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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2097
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“What do we do? Do we just keep waiting?” Ming asked with a worried frown while pacing about


A few days ago, Chu Yuan's messenger arrived at Sky Mountain and urged the Demonic Duo to head

back to China with Tang Yun as soon as possible.

Naturally, they knew something serious must've happened over at Jiangdong.

After all, Chu Yuan wouldn't have summoned them back unless it was something even he couldn't


Xuan kept quiet as he stared at the top of Sky Mountain with a solemn expression.

“Say something, Xuan! Do we continue waiting? It doesn't look like Ms. Tang is going to come out

anytime soon. Something big must've happened if Old Mr. Chu demands our immediate return! I think

we should hurry back to Jiangdong and help him out!” Ming urged.

Xuan's frown deepened as he said after giving it some thought, “Old Mr. Chu is a god realm master.

What sort of danger do you think he's in if he's ordering our return so urgently?”

That question caught Ming completely off guard.

“C-Could it be the War God Castle?”

That was the only possible answer Ming could come up with after racking his brain.

After all, he believed that the people in War God Castle were the only ones capable of posing a threat

to the Chu Sect.

Xuan shook his head. “The supreme grandmasters from the War God Castle may be able to put up a

fight against the others, but they're nothing but bugs to Old Mr. Chu. He could easily squash them all

with a single strike if he so much as felt like it. Therefore, those from the War God Castle are not the

ones we should be worried about.”

“What is it, then?” Ming asked.

Xuan fell silent for a brief moment before replying, “There are only two possibilities, the first being that

kid has returned.”


Ming gasped in shock when he heard that.

“Are you referring to Zhenghong's son, Chu Tianfan? That's impossible! That kid killed himself back

then, didn't he?” he exclaimed in disbelief.

“You and I have both witnessed what he is capable of, so you should know that he's the most gifted

member of the Chu family we've ever seen. He has Chu Yunyang's blood running through his veins, so

there's no way he'd die that easily. I've always had a feeling that Chu Tianfan survived that ordeal,”

Xuan replied solemnly.

Ming disagreed with him, though. “I think you're overestimating that kid a little too much, Xuan. As

gifted as he may be, Old Mr. Chu had him surrounded with the most powerful fighters from all over the

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world! There's no way he'd make it out of there alive! Maybe you should tell me the second possibility


“The second possibility is intervention from The Grand Old Lady.”


Ming went pale the moment he heard that. His head felt like it would explode from the shock alone.

“A-Are you serious? That's not possible, right?”

He couldn't bring himself to imagine how things would turn out if Chu Yuan's mother were to intervene.

After all, The Grand Old Lady's seniority in the Chu family was so high that she made the Demonic Duo

look like children.

“Nothing is impossible. The Grand Old Lady got really mad when Old Mr. Chu tried to banish that kid

back then. When he tried to kill that kid later on, The Grand Old Lady was so enraged that she cast him

out of the family. It's highly possible that The Grand Old Lady would make another appearance now

that Old Mr. Chu is launching an attack on Jiangdong. I believe she is the only person capable of

having Old Mr. Chu demand our immediate return,” Xuan said worriedly.

The look on Ming's face grew solemn as well when he heard that.

We may have sworn our allegiance to the Chu family, but whose side should we take if The Grand Old

Lady gets into a fight with Chu Yuan?

The Grand Old Lady was the one still within the Chu family and held the highest amount of power.

Logically speaking, the Demonic Duo should take her side in such situations.

However, they couldn't bring themselves to go against Chu Yuan after serving him for decades.

“Conflicts between family members are the worst...”

The two of them sighed in unison.

“So, what do we do now? We can't disobey Old Mr. Chu's orders, can we?” Ming asked.

He didn't know what to do as it wouldn't be appropriate for them to get involved in an internal conflict

within the Chu family.

“Hey, it was just a guess. Who knows? Maybe I was just overthinking it. At any rate, we should head

over and see what's going on. There's nothing we can do to help Ms. Tang out, so let's not wait here

any longer,” Xuan replied.

Ming nodded in agreement.

Since Chu Yuan had been in charge of the Chu family for decades, the Demonic Duo knew better than

to disobey his orders.

They were about to leave when a figure appeared before them at lightning speed.

The next thing they knew, their eyes were greeted by a drop-dead gorgeous woman.

She was so beautiful that everything else around her seemed to fade away whenever she was around.

Despite hoving deolt with oll sorts of people in the post, the Demonic Duo still found themselves

stunned by Tong Yun's beouty.

They weren't oble to understond why o gorgeous womon like her would toke o liking to Ye Fon.

Overjoyed by her return, the Demonic Duo quickly stepped forword to greet her, “How did it go, Ms.


Tong Yun nodded ot them ond retrieved o block-colored token with the words “Order of Yonhuong” on


“Hohoho! We did it! We con finolly heod bock ond deliver this token! Let's go, Ms. Tong! Old Mr. Chu

hos requested our immediote return to ossist him ot Mount Yunding!” the Demonic Duo soid in unison.

Tong Yun showed no emotion whotsoever when she heord it.

Her beoutiful foce looked os cold os ice os she stored ot them.

The Demonic Duo hod no ideo why she went into seclusion ofter Ye Fon died in bottle, but she wos o

completely different person when she returned.

Not only did she become much colder, but she wos olso o lot quieter.

However, Tong Yun felt o shorp poin in her heod when she heord the Demonic Duo mention Jiongdong

ond Mount Yunding.

“Whot's wrong, Ms. Tong?” the Demonic Duo osked in confusion.

Tong Yun frowned os she osked softly, “Hove I been to Mount Yunding in the post?”

“We hove no ideo, but you probobly hoven't. After oll, you're the greot leoder of the Chu Sect. Why

would someone like you visit o ploce os insignificont os Mount Yunding?” the Demonic Duo replied

ofter o brief pouse.

Tong Yun nodded. “Let's go, then.”


The three of them then heoded stroight for Yunzhou.

Meonwhile, the bottle wos still ongoing otop Mount Yunding.

Chu Qition levitoted in the oir os he fired o borroge of icy-cold Qi ot Ye Qingtion from obove.

Ye Qingtion did his best to defend ogoinst the ottocks, but there wos only so much he could do.

Not only wos he wounded by the previous ottock, but Chu Qition olso surpossed him in terms of their


As such, Ye Qingtion soon hod his body covered in wounds from Chu Qition's ottocks.


A deofening noise tore through the oreo os Chu Qition lounched onother heovy ottock ot Ye Qingtion.

Although the lotter retolioted with Heovenly Polm, he wos still sent flying in on instont.

His body, which weighed over hundreds of pounds, went croshing through the rocks ond trees before

tumbling to the ground.

There wos blood oll over Mount Yunding.

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Despite having dealt with all sorts of people in the past, the Demonic Duo still found themselves

stunned by Tang Yun's beauty.

They weren't able to understand why a gorgeous woman like her would take a liking to Ye Fan.

Overjoyed by her return, the Demonic Duo quickly stepped forward to greet her, “How did it go, Ms.


Tang Yun nodded at them and retrieved a black-colored token with the words “Order of Yanhuang” on


“Hahaha! We did it! We can finally head back and deliver this token! Let's go, Ms. Tang! Old Mr. Chu

has requested our immediate return to assist him at Mount Yunding!” the Demonic Duo said in unison.

Tang Yun showed no emotion whatsoever when she heard it.

Her beautiful face looked as cold as ice as she stared at them.

The Demonic Duo had no idea why she went into seclusion after Ye Fan died in battle, but she was a

completely different person when she returned.

Not only did she become much colder, but she was also a lot quieter.

However, Tang Yun felt a sharp pain in her head when she heard the Demonic Duo mention Jiangdong

and Mount Yunding.

“What's wrong, Ms. Tang?” the Demonic Duo asked in confusion.

Tang Yun frowned as she asked softly, “Have I been to Mount Yunding in the past?”

“We have no idea, but you probably haven't. After all, you're the great leader of the Chu Sect. Why

would someone like you visit a place as insignificant as Mount Yunding?” the Demonic Duo replied

after a brief pause.

Tang Yun nodded. “Let's go, then.”


The three of them then headed straight for Yunzhou.

Meanwhile, the battle was still ongoing atop Mount Yunding.

Chu Qitian levitated in the air as he fired a barrage of icy-cold Qi at Ye Qingtian from above.

Ye Qingtian did his best to defend against the attacks, but there was only so much he could do.

Not only was he wounded by the previous attack, but Chu Qitian also surpassed him in terms of their


As such, Ye Qingtian soon had his body covered in wounds from Chu Qitian's attacks.


A deafening noise tore through the area as Chu Qitian launched another heavy attack at Ye Qingtian.

Although the latter retaliated with Heavenly Palm, he was still sent flying in an instant.

His body, which weighed over hundreds of pounds, went crashing through the rocks and trees before

tumbling to the ground.

There was blood all over Mount Yunding.