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Mr. Sallow's Sinful Wife by Maisie Chasey

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24 Helped Nancy Venting Her Anger

The metal spoon hit the thick wooden table with a sound.

The next moment, Nicholas stood up slowly. He pointed his slender fingers at Alice and Yvette, then

said mercilessly, “Get these two people out of here right away.

“Wha… what?”

Alice’s lips trembled. She couldn’t believe what she heard.

Today is Grandpa’s 80th birthday. Nicholas wanted to throw them out on such a momentous


Moreover, she never expected she would be kicked out by him just by scolding his inferior wife.

“What? Did I not speak clear enough? Why are you still in a daze?”

Nicholas became angrier when he saw Uncle Joe standing still. His dark eyes were as cold as ice.

Now Uncle Joe knew that Young Master was not acting out of temper. He was irritated.

However, Alice and Yvette were family members of the Sallows. Although they were not close, her

surname was also Sallow.

Uncle Joe hesitated and looked at Jacob.

“Sir, the Young Master said…”

Jacob looked at Uncle Joe and nodded. “Just do as he says.”

Alice and Yvette had hoped Jacob would back them up. Unexpectedly, even Jacob would not help.


Soon, the Sallows’ bodyguards came in.

One stood on the left and one on the right of Yvette and Alice. “Please come out with us.”

Alice sat still. She blinked and looked at Jacob pitifully.

“Grandpa, although I am not your granddaughter, I am still a member of the Sallows. Today is your 80th

birthday. Do you really want to kick me and my mother out on such a happy day?”

“Dad has been gone for so many years. These years, my mother and I depend on each other. How

could you be so cruel to me?”

Alice knew how to use her miserable condition.


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That’s why Uncle Joe looked at Jacob after Nicholas gave the order.

It had been a few years since Alice’s father, Bennett Sallow, died. Since then, the mother and daughter

have suffered a lot of bullying and suffering.

Jacob had taken care of them because they were distant relatives of the Sallows. Without his help, they

probably would live a miserable life.

Jacob originally extended a helping hand with good intentions because they were family. members of

the Sallows. But today, they dared to humiliate his granddaughter-in-law openly. This was something

that Jacob couldn’t bear.

“Grandpa, I was wrong. I was the one who talked too much. I shouldn’t have laughed at Nicholas’ wife.

Please forgive me and Mom for once!”

“Grandpa, I’m sorry. I know I was wrong.”

Alice’s attitude of admitting her mistakes was so sincere. She cried bitterly. Jacob almost softened

his heart.

At this time, Yvette also seized the opportunity. She looked at Sarah and grabbed her arm.

“Sarah, Bennett and Albert are not brothers. However, they’re cousins. They are a family after all. They

have the same grandfather. For the sake of our relationship, please help us to persuade


Over the years, Sarah had taken care of her because of the relationship between Albert and


Sometimes, she also heard the arrogant arguments of the mother and daughter.

But they were the Sallows, after all. So Sarah didn’t pursue it as long as it wasn’t too much.

Unexpectedly, her indulgence nurtured their character to be greedy and vain coward bullies.

Sarah calmly pulled out her arm and then looked at Yvette. “You are right. We have been family. for so

many years. We shouldn’t have punished our own relatives, but have you two ever thought. of me?

Who did Alice laugh at just now?”

“She laughed at Nicholas’ wife. Didn’t it mean she laughed at Nicholas and me?”

At this point, the Sallows wouldn’t embarrass them in the future if Yvette and Alice went out obediently.

But the two of them didn’t appreciate it. Alice pushed the bodyguard away and cried. “Grandpa, you

can’t do this to me.”



Alice ran over crying and knelt next to Jacob.

The banquet was in full swing. Alice’s crying definitely attracted a lot of attention.

“I give you three seconds. Stop crying immediately!

Under Nicholas’ gaze, Alice obediently closed her mouth.

Sarah glanced down at her and said, “There’s something I didn’t want to say. I wanted to save some

face for you, but since you don’t want it, I will say it frankly.”

“Someone pushed Nancy into the swimming pool just now. Do you know who pushed her?”

As soon as these words came out, Alice’s face turned pale.


She has an impression of this name. She was an orphan adopted by Jacob and was very favored.

Unexpectedly, it was her, the person sitting next to Jacob.

“You pushed her?” Nicholas looked at Alice with a stern gaze that instantly killed her.

Alice was instantly frightened. As she wanted to beg for mercy. Nicholas suddenly stretched out his

hand, grabbed her hand, and walked to Nancy.


His cold voice was threatening to Alice.

Alice shuddered. She immediately cried and apologized, “I’m sorry, Nancy. I was wrong. I shouldn’t

have pushed you.”

“Fortunately, I’m fine this time. You should pay more attention in the future.”

Today is Jacob’s birthday. Nancy didn’t want to screw it, so she nodded in forgiveness.

The next moment, she saw Nicholas throwing Alice outside.

That’s right, he “threw her out.

Yvette no longer had the face to beg for mercy and followed Alice out dejectedly.

The banquet returned to normal.

Nancy was relieved to see Jacob was in a good mood and was not too influenced by Alice.

She quickly peeled a shrimp and put it in Jacob’s bow! ‘Grandpa, this shrimp is so tender. Try

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Jacob took a sip and nodded. “Yeah, it’s very tender. It’s tasty.”

After a busy day and dinner, Nancy could finally rest in her room.

Nancy was a little sleepy. She wanted to take a bath and go to bed early, so she took her pajamas. and

went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Hearing the knock on the door, Nicholas went to open the door.

“Young Master, Madam made this for you and Mrs. Sallow herself. This hangover soup is for you.

Madam said you drank a lot during the day. It will make you feel more comfortable.”

Nicholas’ eyes fell on another transparent glass cup.

Aunt Gloria quickly explained. “This is collagen soup for Mrs. Sallow. It will rejuvenate, beautify, and

nourish the skin. Mrs. Sallow will definitely like it.”

“Okay, thank mom for me.”

Nicholas went in with two glasses.

The temperature of the hangover soup was suitable, and he also had a headache, so he drank it


Nicholas frowned after he drank it


Why was this hangover soup tasted weird?

It tasted a little different from usual. It smelled a little like… traditional medicine.

When Nancy came out of the shower, her little face was flushed and her skin tender.

She was stunned when she saw Nicholas had removed his shoes and tie, unbuttoned two buttons.

of his white shirt, and sat on a chair with a rosy complexion.

“What’s wrong with you? Do you feel sick after drinking?” Nancy asked.

Nicholas shook his head and said, “I’m hot.”