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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 515
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Chapter 0515 I leaned into him, absorbing his familiar, comforting scent. "Yeah. Just got a little introspective, is all." Enzo chuckled. "Nina, being introspective? That's a new one. Kidding." The scent of roses filled the air, mingling with the earthy smell of damp soil. The sound of the music playing inside made its way to us, but it felt so far away right now.

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Enzo's arm tightened around my shoulders, pullingcloser into him. "So... What are you being introspective about? You and your dad seemed to be having an intense conversation earlier, after your dance." I leaned my head against his shoulder, the familiar scent of his body comforting me. "My dad's just... being a dad, that's all. He's worried aboutliving in the house by myself while you're gone. He wantsto move here for the pregnancy." Enzo looked at me, his eyes searching. "And why don't you consider it? You can easily take portals to campus, you know. It wouldn't disrupt your life too much." I let out a sigh. Portals were handy, magical shortcuts between places. Speople could open them, and scouldn't. I had discovered last year that I was one of the lucky ones who could do it, making travel back and forth between the human realm and the werewolf realm much easier.

But opening a portal wasn't without its consequences; I often felt a bit lightheaded and tired afterwards, and it was sure to get worse during the pregnancy.

Enzo seemed to read my mind. "A bit too much, maybe?" he quipped, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "Maybe. Or...

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"Or," Enzo continued for me, "you're deliberately disagreeing with your parents." I sat upright, my eyes locking with his. "What's that supposed to mean?" Enzo paused, choosing his words carefully. "I love you, but you're stubborn, Nina. You never want to admit when you need help." I felt a pang of irritation. "I don't need help, Enzo. I can manage my life just fine." He let out a sigh, his eyes softening. "I'm not saying you can't. But is your pride worth worrying your parents?" "It's not just pride, it's my life, my choices. Why should I change my life just because it makes other people comfortable?" "Because those 'other people' are your family who love and care about you? Family looks out for one another, Nina." I was quiet for a moment, contemplating his words. "I know they care, but I need them to trusttoo, trust that I can take care of myself." "Sometimes caring involves worrying, you know that." "Yeah, but-"

Enzo interrupted me, placing a finger gently on my lips. "Just think about it, a 14 okay? You don't have to make a N decision right now. But consider your You dad's offer seriously. You might find it's not as bad as you think." I leaned back on the bench, looking up at the night sky. The stars seemed so distant and small, like tiny pinpricks in the sky. I felt like that too, small and distant.

Enzo's voice broke through my reverie. "I just want you to be happy, Nina. And safe. If living in our house gives you that, I'm in Mountainsuren fliving all for it. But if there's even a sliver of doubt in your mind, maybe it's worth listening to your dad."

e Listening. I had always equated it with giving in, with sacrificing my own wishes for the sake of others. But as looked at Enzo, his eyes filled with genuine concern, it dawned onthat perhaps listening was more about love than about giving up. I turned towards him, my eyes meeting his. "I'll think about it, okay? But whatever I choose, I need you to be okay with it." He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against my forehead. "I'll support you, Nina, whatever you decide. You should know that by no-" "Hey, Nina! Enzo!"