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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 41
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 44

44 It’s About Time

Thomas POV

I can’t believe I’m here asking this ba**ard for help. I haven’t seen him since my father banished him

from the pack. A rogue approaches me outside the run-down building. I’ve kept tabs on him all these

years to make sure he never interfered with my pack. “What the f**k do you want?” “I came to speak to

your boss, not you rogue.” He growls “careful my boss doesn’t talk to pack wolves and I wouldn’t mind

taking out the trash if he wants me to.” “Just tell him Thomas Lyons is here, he will talk to me.” The

rogue goes inside the building before he comes out with a smile on his face. “My boss says if he sees

you he will snap your f**king neck so I suggest you leave now.” “You can tell your boss that I’ll leave but

if he wants revenge on the b**ch that rejected him all those years ago he can find me at the wolf’ bar.”

The rogue growls and I head back to my car. I head to the bar to wait. If I know him, he’ll come

because despite all the time that’s past he still hates her and still believes she didn’t choose him.

Archer POV

“Before we get started, Harold can Sabrina and I talk to you in the other room.” He stands and follows

us. He has the right to know about Lilth before we tell everyone what we believe happened. Once we

are inside Harold takes a seat and Sabrina sits next to him. “What’s wrong, you two are scaring me?”

“What did Greg do now?” “Harold my father has always been a ba**ard but it seems he has lost all

sense of right and wrong.” “He called me last night demanding that I give him the pack.” “I hope you

told him to f**k off.” Sabrina takes his hand “he had Lilth Harold and he said if I didn’t give him the pack,

he would kill her.” I see the blood drain from his face. “How do you know that he even really had her.”

Sabrina tells Harold exactly what Lilth said before the line went dead when I refused to give my father

the pack. “Dad I’m sorry but” Harold wraps his arms around Sabrina. “Don’t you dare apologize.”

“Neither of you are to blame for this.” “It hurts me to know that she wasn’t sorry even when faced with

death.” “Even though I didn’t want to be married to her anymore I wished her no harm.” “I’m sorry that

she got herself in that position and I hope she didn’t suffer.” He hugs us both before we head back to

the room.

Once Harold sits back down by Misty, I look around the room. It’s amazing how much my family, has

grown in such a short period of time. “The first reason we called all of you together was to talk about

my father.” “I’m sure you are all aware that my father is getting more brazen with his attempts to get the

pack from me, but he has completely become unhinged.” “We wanted to tell Harold before we shared it

with everyone but my father took Lilth, Sabrina’s mother, as a bargaining chip to make me give him the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

pack.” “He threatened that if I didn’t give him what he wanted he would kill her.” “We couldn’t put the

pack and all of you in harm’s way to save her.” “We believe that my father has killed Lilth.” There is

audible gasps made around the room. “We cannot afford to continue to wait and see what he does.”

“He has become the definition of what pure evil is and I for one want to rid the world of him.” “We are

going to need all your help to stop him.” We brain storm and Harris is going to attempt to draw my

father out but after their last conversation it’s a long shot.

Once we finish the discussion about my father and decide Harris is our best bet to get him to come to

us, we want to talk to everyone about joining the pack. “Sabrina and I have talked about this and we

would like to invite Harris, Tabitha, and Harold to become official pack members.” “Tracey you being

mated to Levi makes you Beta female and we will do your ritual at the same time as Sabrina’s Luna

ceremony.” Tracey nods at me with a huge smile on her face and Levi pulls her close kissing her

forehead. I look back at Harris, Tabitha, and Harold. “How does that work with me being a human and

not mated to a wolf” Harold asks. “Not yet” Misty speaks up and smiles at him. I watch him take her

hand and I couldn’t be happier that they found each other. “You being mated right now doesn’t matter


“As Alpha, I am extending the invitation to all of you.” “No offense Archer, but how do you think your

pack is going to take having a vampire and witch as pack members,” Harris says. “I know wolves are

not usually our biggest fans,” Tabitha agrees. Jonathon growls and wraps his arm around her. “I am the

Alpha of this pack and you are our family.” “Any pack member that wants to judge you for what you are

instead of your character is not a pack member I want to stay.” “They can find a new pack if they don’t

like my decision or my family.” Everyone smiles and they each stand. “I would love to be a pack

member” Harold says. “You weren’t getting rid of me anyway because of Willow so count me in” Harris

says. “I would love to be part of this family” Tabitha says.

“Good, Levi, will you go to my office and bring me the dagger and chalice please.” “Of course, Archer”

he says and leaves to get what I asked for. When he returns, I ask them all to come to the front of the

room. I make a slice in my hand bleeding into the chalice. “I, Alpha Archer Lyons, invite you Harold

Ascot, Tabitha Prichett, and Harris Hill to join the Scarlett Howl pack.” “Please drink from the chalice

and swear to keep the pack secrets.” I pass it to Harold first. I can see that the blood thing is weird for

him but he does it anyway. “I, Harold Ascot, swear my allegiance to the Scarlett Howl pack and promise

to keep all its secrets.” I smile and he passes the chalice to Tabitha, who drinks next. “I, Tabitha

Prichhett, swear my allegiance to the Scarlett Howl pack and promise to keep all its secrets.” “I also

pledge to use my powers for the protection and betterment of the pack.” I nod and she passes it to

Harris. “I, Harris Hill, swear my allegiance to the Scarlett Howl pack and will keep all its secrets.” “I also

pledge to use my powers for the protection and betterment fo the pack.” I immediately feel the

connection to them all. We finish the discussion about my father and I feel like Sabrina is nervous

about something. As I talk to Levi and Harris, she walks over to talk to my mother. As they talk my

mother starts to smile like she has won the lottery.

Sabrina POV

While Archer is talking to Levi and Harris about drawing out his father I rush over to talk to Fern. “Fern,

can you take Gabby for a sleep over.” “Sure, I can, I would love that” she says. “What time do you want

me to take her?” “Can you take her as soon as we are done here, I want to spend some time with

Archer?” She grins like she knows a secret and I pray she isn’t going to say it. “It’s about time and yes

I’ll head up and get her from Lindsay now.” “Thank you, Fern.” She heads out of the room and Tabitha

calls me over to where she, Willow, and Tracey are talking. “What’s up girls?” “It took me a few days

but I have something for both of you” she points at me and Tracey. Willow is smiling and Tabitha takes

two vials out of her pocket. Before I can ask, she explains what they are. “I know you both want to mark

your mates so I found a way for you to do it.” I could cry right now at her words. “Drink this before you

are ready to be intimate.”

“This is temporary magic but the mark it makes will be permanent.” “Lay your hand on their marking

spot and it will create the mark you both deserve.” Tracey grabs Tabitha, almost breaking her from

squeezing her so tight. When she finally lets her go, I pull her into a hug. “Thank you, you have no idea

how much we appreciate this.” “I do because I know how I would feel if I couldn’t mark Jonathon.” I feel

strong arms wrap around me from behind and I stick the vial in my pocket. I want it to be a surprise.

“Why do I feel like you have secrets, love” he whispers in my ear. I laugh and spin in his arms. “I think

it’s time for us to go back to our floor.” He looks at me confused and I lead him out of the room after we

say our goodbyes.

Archer POV

Sabrina leads me upstairs and I expect to find Gabby with Lindsay. Before I can panic, Sabrina tells me

that Gabby is spending the night with my mother. She leads me directly into our room. “Sabrina” I say

once we are inside, but she silences me with a kiss. When she pulls away, I can smell her arousal and

it’s doing nothing to help me keep myself in control. Sabrina walks over and takes a drink and then

turns to me. “Archer, I need to tell you about my visit last night.” I look at her like she has ten heads.

Sabrina explains that the Moon Goddess came to her last night and I’m stunned. It’s very rare for the

goddess to speak to us directly. That just speaks to how special my mate really is. “Archer I wasn’t

completely honest with you.” I stay silent and let her speak. “I was afraid to complete the bond with you

because I thought you would change your mind and want a she-wolf.” “After speaking to the goddess, I

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understand now that I was letting my insecurities after what happened with Greg interfere with moving

forward with you.” I growl at her saying his name and she chuckles. “Archer, make love to me.” I can’t

have heard her right. “But what about the divorce.” “Archer, I don’t need a judge to say I’m no longer

married to that man.” “You are my mate and my husband.” “Make love to me please.” “What the hell are

you waiting for a written invitation” Brutus yells in my head.

Sabrina walks toward me and drops to her knees in front of me. She pulls my sweats and boxer briefs

down, freeing my er*ction. “Sabrina what” the words die on my lips as she licks the crown of my c**k.”

She licks me from root to tip and I have to keep myself upright with how good it feels. She takes my

c**k down her throat and I thread my fingers in her hair. As she bobs up and down, I’m on the verge of

losing control. “Sabrina, if you don’t stop, I’m going to c*m.” As if it becomes her mission she starts to

move faster and I can’t help but buck my hips. “Sabrina I’m going to c*m” I warn her so she can pull off

but she doesn’t. I start to c*m and I watch her swallow until not a drop is left. She pulls back, wiping the

corners of her mouth. I pull my shirt over my head and, step out of my pants. “My turn” I say picking her

up, carrying her over to the bed. I set her on her feet and kiss her softly.

I pull her shirt over her head and unclasp her bra. Her br*asts bounce free and I cup them in my hands.

I start to massage them and my c**k is already hard again just touching her. I pull her pants and

panties off before I lay her back on the bed. I kiss her lips before I start to work my way down her body,

s*cking each n**ple into my mouth as she moans my name. I kiss down her body until I reach her core.

When I lick into her c*re she moans and threads her hand into my hair. I circle my tongue around her

cl*t and she starts to buck against my tongue. “Archer I’m going to c*m” she screams and I increase my

speed. She screams out her orgasm in seconds. I lick her clean before I crawl back up her body. She

takes me by surprise when she rolls us over, so she is on top.

Sabrina POV

This man is amazing the way he makes my body feel. I was a fool to wait this long. When he climbs up

my body, I roll us over until I’m on top. I line my core up with his beautiful big c*ck and lower myself

down onto him. “Oh, my goddess Archer.” I start to move and he grips my hips with his big hands. As I

move, I remember what Tabitha said. I place my hand on his marking spot and just like she said, I

watch a glow appear under my hand. Archer’s eyes get big and as he slams into me, I have the most

amazing orgasm I’ve ever had. I can feel him empty his seed inside me. The tingles that were faint are

now intense and I can feel the bond is complete. When we both come down from the high, I move my

hand and the most beautiful mark, that looks like a tribal tattoo, is on his marking spot. “Archer, I love

you with all my heart and soul.” He pulls me down to him. “I love you more than life itself and I will

never let you go.” After a few minutes he pulls himself from my body and carries me into the bathroom.

When we are in the bathroom, he walks over to the mirror and I can see unshed tears in his eyes.

“Archer, do you like it?” He turns to me “I love my mark because it’s yours and you are mine.” He pulls

me to him and kisses me before we head in the shower. I finally feel complete.