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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 116
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 119

Brooke POV

As I look at the disappointment on Adrian’s face, I hate myself for going to the fvcking pack. I don’t

even know what I hoped to see. That’s a lie, I hoped to see the ba**ard who betrayed me. Who

pretended like he was going to accept me and then gave me to that ba**ard Drayce. Like I was nothing.

It’s even worse because what he did hurt Jocelyn. I pray to see her one day and I hope she is safe

wherever she is. I think about that night at the pack as I gather everything, I can carry to take with us.


I stand outside the territory staring at the place that was once my home. A happy place that I thought I

would raise my pups. I never cross the border, but that doesn’t mean I can’t hope he is out on a run. I’m

just about to leave when I catch a scent but it isn’t Jayden’s. As the scent invades my nostrils, I feel like

I can’t breathe. The patrol guards come to stand in front of me and shift. “Look who it is, the little

omega who thought she could be Luna”, Noah says to Pearce. He chuckles “I thought the vampires

would have drained you by now.” I feel rage overwhelming me. Before I can stop myself, I elongate my

fangs and run full speed at Noah. I’ knock him to the ground and sink my fangs into his neck. I hear

Pearce yelling for me to let Noah go before he pulls me off of him. He tosses me toward a tree but I

manage to land on my feet. The look of shock and fear on his face before he starts to link someone

makes me happy. I’m sure the warriors will be here soon but Pearce will not live to see them. He

helped that ba**ard toss me aside and hurt my sister. I run using my new vampire speed to reach

Pearce. “I’m sorry Brooke, I was just following orders. Please don’t kill me.” “F**k you and your orders” I

say before I sink my fangs into his neck. I just start to drain him when he screams. I hear paws hitting

the ground that are getting louder by the second. I release my bite knowing that he is dead. I drop his

body to the ground. I breathe getting myself under control as another patrol guard approaches in wolf

form. I take off into the trees as fast as I can run. I start back toward the cottage feeling sick to my

stomach knowing what I just did. It was like I wasn’t in control of my own body. “Don’t even try to blame

me” Candace says. “I’m not blaming you, it was all me. I lost control.” “Yes, you did, you put our pups at

risk because of your anger and hate.” “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” “I know you didn’t think, but you

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need to from now on. Jayden was too stupid to recognize what a gift we are and we need to

concentrate on raising our pups without a mate.” She’s right and I promise to never do anything stupid

like that again. Henry and Anna are what is important now.

End Flashback

I hold my pups to my chest as I follow Adrian through the trees. “Brooke, there are vampires”

Candance starts to say when two men drop down from the trees. I know one is West, Drayce’s second

in command. He helped Drayce punish me many times. Drayce didn’t realize it, but despite being

forbidden, West took me many times when he wasn’t’ there. Hell for all I know, he could be the pups’

father instead of Drayce. When he speaks, his voice sends a wave of disgust through me. He looks at

my pups and I squeeze them a little tighter.

Adrian POV

“Don’t even look at my family you prick.” “How do you know there your family” he asks with a smile.

“You fvcking ba**ard, I wish I didn’t have to kill you so I could tell Drayce what his trusted second in

command did.” “You’re a little delusional I would say. Do you really think that you can take both of us,

Adrian?” “To protect Brooke and the pups, absolutely.” “Fine, this will be fun and then I can have a go at

Brooke again before I hand her back over to your brother. I’m sure he’ll understand why I killed you

when I tell him that you have been keeping his children from him”, he says with a wink. I feel sick to my

stomach at his words. They start toward me and I take a fighting stance. They won’t be as easy as

Barry, but I refuse to let them hurt my family. No matter what, Brooke and the twins are my family. Kyle

runs at me first and I can see that West plans to go for Brooke. I lunge toward West, taking my nails

across his chest before I bring my hand back b**ch slapping him. Seems fitting since he is such a

b**ch. It knocks him off kilter but he stays on his feet. Kyle grabs my arms, bringing them behind my

back. I look around quickly to check on Brooke but I don’t see her. I feel relieved and hope she gets far

from these a**holes.

I concentrate on these two with the hope that she and the pups are safe. I lift my foot, catching Kyle in

the balls. As he releases me, I side step West. He turns and this time his fist connects with my face. I

try to rush to my feet but he’s over me before I get a chance. I know he thinks he has me, but that

couldn’t be more wrong. As he starts to reach down to grab my throat, I kick his knee as hard as I can,

breaking his leg. He screams and I cheer a little inside. Before I can celebrate, Kyle has me by the hair.

“You little b**ch” he says before a growl shakes the trees. I look up and Candance is running toward us.

Kyle releases me, but he doesn’t realize her vampire gift of speed was given to her wolf too. She is on

him in seconds. He screams, but the minute she bites down there is silence. The body drops to the

ground and she turns. I look back and West is trying to drag himself away. I walk toward him as

Candance runs past us and into the woods. I’m standing in front of him. “You betrayed your own kind

for that mutt and her half-breeds.” “You are no kind of mine” I say before I reach down, placing my

hands on both sides of his head. I pull and rip his head from his body. Once I drop his head to the

ground, I rush toward the woods. Brooke steps out from the trees with the twins and relief washes over

me. I wrap them in a hug. “You scared me, I can’t lose you Adrian”, Brooke whispers. “I promise you

Brooke I’m not going anywhere. Let’s get to the city so we can all relax.” She nods and hands me the

twins before she shifts. We will get there quicker this way and, hopefully, that was the last of my

brother’s men that were following me.

One Week Later

Serina POV

I head to Jocelyn’s room to grab her for breakfast. When I reach the room, I hear weird noises coming

from inside. “Ruby, what the hell is that?” “I don’t know, but whatever it is doesn’t sound very good.” I

knock normal at first but then hard. “Serina” I hear her voice and it sounds pained. I push my shoulder

into the door, breaking the lock. I look around but she isn’t in the room. I rush toward the bathroom and

throw the door open. Jocelyn is on the floor in a ball holding her belly. “Jo, are you in labor?” “I’m pretty

sure I am because I have never had pain like this.” I link Gabby and Lake. Lake will be able to carry her

because I don’t think she can walk. They come rushing in and, without a word, Lake scoops her up. We

run to the pack hospital and the doctor is waiting for us in the lobby. Lake lays her on the gurney.

“Serina and Gabby will you be there with me.” “Of course,” we both say. Gabby k!sses Lake and we

follow them to a delivery room. Once she is inside, they get her into bed to check her. I thought I would

be freaked out by all of this but I’m excited to be a part of it.”

“Jocelyn your five centimeters, half way. You’re doing well”, the doctor says before he leaves. I notice

that Gabby is rubbing circles on her bump. Soon we will be celebrating the triplets’ birth. I love that we

are going to have all these pups to love. Jo’s grunt brings me out of my thoughts. I take her hand and

she breathes through the pain. “Jo, do you want me to see if they can give you something for the pain”

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Gabby asks. “No, I want to do this naturally.” “Alright, we are here with you.” “Thank you, for

everything.” We both smile and take a seat on each side of her bed. An hour passes and she screams

before a look of panic crosses her face. “What’s wrong Jo?” “I think my water just broke.” Gabby links

the doctor a few minutes later the door opens. The doctor and two nurses rush in. “Let’s check and see

how far you have come”, the doctor says. When he pulls his hand back he smiles. “You’re moving

along nicely. You’re about eight centimeters. With your water breaking, it should move faster now. Both

the pups look good on the monitor.” Once the nurses and doctor are gone there is a look of concern on

Jo’s face. “What’s wrong Jo?” “I’m scared.” You’re doing great, you’re so strong.” “I’m scared of the

labor but I’m more scared of not doing a good job as a mother.”

“Not possible Jo” Gabby says before I can. “You are going to be a great mom. I know because I have

one and I can see it in you.” Jo smiles and it warms my heart. “Besides, you have a lot of people to

help and love the pups too.” She squeezes both our hands. After another hour, she complains of

pressure and when the doctor checks her this time she is ready to push. Gabby takes one leg and I

take the other. She pushes like a champ. After about ten pushes, the first pup is out. He is the most

beautiful little boy. “Alright Jocelyn, take a breath. We need to check pup number two before you push

again.” He checks her and the baby is head down. “It looks like pup two is ready to make their

appearance too.” She smiles and starts to push again. She pushes five more times and the cries of her

daughter fill the room. I can feel the tears running down my cheeks. Not only do Ruby and I feel

connected to Jo but to her pups. We will protect these pups like they were our own. Gabby and I each

take a pup once they are cleaned up and bring them to Jo. We set them in her arms and you can see

the love she has for them all over her face. It’s an amazing thing to see. “Have you decided on names

yet?” “No, can I think a little bit before I name them. I have some names but I’m not sure which one fits

yet.” “Of course, they’re your pups.” We hug her and take a seat, just enjoying staring at these two new


Nicholas POV

“Ezra, it’s time to head back.” “Alright” he says, but I know he doesn’t really want to. When we reach

the edge of the trees, we shift slipping on shorts. “You were right about the pain. It’s so smooth and

painless now.” Ezra growls and the scent of peaches invades my nose. I turn to see a beautiful gray

wolf standing near the side of the pack house. I start toward her and she takes off. Ezra growls again

“mate.” I stumble back, “no it can’t be. It has to be Serina.” Ezra growls again at my words.