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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 283
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 283

My Hockey Alpha Chapter 283: An Unlikely Ally


Enzo and I returned home after visiting his father’s house. As we drove home, the cold night wind blew

in my face on the back of Enzo’s motorcycle and the yellow crescent moon shone above us.

Seeing Enzo’s father’s house ransacked like that filled me with an odd combination of sadness and

hope. It broke my heart that Richard’s Beta disrespected him like that, but at the same time it made me

only want to try harder to bring all of this to an end.

A little while later, we were pulling into the parking lot of the campus. Enzo parked the motorcycle and

helped me off, and we were walking back to his dorm hand-in-hand when we suddenly heard the sound

of shouting.

“Enzo! Nina!” Luke’s voice rang out across the quad, followed by the sound of feet slamming on

pavement as he ran toward us. Enzo and I both whipped around to see Luke running at us, his eyes

wide and full of fear.

“What is it?” I asked, immediately feeling my heart rise up into my throat just from seeing the look on

his face.

“It’s Lori and Jessica,” he said quickly. “They’re gone. Some Crescents came… They took them

through a portal!”

I felt my entire body freeze. It felt as though my heart stopped and time froze during that moment, and

every muscle in my body tensed as fight or flight kicked in. The world spun around me, and for a

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moment I thought for sure that I would vomit.

“…took them,” Luke finished. I had been completely absorbed in my own head for the majority of his

sentence, and only caught the tail end. Beside me, Enzo was frantic.

“Where were they last seen?” he asked, his hand gripping mine tightly.

“The infirmary,” Luke replied. “I was going to see them, and when I got there, I saw two Crescents

manhandling them. One of them opened a portal, and then they all disappeared before I could get

there. I tried to go after them, but it was too late by the time I opened my own portal. I don’t know where

they went.”

“I think I have a pretty good idea as to where they went,” Enzo growled. I knew what he was thinking:

the Alpha King’s mansion. The Luna had sent Crescents to come and take them, and was no doubt

trying to use them as a means to lure us there. I wasn’t sure how two Crescents made it past our

airtight defenses in Mountainview, but somehow they did it. And now my friends were in danger.

“We have to go after them.” My voice was shaky and thick with fear. “Call the recruits. Meet us at the

athletic field.”

Luke nodded and took off running again. Enzo and I ran like hell to the infirmary to prepare. Once we

were there, we frantically filled backpacks with the antidote and various medical supplies because we

knew what was potentially coming next: a battle. We needed to be prepared for anything.

“You don’t think she’ll kill them, do you?” I asked with terror in my voice.

“I don’t know.” Enzo sounded distant and reserved despite the way that he was running around and

grabbing supplies. His hesitance made my heart pound inside of my chest, but I tried to quell it as I

tried to focus on preparing for the upcoming battle. I just hoped more than anything that the Luna

wouldn’t pull a nasty trick and kill my friends before we even got there… But, like Enzo, I had no way of

knowing. The Luna was unpredictable and erratic, and she clearly had no qualms about needless


Soon enough, Enzo and I were meeting Luke and the recruits on the athletic field behind the hockey

arena. Both hockey teams were with him as well. Everyone looked frightened, but also excited at the

same time.

“We’re going to bring half of you,” Enzo said as he somehow managed to calmly address the large

group. “Anyone who wants to come, step forward now. If you want to stay here, that’s fine; but you’ll be

protecting the town in the event of a Crescent attack. Does everyone understand?”

The group murmured in understanding, then talked amongst themselves for a few moments as they

tried to decide who would go and who would stay. Eventually, half of the group stepped forward. Those

people included quite a few recruits, some of Jason’s team, Matt, and some of our hockey team. Jason

and the others stayed behind with the intention of protecting the campus, which I was glad for. I knew

that Enzo needed his Beta by his side to fight, so Jason would be extremely helpful in leading everyone

else if the Crescents attacked Mountainview while we were gone. At one point, I felt a cool and slender

hand slip into mine and looked up to see Luke standing beside me.

“You don’t need to come,” I whispered to my friend.

Luke just shook his head. “I’m your bodyguard. I’ll be with you until the end.”

Luke’s words made me smile a bit. Enzo then gave his orders to everyone else, who then left with

Jason to patrol the town. Meanwhile, the rest of us gathered and Luke began to open a portal.

Suddenly, however, I heard the sound of a shrill female voice floating across the athletic field. I looked

up to see none other than Selena running as fast as she could toward us.

“Wait!” she screamed. “I’m coming with you!”

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Enzo’s eyes narrowed and he stepped protectively in front of me as Selena ran up to us. She came to

a stop, breathing heavily with a wild look in her eyes. “I’m coming with you.”

“No you’re not,” Enzo snarled. “You can’t be trusted.”xo.com fast update

Selena’s already-wide eyes widened even further. She then looked at me with a pleading expression

on her face. “Nina, please!” she begged. “You can trust me! You know that I know that mansion better

than anyone. I know how the Luna operates. I can help you.”

I froze for a moment, chewing my lip. Enzo slowly looked down at me with a skeptical look in his eyes.

“You really think we can trust her?” his voice echoed in my head as he used telepathy so that we

couldn’t be overheard.

“I think so,” I replied. “I want to trust her. And she’s right; we could use her help.”

“And what if she decides to betray us?”

Enzo’s question made my heart stop for a moment. There was of course a chance that she could

betray us at the end… But I wanted to give her the chance to prove herself regardless.

“If she does, then I’m willing to take the blame for being too trusting,” I replied.

Enzo looked at me for a few moments. Finally, after some thought, he nodded.

“You can come with us, Selena,” I said quietly. Selena’s eyes lit up. And with that, Luke opened the

portal. The swirling, purple vortex grew in size and filled the air with the electric whirring sound that I

had become all too familiar with over the past months. Now, more than ever, I felt ready to get this over

with; no one messed with my friends, and now the Luna was going to face the consequences for that


One by one, we all went through and entered into the werewolf realm for our final battle to save our
