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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 203
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Chapter 203

Cynthia frowned slightly, feeling a mixture of emotions. Then, she reluctantly replied, “Got


After hanging up the phone, she tried dialing Joshua’s mobile number multiple times, but it

was always temporarily

unreachable. Finally, after careful consideration, she decided to send him a WhatsApp

message to let him know she was safe.

After sending the message, she also thought about what fayleen had said and decided to

ask Yoel about it. When she called, Yoel and Joshua were in a secluded villa.

Seeing, Cynthia’s incoming call, Yoel informed Joshua, “Mr. Neal, it’s Ms. Yates.’

“Should I answer?” Yoel asked tentatively.

“Not now,” Joshua replied with an unreadable gaze, sitting on the couch in the living room.

Following his orders, Yoel said, “Understood.”

Once the call ended, Yoel inquired, “Ms. Yates called to let us know she’s safe. If we don’t

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answer, won’t she worry!’

“No, she won’t,” Joshua responded coldly.

Cynthia was indeed not worried. Knowing Joshua’s character, he would investigate the

matter thoroughly, and there was nothing dangerous about her kidnapping. Hence,

Cynthia belleved there was likely no signal where he was at the moment

After confirming Cynthia’s satery, Joshua began his interrogation.

In the living room of the villa, besides himself sitting and Yoel standing behind him, two

men were sitting across from them in hospital gowns, their faces pale.


If Cynthia were here, she would recognize these two as the ones she had fought in the


“Who are you, and why did you kidnap Cynthia?” Joshua, dressed in a gray suit, sat with

his legs crossed on the couch, exuding a strang aura. Although he had not done anything,

he made people restless and fearful.

The two men’s hearts trembled.

Joshua Neal!

That woman was really Joshua Neal’s woman.

Seeing that the two men remained silent, Yoel smiled and pushed his glasses. “Mr. Neal

has never been patient. It would be better if the two of you confess quickly, or else..”

As he spoke, he shifted his gaze to the most vulnerable spot of the two men, the spot

Cynthia had kicked before.

A chill ran down their spines, and they instinctively covered that spot with their hands.

Yoel maintained his smile.

“L. I’m Bobby,” the man in the black clothes spoke up, still dressed in a hospital gown.

The other one also said, “I’m Joey.”

the warehouse. If we

“We really didn’t know she was your wife. Someone gave us a sum of money to the her up

and take her to the had known she was yours, we wouldn’t dare in do anything,” Bobby

started to be, genuinely afraid.

“That’s right, that’s right.” Iney panicked.

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So, it’s fine to kidnap someone else?” Joshua’s gaze grew colder.

The two of them shivered all over. “Of course not!”

“Who instructed you?” Joshua’s aura became even more oppressive, his obsillan eyes

carrying a heavy weight.

The two men exchanged a glance, considering whether to speak or not. They were already

here when they woke up in Immense pain and had no idea what had happened in


Chapter 203


“Yoel, call the police and tell them they can take these people away. Collect more evidence

of their crimes to submit to them, and strive for a death sentence during sentencing

“Joshua’s cold words struck the hearts of the men, devoid of any y warmth.

The two men were terrified!

Bobby could not care about anything else anymore and panicked, “Wait! We’ll talk! We’ll

tell you everything!”