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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 17
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 20

20 No Way

Willow POV

This can’t be happening right now. Levi cannot be be bonded to this pathetic excuse for a woman.

“Willow let her go now” Archer says. “Do you know who she is and what’s she has done to Sabrina?” “I

have every intention of finding out who she is and what she has done to Sabrina, now let her go” he

gives Alpha command and if she wasn’t here, I would kill him for using it on me. I take a step back and

look at Levi who looks torn. I turn back toward her and cross my arms over my chest. “Why are you

here Melissa?” “I’m not here to talk to you Willow.” “I don’t owe you any explanation for what happened

or why I’m here.” “Enough” my brother says in a harsh tone causing Melissa to snap her head in his

direction. I go to stand next to Levi and take his hand before I snap this b**ches neck.

Archer POV

“What is your name and how do you know Sabrina?” “I’m not sure who you are but I only came here to

speak to Sabrina after she and her friends got me fired.” “Well, you are on my property and you’re not

speaking to Sabrina until I say you can.” She looks at me with irritation and I would like to let Willow

slap that look off her face. “My name is Melissa and I worked at the hospital with Sabrina.” “Are you

f**king kidding me” Willow says. “I think your leaving out the part about f**king her husband.” I can feel

Brutus pushing to the surface and I push him down. We need to stay calm talking to this human.

Besides the anger I feel that this woman hurt Sabrina my heart breaks for Levi. I can’t imagine how he

feels knowing what his fated mate has done. “The three of you got me fired and everyone hates me”

she says pointing at Willow. Willow laughs and starts toward the girl again. I grab her around the waist

before she can take hold of her. “I suggest you think long and hard before you say anything else that is

stupid in this office or I’m going to let my sister loose.”

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“I’m not saying anything stupid.” “It is not my fault that Sabrina’s husband wasn’t satisfied with her and

wanted me.” “Everyone hates me at the hospital because of Sabrina, your sister, and Tracey.” “Our

boss fired me yesterday because of all the drama she says I caused.” Willow starts to laugh

uncontrollably. “You are out of your f**king mind.” “So you f**ked a married man and your blaming his

wife because people found out and hate you.” “I made a mistake and I said I was sorry.” “He tricked me

but you three didn’t have to ruin my life.” Levi hasn’t said a word after hearing what this woman has

said. I can tell he is processing everything. “Levi what are you thinking?” “You can’t even be

entertaining anything but rejection of this b**ch” Willow says with all the venom she can muster. “Willow

in the hallway now” I growl. I grab her by the arm and lead her into the hallway.

“How dare you say that to him?” “How can you ask him what he is thinking as if there is a choice here

Archer?” “Do you really believe that Sabrina will ever accept that wh*re as the Beta Female of her

pack?” I take a deep breath. “Of course not. but that does not take Levi’s choice away.” “He is the only

person that gets to decide if he will accept or reject her and you will say nothing more to him.” “Am I

clear Willow?” “Fine but she doesn’t deserve Levi in anyway.” “I totally agree with you but it is not our

choice to make.” We head back inside and Levi hasn’t moved at all as he stares at Melissa. “Is there

something wrong with him” Melissa says pointing at Levi. I’m finding it hard to keep my control with this

woman but I do. “The only person in this room that has something wrong with them is you.” “You knew

that Sabrina and Greg were married yet you still slept with him.” “Now you come here trying to lay

blame at Sabrina’s feet like you are a victim.” “News flash you are not the victim you are the villain in

this scenario.” “You will not be speaking to Sabrina ever.” She looks as if I just slapped her with my


Levi POV

“Damien I can’t accept this woman and I know that hurts you but you heard what she did.” “Sabrina is

to be our Luna and Archer is our Alpha and best friend.” “Our loyalty is to our Alpha and Luna.” “She

will not be a good mate anyway.” “She didn’t respect what humans consider the mating bond.” “As

much as it hurts me, I agree we cannot accept her Levi.” “We will pray to the goddess for a second

chance mate who will love us.” I’m grateful that Damien understands and I wish things would have

been different for us.

I hear Archer say that she will never be speaking to Sabrina and it brings me out of my thoughts. I step

in front of her looking at this woman that the goddess made for me. I know she makes no mistakes so I

hope this is part of a plan that only she knows. She looks at me with confusion on her face. “What is

your full name?” I see the concern on Willow’s face that I might accept this woman. She is like a sister

to me and I love that she wants to protect me from making a mistake. “Why do you need my name?” “If

you’re going to call the police it isn’t necessary, I’ll just leave.” “No one is calling the police just tell me

your full name.” “Melissa Marie Nolan” she says with an apprehensive tone. “I, Levi James Crown,

reject you Melissa Marie Nolan as my mate.” I feel the pain in my chest.

“You people are weird, you reject me I don’t even know you.” “You don’t and you never will” I say

through the pain. Willow steps up next to her “say it back to him now.” “You people are crazy.” “I don’t

know what kind of cult this is but I’m not part of your stupid game.” Willow’s wolf comes to the surface

and her eyes are black. “Say it or you will not like what happens next.” I see the fear flash across

Melissa’s face. “I, Melissa Marie Nolan, reject you Levi James Crown as my mate.” I drop to the floor

and Willow bends down next to me. “I don’t know what is wrong with you people but I’m leaving.”

Melissa turns for the door. The door opens and the patrol guard walks in. “Get her off my property and

never allow her back again” Archer says. The guard takes Melissa’s arm leading her out of the office.

Archer POV

After I link the guard to get that b**ch off my property I bend down to Levi. “I’m sorry Levi.” “Don’t be,

I’m not sorry I did it.” After a few minutes Levi stands and bro hugs me. “I’m going to go for a run and

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spend some time with Damien.” Willow hugs him before he leaves my office. We head down stairs so

Willow can go back to the cottage with Sabrina and Tracey. I feel the need for a run after all that just

happened. We walk out the side door and I’m horrified at the scene in front of me. Sabrina is screaming

at Melissa and looks like she is about to beat the hell out of her. I take off and have Sabrina in my arms

before she can land a punch.

Sabrina POV

We finish up our coffee and decide to head toward the main house to find Willow. We are about fifty

yards away when I stop dead in my tracks. Tracey is talking and she doesn’t even notice I’m not

moving anymore as she walks. She stops looking back at me and then toward the house. “What the

f**k is she doing here” I hear her yell in Melissa’s direction. Her yelling brings me back to the moment. I

start to stalk in her direction passing Tracey as I go. The man with her looks shocked when I come to

stand in front of her. “Why are you here” I say with menace in my voice. “You and your friends got me

fired.” I must be being punked. She did not come here singing her sad song about being fired. “I should

care you got fired because I don’t.” “It’s your fault I got fired.” “I made a mistake, I didn’t deserve to lose

my job and have everyone hate me.” She must be a f**king comedian because she is a joke. “You are

joke.” “I told you the last time I saw you that I hope what you have done sits in your soul.” “It seems

karma is paying you back for what you did.” I see Willow and Archer come out the door starting toward


“No wonder your husband f**ked me, you’re a b**ch just like Greg said.” I lose all control of myself and

ball my fist up pulling it back. I have never struck another person but there is a first time for everything.

Before I can land the punch, I’m lifted off the ground. “Get her the f**k out of here now” Archer growls.

“Archer put me down, I’m going to beat her a**.” “Think about Gabby, Sabrina.” I take some deep

breaths thinking about my daughter. “Please put me down I’m fine.” He sets me on my feet. I look up

into his face. “Why the hell was she here?” “Sabrina, I need you to come to my office we need to talk.”