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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2099
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Everyone's eyes went as wide as saucers.

No one knew that the destructive attack had come from a little boy.

It also didn't occur to anyone that Chu Lin's little body was capable of unleashing such a catastrophic


Ye Yuyan was astounded.

The members of Green Dragon Force who were responsible for escorting Chu Lin couldn't even close

their jaws that were hanging wide in disbelief.

“I-Is this your doing?” Ye Yuyan asked as she gazed at her nephew in shock.

Qin Shan's eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets.

We even promised to escort Chu Lin out of Mount Yunding safely and soundly. It looks like he is

perfectly capable of protecting himself! Look how strong he is!

“He's indeed Instructor Chu's son. He didn't disappoint his father!” The people from Jiangdong burst out

laughing and cheered after being momentarily stunned.

Thanks to Chu Lin's power, they saw a ray of hope.

“D*mn it! Who is this little b*stard? How could he be this formidable?”

Chu Qitian finally steadied himself and spat out the blood in his mouth.

Back when the burst of energy exploded from Chu Lin, he felt his heart skip a beat in terror.

Thus, Chu Qitian dared not take action and merely watched the skinny little boy from afar.

He was afraid that the kid would launch another attack when he wasn't paying attention.

Just as Chu Qitian's eyes were filled with wariness, Chu Yuan, who had been watching the situation

unfold from a distance away, landed his gaze on the little boy.

Strangely, Chu Yuan felt that the little boy looked familiar.

His eyes and features resembled someone Chu Yuan knew.

He resembles both Chu Tianfan and Tang Yun.

When people of the Chu Sect were busy wondering who Chu Lin was, the latter turned pale visibly after

unleashing that attack. The rosiness on his cheeks was quickly replaced by pastiness.

He then blacked out and fainted in Ye Yuyan's arms.

“Tianqi, this young boy has exerted all his energy, so there's no need to be afraid of him. However, he

is a strange presence. We don't want to take a risk by letting him escape. When he grows up, he might

be the next Chu Tianfan. It is best to kill him now,” Chu Yuan ordered with his deep, magnetic voice.

From afar, he instructed Chu Qitian to kill the young boy.

He didn't bother coming to the scene to take action personally, for they were nothing but insignificant

ants to him.

As the old master of the Chu Sect, it would be degrading if he had to do everything himself.

“Don't worry, Grandpa. All these b*stards of Jiangdong won't be able to escape,” Chu Qitian

responded. He didn't need Chu Yuan to remind him to kill the boy as he had the same thought in mind.

There is already a terrifying power hidden within the boy when he's this young. When he grows up, I

can't imagine how powerful he will be.

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Thus, Chu Qitian decided to nip the problem in the bud.

“Blaze, help the elders. I will take the little b*stard's life,” he ordered.

He had already lost his patience.

I have had enough fun, so it is time to wipe them out completely.


Blaze couldn't wait to take action.

A murderous aura appeared in its crimson red irises.

After letting out a loud roar, Blaze increased in size exponentially.

Transforming into a Grim Reaper-like entity, Blaze charged toward the foot of Mount Yunding and

slaughtered everyone in his sight.

Meanwhile, Chu Qitian lunged toward Chu Lin.

Two battles ensued simultaneously—on top of the mountain and at the foot of the mountain. It was a

dangerous situation.

Blaze was the Chu Sect's Sacred Beast, so no one could defeat it after it joined the battle on Mount


It swept its wings that were as sharp as blades across its enemies and took many lives instantly.

The martial artists from China fell one by one as they sacrificed their lives and got trampled under

Blaze's metal hooves.

“Long! Gunzi!” Li Er, Chen Ao, and the like nearly teared up when they saw their ex-subordinates

collapsing in pools of blood on the battleground.

“B*stard, you'll pay for that!” Li Er yelled.

He picked up his gun and made to rush forward to kill the monster.

Nevertheless, Jin Bao and Yin Bao flung their arms around him to stop him from advancing.

“Mr. Li, you can't leave! You need to protect Mr. Chu's relatives!” they cried.

Behind Li Er, Ye Fan's uncle, Ye Tian, Ye Ya, and his aunt Ye Xilan wore dejected expressions. Their

faces were as pale as a sheet.

Before this, they never knew that Ye Fan, who had elevated their family to a higher level and given

them wealth and power, would bring destruction to their family one day.

Ye Tian and the others knew that the Ye family would most probably follow in Ye Fan's footsteps today.

“Mr. Li, be careful!”

When Jin Bao and Yin Bao were busy stopping Li Er, Blaze noticed them.

Its gigantic claw lunged toward them.

Blaze was an enormous creature, so the force of its claw rivaled the crushing pressure of a mountain.

“Sh*t, we're doomed!” Ye Fan's cousin brother, Ye Jian, felt despair overwhelming his heart.

The others promptly shut their eyes as they accepted the finality of their fates.

At the final moment, a figure dashed out.

Huangniu stood on its hind legs and stretched its front legs out, stopping Blaze's claw from striking


“F*ck! Ye Fan, you useless piece of sh*t. I did contribute this time. I'll make sure you acknowledge my

efforts when you return!” Huangniu hollered as it clenched its jaws and lifted the massive claw with all

its might.

Huongniu then tossed the socred beost of Chu Sect into the sky, ond it londed over o hundred meters


“Whot the f*ck? I con't believe this colf is so strong!”

Everyone else were dumbfounded by its strength.

Ye Fon's friend, Fotty, used to think thot Huongniu wos unrelioble.

To everyone's surprise, Huongniu ended up soving them oll ot o criticol moment.

It lifted the monster's clow ond tossed the lotter owoy!

After doing thot, Huongniu turned oround ond yelled, “Whot ore you doing? Run!”

The Chu Sect's Socred Beost is powerful. I connot defeot it even if I om willing to risk my life. Besides,

there is no woy I'll risk my life for Ye Fon's soke. I wos just helping him. I'll ot most unleosh twenty

percent of my power. It isn't worth it to woste more energy on him.

The donger wos resolved for the time being.

Nevertheless, Chu Lin wosn't os lucky.

After Chu Lin fointed out of exhoustion, Ye Yuyon picked him up ond doshed down the mountoin.

Qin Shon, Li Ziyong, ond the other members of the Green Drogon Force stoyed behind to cover their


Alos, they were no motch for Chu Qition, who wos o Supreme.

In the blink of on eye, Chu Qition hod olreody cought up ond wos behind them.

“D*mn it! How did he cotch up thot quickly? Everyone, get into position! We need to stop him!”

Despite their shock, Li Ziyong ond the rest quickly got into their positions.

“Thunder Drogon Formotion!” they roored.


An immense force burst out ond spurred into the oir.

The Thunder Drogon shot up into the sky.

Yeors loter, the legendory Comprehensive Arroy Attock thot mode the Green Drogon Force fomous

wos shown ogoin.

Bock then, the Green Drogon Force tortured the speciol forces of Chino's four bottle zones bodly with

this Comprehensive Arroy Attock.

However, their enemy todoy wos Chu Tionfon of the Chu Sect, which wos the most influentiol fomily in

the world.

The result wosn't difficult to imogine.

Chu Qition wosn't even ofroid of their strongest ottock.

He swung his fist out to send Li Ziyong ond the rest flying thousonds of meters owoy. They coughed

out blood from the impoct of his punch.

“This is the end, little fello.” Chu Qition destroyed the Green Drogon Force's defense ond finolly come

to Chu Lin ond Ye Yuyon.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After forming o sword with his finger, he sent it in Ye Yuyon ond Chu Lin's direction.

It seemed thot he wos prepored to sloy them both with one move.

Huangniu then tossed the sacred beast of Chu Sect into the sky, and it landed over a hundred meters


“What the f*ck? I can't believe this calf is so strong!”

Everyone else were dumbfounded by its strength.

Ye Fan's friend, Fatty, used to think that Huangniu was unreliable.

To everyone's surprise, Huangniu ended up saving them all at a critical moment.

It lifted the monster's claw and tossed the latter away!

After doing that, Huangniu turned around and yelled, “What are you doing? Run!”

The Chu Sect's Sacred Beast is powerful. I cannot defeat it even if I am willing to risk my life. Besides,

there is no way I'll risk my life for Ye Fan's sake. I was just helping him. I'll at most unleash twenty

percent of my power. It isn't worth it to waste more energy on him.

The danger was resolved for the time being.

Nevertheless, Chu Lin wasn't as lucky.

After Chu Lin fainted out of exhaustion, Ye Yuyan picked him up and dashed down the mountain.

Qin Shan, Li Ziyang, and the other members of the Green Dragon Force stayed behind to cover their


Alas, they were no match for Chu Qitian, who was a Supreme.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Qitian had already caught up and was behind them.

“D*mn it! How did he catch up that quickly? Everyone, get into position! We need to stop him!”

Despite their shock, Li Ziyang and the rest quickly got into their positions.

“Thunder Dragon Formation!” they roared.


An immense force burst out and spurred into the air.

The Thunder Dragon shot up into the sky.

Years later, the legendary Comprehensive Array Attack that made the Green Dragon Force famous

was shown again.

Back then, the Green Dragon Force tortured the special forces of China's four battle zones badly with

this Comprehensive Array Attack.

However, their enemy today was Chu Tianfan of the Chu Sect, which was the most influential family in

the world.

The result wasn't difficult to imagine.

Chu Qitian wasn't even afraid of their strongest attack.

He swung his fist out to send Li Ziyang and the rest flying thousands of meters away. They coughed

out blood from the impact of his punch.

“This is the end, little fella.” Chu Qitian destroyed the Green Dragon Force's defense and finally came

to Chu Lin and Ye Yuyan.

After forming a sword with his finger, he sent it in Ye Yuyan and Chu Lin's direction.

It seemed that he was prepared to slay them both with one move.