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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 164
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 167

20 The Dragon King’s Mate

Jade POV

I’m changing princess and she is cooing at me. “I bet your excited to see your mom and dad. I want

you to know that Zelda and I are going to miss you terribly. I hope someday our paths cross again.”

Zelda laughs “I don’t think she understands all that.” “I know but I still wanted to say it.” “Jade the

dragon king has arrived. Please bring the hatchling to my office” my father says. I finish putting on her

pink onesie with a unicorn on it. I scoop her up grabbing her bottle. I hold her close to me for a moment

before I head out of the cottage. As I walk the path that leads to the pack house, I notice Autumn

walking toward me. “Hey, where the hell have you been?” She looks like she hasn’t slept. Her eyes

meet mine and I have an overwhelming feeling of sadness. “Autumn talk to me, please.” “I know you

have a meeting about the pup. When you’re done, link me and we can talk.” I walk over hugging her

the best I can while I hold princess. She pulls back and looks down at the smiling little one. “She is a

beautiful little girl.” I nod and watch her walk toward her cottage. Autumn is normally so happy. I hate to

see her so defeated. Hopefully, we can help her feel better about whatever is bothering her.

I link Brooklyn to meet me at the pack house in an hour. As I head up the stairs toward my father’s

office, Zelda begins to pace in my mind. “What the hell is going on with you?” “I’m not sure Jade I just

feel really anxious.” “Calm down, it’s probably because we are about to meet supernatural royalty” I say

sarcastically. She huffs and I laugh. As we walk down the hallway the scent of peaches invades my

nose. I stop walking and Zelda growls. “Mate” she says and I’m confused. I place my free hand on the

door pushing it open. I’m met with the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Can this really be

happening? I’m mated to the king of dragons. His look of shock morphs into one of anger and my heart

breaks a little. Princess snuggles into my chest. He stands and walks over to me without a word. He

sticks out his hands and I place her in them. The minute my hand brushes against his tingles erupt. He

pulls her to his chest before he turns walking away from me. Zelda whimpers but I keep my expression

even. I step further into the office.

I try my best not to stare at this man that the goddess has chosen for me. “King Luca, this is our

daughter Jade. She has been caring for your hatchling” my father says. “Luna, her name is Luna.” I

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smile loving her name. It suits her well. “As I said before Jade arrived, I hope you are not inferring that

any of my pack members had anything to do with your daughter being taken.” “I am simply inquiring

about the details of my daughter being found near your pack.” My father looks to me and I nod. “I was

out for a run in wolf form. Zelda began to run and wouldn’t listen when I tried to stop her from leaving

the territory. It was like she knew that Luna was there. She and I feel very protective over your

daughter.” My words trail off as I feel heat in my body as he stares at me. He is the most gorgeous man

I have ever seen and I could get lost in his eyes if I let myself. “We found a rogue female about twenty

feet from where Luna was found”, my father says. He looks at my father “where is the rogue’s body?”

“She is still in our morgue.” “I want to see her now.” “Can I ask what you hope to gain by seeing her


I see irritation on Luca’s face at my father’s question, but he answers. “The kingdom uses rogue wolves

who live outside our walls as messengers. They are provided a place to stay and compensation for the

work they do for us. Trusted ones are given a mark. I would like to check her for that mark.” “Of

course,” my father says. He stands and Luca follows suit. He turns handing Luna to a woman standing

behind him. I can’t help the low growl that comes from me. My sister and mother both look at me with

knowing in their eyes. Sh*t I think before Luna’s crying brings me back to the moment. I don’t even

think I just walk over, putting my hands in her direction. Thankfully, she places Luna in my arms and

she quiets. “I’m sure Jade doesn’t mind tending to Luna a little while longer if that’s alright with you

King Luca.” I can see he wants to say something but he just nods. My father, Luca, and the two people

with him leave the office. “Jade”, my mother says and I turn to face both her and my sister. For the first

time, I notice Maverick sitting on the couch smiling at me. “It’s good to see you, Maverick.” “Don’t even

try it Jade”, Ruby says. “Fine, Luca is my mate.” She squeals and I wish I shared her enthusiasm. “I

can tell by the way he acted he isn’t happy that I was chosen for him that’s why I didn’t claim him in

front of everyone.”

“Jade, I don’t care who Luca is, he should be thanking his lucky stars for being chosen as your mate.

His daughter seems to already know who you are to her”, Ruby says. I look down, holding Luna close.

“I wonder where Luna’s mother is and why she is no longer with Luca?” “Maybe that has everything to

do with why he doesn’t seem happy about finding you Jade” my mother says. “I wish that made Zelda

and I feel better about how are mate just acted.” My mother wraps me in a hug before Ruby does.

When she pulls back, I see her fresh mark. I squeal “oh my goddess you’re marked.” My head looks

toward Maverick and he pulls his t-shirt down, exposing his mark. I congratulate them both. I’m so

happy that Maverick accepted my sister. My heart aches that I may never have that moment with Luca.

I take a seat on the couch to wait for the others to return. Luna starts to fuss. I’m sure she is hungry.

Ruby hands me her bottle and I begin to feed her, enjoying the little time I probably have left with her.

Luca POV

As we leave the office, Sebastian is grumbling. “I don’t want to hear it, Sebastian. You know we cannot

accept her. She is a wolf and the dragon kingdom will never accept her as their queen.” “So, your

willing to go against the kingdom to give your daughter her birthright but you don’t care about our mate

or our happiness.” I push him to the back of my mind. I made it clear I will not have another mate. I

loved Cynthia and chose her as my mate. I will not betray the bond I made with her. Our kind rarely find

our fated mates. My father was so angry when I chose an unranked female because I loved her. He

said I was being childish and not thinking of the kingdom. I chuckle thinking about all the fights we had.

I hear Lake talking to another wolf before we follow him into a room with refrigerator drawers. He slides

one of the doors open and a girl who can only be in her twenties is lying on the slab. Her skin is not a

normal color even in death. I pick up her right arm and turn it so I can see the inside of her wrist. There

is a dragon wing tattooed. I growl and place her arm back down gently. I nod at the wolf and he closes

the door.

I turn back to Lake. “Do you have any idea what caused her to look this way?” “The pack doctor said

that she had a canteen that they found a few feet from her body. He found traces of silver in the small

amount of remaining water. I’m sure you know what silver does to our kind.” I nod “is that what caused

her skin to turn black?” “Yes, it is. It slowly poisoned her from what the pack doctor found in her blood.”

“I’m grateful she made it to your pack, but I wish I knew where she was taking Luna. I have no idea

how my daughter was taken in the first place.” “I can’t imagine having one of my pups taken or in

danger” Lake says. “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I lost her mother and it nearly killed me. The

thought of losing Luna I can’t even imagine living without her.” He nods “I’m sure you all must be tired

after traveling all night. We can show you to guest rooms to rest and we will have lunch ready in a few

hours before you make the trip home.” “I appreciate that, Alpha Lake.” “Just Lake will be fine. I’ll walk

you back to the office to get Luna before I take you to the guest rooms.” We follow Lake and as we

approach the office the scent of oranges and cream invades my nose. “I loved Cynthia and Maggie too,

but that doesn’t change that the goddess has chosen Jade for us. We need our mate and I know you

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want her too. Even though you’re acting like a dip sh*t right now.” This time I block him. I will not be

called a dip sh*t by my own dragon.

I follow Lake into the office and Luna is sleeping peacefully on Jade’s chest. Goddess, how I have

missed my daughter. Jade stands coming over and placing Luna in my arms. “Can we talk” she asks

and I nod. “I’ll take the others to the guest rooms. When you’re done speaking with Jade she will show

you to your room”, my mother says, and Lake looks at us confused. The door closes and I look back at

Jade. Her eyes are the most beautiful chocolate brown color. I shake those thoughts away and she

begins to speak. “Luca, I know you know that I am your goddess given mate.” “I do, but” I start to say

and she cuts me off. “I can tell that you aren’t happy to have me as a mate.” “It isn’t about you, Jade.”

She laughs and I’m taken back. “It is about me. I’m the one that you’re hurting. If you don’t want me as

your mate, I won’t beg you to accept me. I deserve a mate that wants me as much as I want them.”

She leans in and kisses Luna’s head before she walks toward the door. “I’ll show you to your room.”

She walks into the hallway and I follow her. My dragon is laughing as I walk behind her. “I love our

feisty mate putting you in your place. You better get your head out of your a** before someone else

gets to be with the woman that was made for us.” I feel anger like I’ve never known at Sebastian’s

words. The thought of anyone touching her makes me insane. I push those thoughts away. I can’t be

with her even if I wanted to.

Once we reach the room, she says goodbye to Luna before she leaves without saying goodbye to me. I

walk inside the room and it’s beautiful. It has a crib and provisions for Luna which I really appreciate. I

haven’t had much dealings with wolves besides the rogues, but Lake and the pack members I’ve met

have been very gracious. I’m just about to lay Luna down when she starts to cry. I’ve never heard her

cry this way. I try everything I can think of, but nothing seems to be soothing her. I head next door

hoping that Esme can help me . After Cynthia died, she was a tremendous help to me in caring for

Luna. I knock and Sherman opens the door. Esme rushes over and takes Luna from me. “She won’t

stop crying. I have never heard her cry like this.” Esme shoots me a look like I’m being stupid. “She is

crying because she wants Jade. She has imprinted on her. She knows who she is to you even if you

won’t admit it.”

Monica POV

“Now he is going to come back with that little brat. How the hell did he even know where to find her?”

“Apparently a werewolf found her and called the council.” “I will not take care of that low-ranking b**ch’s

hatchling. My first hatchling will be his heir.” “Stop worrying Monica. The council will never let Luna

become ruler of the kingdom. Once you give him a son, he will see reason and then we can deal with

getting rid of Luna.”