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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 151
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 154

7 Healing

Maverick POV

The door opens and Ruby steps in front of me. I smile because it feels like she is protecting me from

these three women, which I’m sure isn’t necessary. “Maverick, this is my sister Jade and my two best

friends, Brooklyn and Autumn. Autumn is the healer we spoke about.” I reach out my hand, shaking

each of theirs. “It’s very nice to meet all of you. Autumn, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you

doing this for my mother. I’m a firm believer that positive thoughts and believing that something can

work can make all the difference in the world. My mom is the most important person in my life and I

would do anything to make her well.” My mind drifts to all the pain my father caused her but I shake

those thoughts away and focus on the here and now. “How is your father doing with your mom being

sick”, Jade asks. “Jade” Ruby snaps at her. I place my hand on Ruby’s forearm. “It’s alright, he’s not

involved in our lives after the choices he has made”, I say to Jade. I don’t elaborate on what those

choices were. “Thank you again, Autumn, for offering to do this.” “It is truly my pleasure to help in any

way I can”, Autumn says. “I should head back to my office and type up a report about our meeting for

the files.” “Maverick, we can leave around lunch time to head to the hospital if that works for you”, Ruby

says. “That would be fine”, I say before I head back to my office.

So much has happened this morning between dealing with Delilah and that a**hole. I’m honestly

exhausted, but I have things I need to get done before we make the trip to the hospital. I take a seat

behind my desk. I try to focus on the files but my mind wanders to what happened in Ruby’s office. I

look down at the hand that touched Ruby’s forearm. The feeling of her skin against my fingertips gave

me a feeling of warmth throughout my body. I have never felt anything like it before. What the hell is

going on with me? She is my boss and now is not the time to be worrying about how her skin makes

me feel. I open the file and start to work on my report. I have known Stephen long enough to know that

he probably would have punched that ba**ard in the face for the way he spoke to Ruby, so I know he

will understand why we didn’t make the deal. Normally, I would be the one to let him know but I’m sure

Ruby will be doing that now. Despite saying he’s retired, he still wants to know what’s going on with the

company which I completely respect. I finish the report so I can give it to Ruby before we leave for the

hospital. As I walk out of my office, Jennifer rushes toward me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

What the hell is wrong with this woman that she won’t give up? “Mr. Colwell, can I have a moment of

your time?” “What can I do for you Jennifer?” “Based on the fact that you won’t speak to Delilah, I

assume that you’re no longer engaged. I was hoping that we could go out for dinner” she says with a

wink. “Jennifer, this is a completely inappropriate conversation. I have made it perfectly clear that I am

not interested in you. That won’t change even if I’m not with Delilah. I am your boss and the next time

you invade my personal space or proposition me in any way, we will have a conversation with Human

Resources. Do you understand me?” She steps back with a hurt look on her face. If I hadn’t been clear

that I wasn’t interested I would feel bad right now, but I don’t. “Yes sir.” She turns and I’m hopeful this

time she will listen to what I just said. Once she walks down the hall and out of my sight, I turn back

toward Ruby’s office. That’s when I realize Ruby is standing in the hallway outside her door. How much

of that did she just hear? I walk toward her and hand her the papers. She takes the report but says

nothing for a long time. I stare into her beautiful green eyes for a moment before I finally speak. “I’m

ready whenever you ladies are to go to the hospital.” I’m grateful when she turns back and opens her

office door. She walks in and grabs her purse. The others stand and look in Ruby’s direction. “We will

meet you at the hospital, Maverick.” I nod and head out to my car.

Ruby POV

I want to kill Jade when she asks about Maverick’s father. I know as an empath she has a hard time not

asking about things when someone seems hurt or upset. When he places his hand on my forearm, the

tingles that erupt travel right to my core. Oh my goddess, I have never felt anything like that in my life.

Gemma growls and I block her. I can’t growl in front of this man. How the hell would I explain that?

When he leaves my office, I turn to Jade. “Why would you ask him about his father?” “I’m sorry, I could

just tell that there was something wrong and I couldn’t help myself. I know he doesn’t know it yet, but

he is important to me.” I smile and pull her into a hug. “I know you didn’t mean any harm and I

appreciate you worrying about my mate. I have a feeling I know what he meant by choices.” After a half

an hour, I open my door with the intention of letting him know we are ready. When I see Jennifer

approach him in the hallway, I can feel Gemma pushing to the surface. “I don’t want her anywhere near

our mate,” she says. “I don’t either, but we need to let him handle this. He doesn’t need our protection

from this woman. He has proved he is a very capable man.” When I hear her say that he isn’t speaking

to Delilah, I won’t lie, I feel hope.

I feel both pride and anger listening to him tell her exactly what he thinks of her advances. I will never

understand women that throw themselves at men that are clearly not interested. She reminds me so

much of Tanya. If I see her even bat her eyes in his direction again after what he just told her, I will fire

her a** on the spot. When our eyes meet, it’s so hard not to tell him what he is to me. I force myself to

turn away from him. I walk into the office to grab my purse and take a minute to calm myself and

Gemma down. Once he leaves, Autumn comes to stand in front of me. “What the hell just happened?”

“The secretary was hitting on him and he put her in her place.” “That’s good that he shows no interest

in her isn’t it” Brooklyn says. “That doesn’t stop Gemma and I from wanting to beat her a**.” They all

burst out into laughter and I feel some of the anger fade away. I don’t mention anything about what was

said about Delilah.

We reach the hospital thirty minutes later. Brooklyn and Jade stay in the waiting room while Maverick

leads Autumn and I to his mother’s room. When we walk in, his mother is resting with her eyes closed.

She looks so peaceful and when I look at Maverick all I can see is love as he looks at her. “Mom, we’re

here”, he says softly, and her eyes fly open. She smiles “the medicine really does knock the hell out of

me.” I hate that she is sick and I’m hopeful that Autumn will be able to help her. “Autumn, this is my

mother Gwen. Mom, you met Ruby before and this is Autumn the healer.” She shakes Autumn’s hand

first. When I take her hand, she pulls me in for a hug. I chuckle and hug her back. When I pull back she

smiles “you both are very beautiful young ladies.” “Thank you, Gwen,” we both say. “Are you ready to

let me try to offer you some of my healing Gwen,” Autumn asks. “If it could help me stop taking this

chemo I’m more than ready.” We both smile and I turn to Maverick. “For this to be done properly you’re

going to need to wait outside Maverick.” He looks at me confused but thankfully he heads for the door

without questioning me.

Autumn POV

Once Maverick leaves the room, I turn back to Gwen. “I know that what I do is hard to believe in, but I

need you to do your best. I need you to keep your eyes closed until I am completely done. No matter

what you feel, do not open your eyes until I tell you to.” She nods and closes her eyes. I place the head

of her bed down so she is flat. I start to pass my hands over her and begin to chant, working from her

head down to her feet. I squeeze in behind her bed and place my hands on either side of her head. I

begin to chant and my hands begin to glow purple like they did the day I helped my mother heal

Stephen. I close my eyes and I can see the spots that have been caused by the disease in her body.

As my magic flows to each spot, they get smaller and smaller until they disappear. The largest spot

takes the longest, but I’m able to make it disappear just the same. I open my eyes and start to chant,

moving my hands above her body again.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Once I’m done, I use the bed remote to put her head back up. “Gwen, you can open your eyes now.”

She does what I say and I see a single tear run down her cheek. “Are you alright?” “I have never felt

anything like that before. Do you think that it worked” she asks with hope in her voice. I can’t just tell

her that it did, even though I want to. “Faith and believing are part of the healing process, Gwen. I

believe that you are healed but you need to believe too.” She takes my hand in hers. “I believe and I

can’t thank you enough.” She looks toward Ruby. “Thank you Ruby, for bringing Autumn to help me. All

I want is to have more time with Maverick and be there when he has his own family.” “You are very

welcome Gwen. I’ll go get Maverick”, Ruby says. “Wait, can I ask you something before you get

Maverick?” Ruby nods and I come to stand next to her. “Was Maverick upset today when he was at the

office?” We both wait for her to continue. “It seems that his engagement is over. I hate to see him

upset.” “No he seemed fine, Gwen”, Ruby says, offering her reassurance. I’m so happy to hear her say

that Maverick is no longer engaged. I knew the goddess would never give Ruby a mate she couldn’t

have. “Ruby, do you like my son?” Ruby has a shocked look on her face and I can’t help but chuckle. A

knock sounding on the door saves her from the question. A nurse pops her head in and I’m thankful

that we were done with the healing. Ruby heads to get Maverick and I’m sure she is grateful the nurse

came in when she did.

Delilah POV

The secretary shows me to the office. Once I’m inside he stands. “Did she say she would speak with

him? He will listen to anything that woman says.” “Maverick interrupted me while I was pleading with

her to help me. I don’t think she will be any help to us.” “You couldn’t just follow the plan. You had to go

out being the sl*t you are.” “You didn’t mind me being a sl*t when I was on my knees for you.” “Don’t

flatter yourself Delilah, anyone can give a bl*w j*b. I’ve had much better. All I needed you to do was

marry him so I could get a piece of that company when he takes over.” “I already told you that he isn’t

in charge anymore. That b**ch Ruby is in charge because she is Stephen’s granddaughter.” He laughs

“do you think what happened today with Mr. Bernard won’t keep happening. I’m sure her little delicate

heart won’t be able to hang with the men of the corporate world. You want to be married to a COO and

I want a way into that company. So you better start doing whatever it takes to get his forgiveness.” “You

better hope he doesn’t find out what you have done. He won’t think twice about destroying you.” He

grabs my arm and starts to squeeze. “I would be very careful, Delilah. I’m not as soft as Maverick.” “Let

me go, you’re hurting me.” He releases me. “Get the hell out of my office and call me when you have

him back in your bed.”