stared around Scott’s face for a moment before sighing and unlocking the cell door. A flood

of relief washed through Scott as he stepped back. The officer pulled his personal phone out of his

pocket and handed it to Scott.

“Make it quick,” he muttered.

“Thank you,” Scott breathed.

He had to think for a moment what Alpha B astien’s phone number was off the top of his head; but

soon, the numbers fell in place, and he was able to dial them. Alpha B astien answered the phone on

the 3(rd) ring.


“Alpha, it’s Scott,” Scott said breathlessly as if he ran a marathon.

“Scott?” Alpha B astien asked, confused. “We just left. What do you need?”

“I need you to get Lila and her friends out of that school; get her somewhere safe. I’m afraid they might

be in danger,” Scott warned.

There was a brief period of silence on the other end of the phone,

“What happened?” B astien finally asked. “What are you talking about?”

“I remembered some stuff. I’d like to tell you in person. I need to speak with all of them; especially Lila,”

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Scott explained.

There was another, longer, silence.

“Do you want to share what you know with me?” B astien asked.

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Scott opened his mouth to tell him what he remembered, but then he shut it. There was a knot in the

pit- of his stomach that told him to keep his mouth shut for right now. He couldn’t say this over the

phone, and he certainly couldn’t say this while he was still in jail. I needed to be somewhere safe, and

he needed to get there quickly.

“Just hurry and get me out of her,” Scott begged. “I have a feeling something terrible is coming.”

The officer who lent Scott his phone was leaning against the cell door frame with raised brows.

“Okay,” Ba stien said slowly. “I’ll let everybody know. I think Lila was planning on going to the Calypso

pack with Alpha Enzo. I’ll have her take her friends too.”

“Thank you,” Scott breathed, relieved. Then he froze again. “Alpha… how is Rachel? You said she’s in

the hospital, right?”

“Yes,” he answered. “She still hasn’t woken up. Lila stayed there until she got out of surgery. I believe

Lila is on her way back to get her things though,” B astien asked. “Why do you ask?”

Nervousness crept up the back of Scott’s neck.

“If she wakes up, can you tell me?”

“Of course,” B astien answered. “We will see you soon. We will be as fast as we can.”

“Thank you,” Scott breathed.

Then he hung up the phone and with a racing heart he handed it back to the officer.

The officer stared at him for a long while before rolling his eyes and turning away, slamming the cell

door shut and latching it. Scott sighed and went back to his cot where he will serve out the rest of his

time for the next couple of hours.

Hopefully Alpha B astien and his father and hurry and get him out of there so he can feel safe too. But

until then, he was left feeling cold and vulnerable.

He heard a faint hissing sound; it reminded him of a snake and startled him deeply. He jumped to his

feet whirling around to find out where that sound was coming from. Then, the creaking of a window

brought his attention upward.

Each jail cell had a small window on the top of the wall to bring in some natural lighting. But the window

was usually closed and locked. So, when it started to creak open, it was shocking to Scott. He stood

frozen and watched as the window slowly opened and a dark smokey creature slithered through the cr

acks and down the wall.

Its movement was snakelike, and the hissing grew louder, which also reminded him of a snake.

He wanted to scream for the officer to let him out, but as he opened his mouth to do so, only air came

ou His entire body trembled in fear as he stared down at the snaky smoke creature that withered

around him until it paused in the center of the cell. It began to expand and grow; he realized quickly

that it was taking on a new shape. It was no longer a snake but forming into a person.

A girl.

She still looked like she was made out of black smoke though; it was only a form that it took. He didn’t

recognize the figure, but he in his gut that she wasn’t his friend. He took an unsteady step away from

her, which only made her smile as she took a step closer to him.

“Oh, Scott. It seems you’ve been a naughty boy,” she said, stepping around him so she could assess

his body. “You only had one job. You just needed to take the fall for those pesty little murders. You

couldn’t even do that.”

“I didn’t murder anyone,” Scott said through his teeth; he wished that he could shift into his wolf, but

this cell wouldn’t even allow him to do that.

“Of course, you didn’t,” the girl laughed. “You would never be capable of such a thing. You are a

pathetic excuse of a future Alpha.”

Her words were like a knife to his throat; his fear had always been failing as an Alpha. Failing his father.

But he had never told that to anyone; it was amazing that this being, or beast, knew this about him and

was using it against him.

“You will fail, just as you failed in everything else in your life,” she continued. “Nothing but a pathetic

waste of space.”

“Enough,” he said through his teeth. He meant it to sound strong like an Alpha, but it came out weak

and barely audible.

This made her laugh.

The only human-like feature of this dark smoke figure was her emerald green eyes; though they had

swirls of black in them like marbles, they were oddly beautiful.

She stepped even closer toward him, closing the small gap that sat between them. She ran her long

and slender fingers through his hair and though they looked like they were a part of her smokey figure,

they felt like real fingers.

Scott found himself unable to move or speak; he remained frozen in place, staring into her eyes.

She then leaned toward him and gave him a long and passionate kiss. Her lips were also a part of her

smoke figure, but they felt so real. He could feel the actual moister from her tongue entering his mouth

as she swirled around his mouth. He felt the real softness of her lips as they surrounded his.

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She gripped his head firmly, keeping him in place as she deepened the kiss.

It was a nice kiss, he would admit. But everything about it felt wrong. He knew he shouldn’t be kissing

her and he knew he didn’t want to. But he couldn’t move, and he realized quickly that he couldn’t


The longer and harder she gripped his head and kissed him; he realized just how wrong he was

feeling. He could feel her withering inside of his head, circling around his brain. It was an unpleasant


She was somehow inside of his head and with each kiss that she gave him, it only made him feel even


“Allister?” He tried to get to his wolf who he knew was still there, but his voice was drowned out by the

constant hissing that was now echoing in his mind.

She soon pulled back and stared him deep in the eyes.

“You want to warn that Volana about my little secret,” she said simply. “And you plan to do so tonight.”

It wasn’t a question, but an observation. A smile crept on her lips.

He still felt these strange creatures inside of his brain, reading and obtaining every thought he ever

had. He knew they were some sort of creature, but he didn’t know what it was; he also knew there were

multiple of them because though he still felt them around his brain and collected his thoughts, they

were also beginning to slither to other parts of his body.

They were entirely inside of him.

“I’ve learned so much about you, Scott,” she said, stepping away from him, but her creatures remained.

. “It’s a shame things have to end the way they do.”

He had no idea what she was talking about, but he couldn’t ask; he still couldn’t speak.

“But I can’t have you ruining all my fun,” she continued; this time, she slowly turned her back toward

him. “Kill him.”

Before Scott knew what was happening, he felt an explosion inside his body, and his blood splattered

against the wall of the cell. He felt no pain, but he fell to the ground just the same. That’s when the

explosion of pain coursed through his body and his flesh erupted as darkness ripped through him,

tearing him to sheds.

He fell into a pile of his own blood, unable to obtain his breath. She stepped in front of him and lowered

herself to meet his eyes.

“Let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to get in my way.

The creatures that were occupying his body slithered out of him, but not before gripping onto his faintly

beating heart, and ripping it from his chest.

Hearing the echoes of her laughter and seeing nothing but darkness, Scott died.