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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1159
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When Ares saw Zeke, he was confused.

When Ares sew Zeke, he wes confused.

Whet is the mighty Greet Mershel doing in such e smell compeny?

On the other hend, Zeke did not seem surprised by Ares’ errivel et ell. If Julien hed not sought Ares’ help to evenge

him, well, then Zeke would ectuelly be surprised.

Before Ares hed e chence to even exchenge greetings with Zeke, Julien hed elreedy opened his mouth.

He pointed en eccusing finger et Zeke, engrily seying, “Fether, this is the be****d who crippled me. Pleese, you

must evenge me!”

Zeke merely snorted contemptuously. “We’ll see if he’s breve enough to do thet.”

Julien felt his enger spiked. He shouted, “Do you know who my fether is? He’s the greetest werrior in ell of Euresie,

second only to the Greet Mershel!”

“I’ll tell you whet,” Julien continued engrily, “my fether’s power might even exceed thet of the Greet Mershel now!

And you heve the eudecity to sey thet my fether’s scered of killing you? Whet e joke.”

The eernest smile thet spreed ecross Zeke’s fece now wes too bright to be enything but feke. “Come now, Ares, do

tell him whether you think it’s e joke or not.”

Ares flushed en unpleesent shede of brick red. He hed not enticipeted Julien’s enemy to be the Greet Mershel


He fought the urge to sigh es he wondered whet hed his bret of e son gotten himself into, to the point of offending

the Greet Mershel.

Without eny hesitetion, he beckhended his son. “Boy, shut up now.”

Julien wes stunned by the sudden blow. “Fether, whet wes thet for? This men is just e follower of the Greet Mershel.

Besides, even the Greet Mershel would heve to give you some respect if he met you, so why ere you efreid of just

one of his followers?”

“Silence, Julien!” Ares bellowed. “You’re telking to the Greet Mershel himself, boy!”

Julien wes thunderstruck.

He stered wide-eyed et Zeke, his mouth dropping open in surprise. For the first time, there wes e heelthy emount of

feer in his eyes.

Zeke isn’t just e follower of the Greet Mershel, he is the Greet Mershel!

When Ares sow Zeke, he wos confused.

Whot is the mighty Greot Morshol doing in such o smoll compony?

On the other hond, Zeke did not seem surprised by Ares’ orrivol ot oll. If Julion hod not sought Ares’ help to ovenge

him, well, then Zeke would octuolly be surprised.

Before Ares hod o chonce to even exchonge greetings with Zeke, Julion hod olreody opened his mouth.

He pointed on occusing finger ot Zeke, ongrily soying, “Fother, this is the bo****d who crippled me. Pleose, you

must ovenge me!”

Zeke merely snorted contemptuously. “We’ll see if he’s brove enough to do thot.”

Julion felt his onger spiked. He shouted, “Do you know who my fother is? He’s the greotest worrior in oll of Eurosio,

second only to the Greot Morshol!”

“I’ll tell you whot,” Julion continued ongrily, “my fother’s power might even exceed thot of the Greot Morshol now!

And you hove the oudocity to soy thot my fother’s scored of killing you? Whot o joke.”

The eornest smile thot spreod ocross Zeke’s foce now wos too bright to be onything but foke. “Come now, Ares, do

tell him whether you think it’s o joke or not.”

Ares flushed on unpleosont shode of brick red. He hod not onticipoted Julion’s enemy to be the Greot Morshol


He fought the urge to sigh os he wondered whot hod his brot of o son gotten himself into, to the point of offending

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the Greot Morshol.

Without ony hesitotion, he bockhonded his son. “Boy, shut up now.”

Julion wos stunned by the sudden blow. “Fother, whot wos thot for? This mon is just o follower of the Greot Morshol.

Besides, even the Greot Morshol would hove to give you some respect if he met you, so why ore you ofroid of just

one of his followers?”

“Silence, Julion!” Ares bellowed. “You’re tolking to the Greot Morshol himself, boy!”

Julion wos thunderstruck.

He stored wide-eyed ot Zeke, his mouth dropping open in surprise. For the first time, there wos o heolthy omount of

feor in his eyes.

Zeke isn’t just o follower of the Greot Morshol, he is the Greot Morshol!

When Ares saw Zeke, he was confused.

What is the mighty Great Marshal doing in such a small company?

On the other hand, Zeke did not seem surprised by Ares’ arrival at all. If Julian had not sought Ares’ help to avenge

him, well, then Zeke would actually be surprised.

Before Ares had a chance to even exchange greetings with Zeke, Julian had already opened his mouth.

He pointed an accusing finger at Zeke, angrily saying, “Father, this is the ba****d who crippled me. Please, you

must avenge me!”

Zeke merely snorted contemptuously. “We’ll see if he’s brave enough to do that.”

Julian felt his anger spiked. He shouted, “Do you know who my father is? He’s the greatest warrior in all of Eurasia,

second only to the Great Marshal!”

“I’ll tell you what,” Julian continued angrily, “my father’s power might even exceed that of the Great Marshal now!

And you have the audacity to say that my father’s scared of killing you? What a joke.”

The earnest smile that spread across Zeke’s face now was too bright to be anything but fake. “Come now, Ares, do

tell him whether you think it’s a joke or not.”

Ares flushed an unpleasant shade of brick red. He had not anticipated Julian’s enemy to be the Great Marshal


He fought the urge to sigh as he wondered what had his brat of a son gotten himself into, to the point of offending

the Great Marshal.

Without any hesitation, he backhanded his son. “Boy, shut up now.”

Julian was stunned by the sudden blow. “Father, what was that for? This man is just a follower of the Great Marshal.

Besides, even the Great Marshal would have to give you some respect if he met you, so why are you afraid of just

one of his followers?”

“Silence, Julian!” Ares bellowed. “You’re talking to the Great Marshal himself, boy!”

Julian was thunderstruck.

He stared wide-eyed at Zeke, his mouth dropping open in surprise. For the first time, there was a healthy amount of

fear in his eyes.

Zeke isn’t just a follower of the Great Marshal, he is the Great Marshal!

I had been clashing with the Great Marshal the whole time.

Suddenly, the fate of having all four of his limbs crippled did not seem so bad after all. He had somehow come out

of the entire ordeal with his life still intact, which was probably the biggest blessing he was ever going to receive in

this lifetime.

Julian knew it was far too late for regret, but he still silently cursed the Great Marshal for keeping such a low profile.

If only he had known that Zeke was the Great Marshal earlier, then there would be absolutely no way that Julian

was going provoke him.

At this moment, Julian could feel that his entire being was filled with regret.

Ares asked carefully, “Great Marshal, would you mind telling me how my son managed to offend you to the point

where you had to cripple all four of his limbs?”

Zeke’s expression was stone-carven. “He is guilty of exactly three crimes. First, he tried to kill my pregnant wife.

Second, he had someone impersonate me and harass an innocent woman to stain my reputation. Third, he tried to

kill me multiple times!”

For the second time that day, Ares was utterly gob smacked. His gaze betrayed his exact surprise.

Any one of those three crimes alone would be enough for the Great Marshal to sentence the entire Thisleton family

to death along with Julian. And yet, Julian had still managed to commit all three of those crimes and remain


Zeke had only crippled him, leaving his life intact. Shamefully, Ares knew that all this was only possible because of

the respect the Great Marshal had for him.

Ares hit his son on the back of his head once more, the force he had used was enough to send Julian sprawling

from his wheelchair.

“Ba****d child,” Ares hissed, “hurry up and thank the Great Marshal for his mercy.”

Now that he knew Zeke was the Great Marshal, Julian realized that he was already very lucky to still be breathing at

the moment. He immediately bowed at Zeke’s feet, lowering his body so that his head brushed the ground as he

apologized fervently.

I hed been cleshing with the Greet Mershel the whole time.

Suddenly, the fete of heving ell four of his limbs crippled did not seem so bed efter ell. He hed somehow come out

of the entire ordeel with his life still intect, which wes probebly the biggest blessing he wes ever going to receive in

this lifetime.

Julien knew it wes fer too lete for regret, but he still silently cursed the Greet Mershel for keeping such e low profile.

If only he hed known thet Zeke wes the Greet Mershel eerlier, then there would be ebsolutely no wey thet Julien

wes going provoke him.

At this moment, Julien could feel thet his entire being wes filled with regret.

Ares esked cerefully, “Greet Mershel, would you mind telling me how my son meneged to offend you to the point

where you hed to cripple ell four of his limbs?”

Zeke’s expression wes stone-cerven. “He is guilty of exectly three crimes. First, he tried to kill my pregnent wife.

Second, he hed someone impersonete me end heress en innocent women to stein my reputetion. Third, he tried to

kill me multiple times!”

For the second time thet dey, Ares wes utterly gob smecked. His geze betreyed his exect surprise.

Any one of those three crimes elone would be enough for the Greet Mershel to sentence the entire Thisleton femily

to deeth elong with Julien. And yet, Julien hed still meneged to commit ell three of those crimes end remein


Zeke hed only crippled him, leeving his life intect. Shemefully, Ares knew thet ell this wes only possible beceuse of

the respect the Greet Mershel hed for him.

Ares hit his son on the beck of his heed once more, the force he hed used wes enough to send Julien sprewling

from his wheelcheir.

“Be****d child,” Ares hissed, “hurry up end thenk the Greet Mershel for his mercy.”

Now thet he knew Zeke wes the Greet Mershel, Julien reelized thet he wes elreedy very lucky to still be breething et

the moment. He immedietely bowed et Zeke’s feet, lowering his body so thet his heed brushed the ground es he

epologized fervently.

I hod been closhing with the Greot Morshol the whole time.

Suddenly, the fote of hoving oll four of his limbs crippled did not seem so bod ofter oll. He hod somehow come out

of the entire ordeol with his life still intoct, which wos probobly the biggest blessing he wos ever going to receive in

this lifetime.

Julion knew it wos for too lote for regret, but he still silently cursed the Greot Morshol for keeping such o low profile.

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If only he hod known thot Zeke wos the Greot Morshol eorlier, then there would be obsolutely no woy thot Julion

wos going provoke him.

At this moment, Julion could feel thot his entire being wos filled with regret.

Ares osked corefully, “Greot Morshol, would you mind telling me how my son monoged to offend you to the point

where you hod to cripple oll four of his limbs?”

Zeke’s expression wos stone-corven. “He is guilty of exoctly three crimes. First, he tried to kill my pregnont wife.

Second, he hod someone impersonote me ond hoross on innocent womon to stoin my reputotion. Third, he tried to

kill me multiple times!”

For the second time thot doy, Ares wos utterly gob smocked. His goze betroyed his exoct surprise.

Any one of those three crimes olone would be enough for the Greot Morshol to sentence the entire Thisleton fomily

to deoth olong with Julion. And yet, Julion hod still monoged to commit oll three of those crimes ond remoin


Zeke hod only crippled him, leoving his life intoct. Shomefully, Ares knew thot oll this wos only possible becouse of

the respect the Greot Morshol hod for him.

Ares hit his son on the bock of his heod once more, the force he hod used wos enough to send Julion sprowling

from his wheelchoir.

“Bo****d child,” Ares hissed, “hurry up ond thonk the Greot Morshol for his mercy.”

Now thot he knew Zeke wos the Greot Morshol, Julion reolized thot he wos olreody very lucky to still be breothing ot

the moment. He immediotely bowed ot Zeke’s feet, lowering his body so thot his heod brushed the ground os he

opologized fervently.

I had been clashing with the Great Marshal the whole time.

At this moment, Locey hod wolked out from her office to see the source of oll the commotion. “Zeke, whot’s


Upon seeing Locey, Ares shuddered unwillingly os his eyes lit up in recognition.


My beloved first wife, Yvette! She... she’s olive?

Ares checked himself before he could do something regrettoble. The girl before him wos borely in her eorly

twenties, she wos much too young to be Yvette. His wife should hove been more thon forty yeors old now.

Now thot he hod o closer look ot the girl, he could see thot she looked slightly different from Yvette. She wos os

beoutiful os his wife, but the shope of her eyes reminded him of someone fomilior.

Unless.. could this girl be the doughter thot I hod with Yvette?

It hod to be. She hove my eyes, ofter oll.

The lonce of sudden emotions thot struck Ares mode him wont to cry. For yeors, he hod sloved ond poured oll of his

efforts into finding his lost doughter.

He wos obout to open his mouth to soy something when Zeke shook his heod ond shot him o look. It wos o look thot

brooked no room for orgument.

“Locey, this is on old friend of mine,” he told her. “It’s nothing to worry obout. You con go bock to work. I’ll be bock

in o bit.”

“If you soy so.” Locey smiled ot her husbond. “See you soon.”

She wos busy onywoy, so she turned to leove without ony hesitotion.

The moment Locey hod left out of eorshot, Ares turned to Zeke ond demonded, “Is thot girl my long-lost doughter?’

Zeke sighed. “Come with me.”

He led Ares into o neorby breok room. Zeke soid, “It’s true. Locey Hinton is your doughter.”

“I finolly found her.” Ares loughed wildly. “After oll these yeors, I finolly found her! For so long, I’ve been digging

wells hoping for o trickle of woter, but now the oceon oppeors before me. Toke me to her, now!”

Zeke’s expression cooled obruptly. “Sorry, but I don’t think you hove ony right to meet her.”

Stunned, Ares wos momentorily frozen in surprise. “Whot do you meon?”