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I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Chapter Volume 10 Chapter 1 - Thieves
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“How dare you run your mouth in front of Master! Take this, and this~”

“That hurts! For real, stop!”

I, [Liam Sera Banfield], have called a girl into my office.

With clenched fists, I’ve put [Ciel Sera Exner] in a headlock, and I’m knuckling her head.

It’s punishment for her crime of informing Master Yasushi, the esteemed Sword God, that I’m reluctant to marry Rosetta.

I’ve been avoiding the matter of my marriage with [Rosetta Sera Claudia], my fiancée, but I lost all paths of escape with Ciel tattling on me to Master.

In other words, she made use of Master to drive me into a corner.

“Huu…. Huu… You really had me sweating this time. To think someone like you could outsmart me like this.”

Ciel, who’s been released, holds her head with her hands and glares at me with teary eyes.

“I didn’t think things would end up this way either!”

She didn’t think it’d end up this way? Did she really think I wouldn’t marry Rosetta?

If so, she couldn’t have been more wrong.

“Hmph! From the beginning, my motivation for marrying Rosetta has been for her title. Even without Master’s intervention, I would’ve married her in a decade’s err… in a century’s time.”

We’re considered full-fledged the moment our aristocrat training is over.

Here, when I say full-fledged, I mean it in a societal sense, not in terms of our age. The people around me have been urging me to get married and have Rosetta give birth to a child.

As comical as it may sound in this day and age, where people can live in outer space, our society still values familial ties.

That’s just how it is in this world.

I’m a winner in this world, and I plan on taking full advantage of my position to live a fun and fulfilling life.

In my second life, I vowed to live freely without being bound by anyone.

Marrying Rosetta is an important step in gaining that freedom.

By obtaining the title of Duke from Rosetta, I’ll be able to become one of the greatest aristocrats in the Empire, both in name and reality.

—I was thinking of quickly getting married, but Rosetta succumbed to me before we could, ruining my plan of forcefully marrying her while she still hated me.

While holding her head in her hands, Ciel stares at me with unwavering determination.

“I won’t let you do as you please.”

Unlike Rosetta who was quick to fall, Ciel continues to resist me to this day.

I’ll overlook her behavior this time out of respect for that attitude of hers.

Although she took advantage of Master, an act which is unforgivable in my books, she’s still someone that’s been entrusted to me.

As the cherished daughter of an aristocrat, who has close ties with me, I can’t punish her haphazardly.

Besides, this amount of resistance is what makes her interesting.

It’s not like I suffered irreparable damage either.

At the end of the day, she’s only capable of this level of mischief.

“But do you have what it takes to stop me?”

“I’ll open up everyone’s eyes, and prove to the world that you’re a villain!”

“I’m looking forward to that. I truly hope your words reach their ears.”

“D-Don’t make fun of me! I’ll definitely peel off that facade of yours!”

This! This is what I’m talking about! A confrontation between evil and justice!

Having said that, people would tend to believe my words over hers, as my credibility is above that of Ciel’s.

Hence, despite knowing the truth of my character, she can’t outmaneuver me.

—As for what happened this time, let’s just call it a freak accident that occurred because of Master’s involvement.

“No matter how much you try to resist… Hmm?”

My attention shifts from Ciel to the window of the office.

I can see black smoke rising in the distance. The ground shakes a bit as well.

Did an explosion occur?

“An accident? No, it’s something else.”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

Ciel doesn’t seem to understand what’s happening.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

This just goes to show that she won’t be a threat to me.

My gaze falls on the floor, and I decide to address my guard.

“What happened?”

Seeing me talk to the floor, Ciel looks at me as if I’ve gone crazy.

‘Who are you talking to?’ her eyes seem to say.

However, a black shadow appears on the floor the next moment, and a figure emerges from within.

[Kunai], one of Kukuri’s mask-wearing subordinates, makes her appearance.

“Thieves have intruded, but we’ve secured the surrounding area.”


My eyes narrow as I stare at Kunai, who’s on her knees with her head hanging low.

Kukuri and his subordinates are small in number, but competent nevertheless.

That said, a failure is a failure.

“Where’s Kukuri?”

“The leader has taken command of the scene.”

“Call him over when he’s done. To think he’d allow thieves into my mansion.”

Frustrated, a bit of my killing intent leaks out unknowingly, and Ciel starts to shake.

Noticing this, I retract my killing intent in a hurry.

I worry for a second that she would stop resisting me out of fear, but she puts up a brave front and acts as if nothing’s happened.

Good girl. That’s why you’re the best!

“Kunai, the thieves have been dealt with, correct?”

I turn my gaze back to Kunai, expecting a prompt reply, but she pauses before opening her mouth.

Sensing bad news, I get even more annoyed than before.

“We beg your forgiveness. —They’ve all escaped. We’re currently working with the military to locate, and block the escape routes that the thieves are presumed to have used.”

“Were they that skilled?”

I put up my guard after hearing that the intruders were skilled enough to outsmart Kukuri and his men, but Kunai gives an unexpected reply.

“W-We weren’t able to confirm that either.”

“You weren’t able to confirm their skills? What were the thieves after? Amagi and Rose—were they targeting someone? Or were they after our treasure?”

For a split second, I become worried for Rosetta’s safety, but I swallow my words.

“Fortunately, no one was harmed. However,… the thieves stole Lord Liam’s genes.”

“—Come again?”

I’m relieved to hear that no one got injured, but I’m left speechless after learning that the thieves were after my genetics.

Despite outsmarting Kukuri and his men, they went after my genes instead of aiming for my life and treasures?

Is this some kind of a silent threat?

The Empire’s undercover special duty fleet was hovering near the home planet of the Banfield Family.

Inside the hangar, several people, including members of the special forces and handpicked Black Ops personnel, were gathered.

The person in command was holding a container that looked like a test tube that held Liam’s genes.

“It was easier than expected.”

Most of the people around him appeared relieved, but some of them seemed unsettled and overwhelmed by the unexpected result.

“We didn’t come across anyone from the Shadow Clan.”

“I heard there’s not that many of them, but it was still somewhat anti-climactic.”

“They’re just bloodthirsty beasts of the past, incapable of anything besides assassination.”

They had been extremely wary of the Banfield Family’s Black Ops, which was under Kukuri’s command, but they didn’t encounter any of its members, which lowered their evaluation of the group.

After all, they had failed to protect the mansion where their master resided.

However, there was a reason why they were able to clear their mission safely.

“W-Who do you think it was that helped you along the way? If you guys had been better, I wouldn’t have received this much damage.”

The Guide laid flat on the floor, having reverted back to his hat-only state.

From how tattered and scorched he was, it was clear that he went through a lot trying to protect them.

He had to sacrifice the body that he had recovered for ‘Operation Liam’s Gene Retrieval’.

It was all thanks to the Guide guiding them that the team was able to get past Kukuri, and his men, without getting detected. It was also thanks to him that they were able to retreat with Liam’s genetics.

The Guide shed tears in his hat-only state.

“If it wasn’t for me, you guys would have been wiped out several times!”

He had once again returned to being a hat after helping them.

The Guide wiped his tears and looked over at Liam’s genes.

“But it was all worth it. Liam—your worst enemy will be yourself!”

‘You’ve blundered, Kukuri.’

We’re holding a meeting inside a specially prepared dome-shaped room. Tia, who’s at the Empire’s border, is participating virtually with video and audio on.

Tia, who’s being projected on a huge screen, turns her cold gaze on Kukuri, as the latter asks for forgiveness from me.

The others have similar reactions.

Marie has her arms crossed in annoyance, and it seems as if she’s putting up with the urge to slash forward with her sword.

“How useless. Not only did you allow the thieves entry, you allowed them to escape. And yet you still call yourself a member of the Black Ops?”

Despite being under heavy fire from the two, Kukuri doesn’t say anything back and simply focuses on apologizing to me.

“Please allow us to apologize for this blunder by taking the lives of myself, and all my subordinates involved. However, our clan’s allegiance is still to the Banfield Family, so please give them another opportunity.”

I snort in response to Kukuri saying that they’ll take responsibility with their lives.

Klaus, who’s beside me, steps forward to defend Kukuri and his men.

“Lord Liam, the Banfield Family doesn’t have anyone that can take their place. If you punish them too heavily, it may hinder our future activities.”

Until now, I’ve placed my trust in Kukuri and his men, giving them tasks and leaving everything up to them. It seems that has come back to bite me.

There’s some reason to what Klaus is saying, so I decide to overlook Kukuri’s mistakes.

“Out of consideration for all your services, I’ll spare you and your men this time. —Search for the thieves, and make sure to get rid of them.”


Both Tia and Marie appear to have something they wish to say about my decision.

—If I’m the sort to kill Kukuri over matters like this, you two would’ve been executed ages ago.

Klaus, realizing that the air around us has changed, moves on to the next topic.

“Lord Liam, next up on the list—”

“—Is it about His Highness Cleo being attacked?”

“Yes. His Highness Cleo was attacked by an unknown party, and all the guards that we dispatched were killed. Not only are the knights and soldiers dead, but so are Kukuri-dono’s three subordinates.”

“In other words, they were annihilated,” I mutter out loud.

Everyone’s eyes land on Kukuri.

Despite pretending to be calm, I’m sure he’s boiling up inside.

‘What a disgrace. What do you have to say to this?’ Tia asks.

Kukuri remains silent, making the atmosphere stiff and cold.

Klaus, who does his job matter-of-factly, is the only one present who hasn’t made a fool of themselves, and he speaks on Kukuri’s behalf.

“All the knights and soldiers were killed as well, meaning the culprits are quite skillful. Kukuri-dono isn’t the only one to blame for this.”

It’s as he says.

We can’t let this continue forever. I’ll have to resolve the problem at hand.

“Klaus, send a new batch of escorts to protect His Highness Cleo.”

“That’s where the problem lies. His Highness Cleo has refused the Banfield Family’s escorts.”


“Apparently, it’s because he feels responsible for causing casualties on our side, but it’s probably because he doesn’t trust us anymore. I heard he prepared his own guards.”

We had been entrusted with guarding him, yet we failed and he was injured.

Indeed, we are at fault in this situation.

Marie frowns.

“He doesn’t trust us anymore? Does he have any idea how much manpower, resources, and capital we poured into him? Without Lord Liam’s support, that runt wouldn’t have been able to rise to where he is now, and yet he acts like that!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Tia doesn’t bother hiding her dissatisfaction either.

Only, she’s cooler about it than Marie.

‘The knights and soldiers sent to His Highness were our elites. The enemies must have been quite powerful. Lord Liam, shouldn’t we send someone from here to the Capital?’

Those present in this meeting are our core members.

Leaving aside their personalities, Tia and Marie are competent in their jobs, and despite his failure this time, Kukuri has proven himself time and time again.

Then there’s Klaus, who’s the most reliable of them all.

“Sending Klaus over would be ideal, but… Tia’s not in a position where she can move, and I’ve entrusted Marie with protecting our planet. Kukuri, it seems you’re the only one available.”

I flash a grin at Kukuri.

Understanding my underlying intentions, he stands up.

“Please allow us to redeem ourselves.”

“—Good. This is your last chance.”


“Klaus, provide Kukuri with the necessary manpower. I’ll leave everything up to you.”

I’ve decided to dispatch Kukuri to the Capital, but it’s not like I’m only sending over members of the Black Ops.

The knights and soldiers have to be replenished as well, so I leave the selection of personnel to Klaus.

“As you will,” Klaus replies calmly.

‘This is what I’m talking about!’

Even if they’re beautiful, knights with problematic personalities are no good.

Tia, Marie, I’m talking about you two.

Kukuri approaches Klaus.

“Klaus-dono, there’s something I wish for you to prepare for me. Would you mind stepping outside?”

Klaus looks over at me.

Seeing me nod, he leaves the room with Kukuri.

Klaus and Kukuri left the room together, but Klaus was secretly freaking out inside.

(Why am I walking side-by-side next to a Black Ops personnel? They’re scary!)

For some reason, Liam placed a lot of trust in him and entrusted him with various tasks.

However, he himself was clueless as to why he was being treated as an executive, not to mention the Head Knight of the Banfield Family.

While Klaus was busy trying to hide his fear by remaining expressionless, Kukuri called out to him. As he was rather tall, he spoke to Klaus while looking down diagonally from above.

“Klaus-dono, I’ll consider this a debt to be repaid.”

“A debt?”

“Yes. Our lives were spared thanks to Klaus-dono putting in a good word for us. This isn’t in exchange for anything, but if you’d like to have someone eliminated, please let us know. Be it Christina or Marie, we’re willing to erase any obstacles for you.” Kukuri said with a cackle.

(Does he have a grudge against those two? No, rather than that, there shouldn’t be any infighting between us!)

“—I don’t need anyone assassinated, thank you. Please just help me out if I land myself in trouble.”

“Those two are eyeing your position. The moment they see an opportunity, they’ll no doubt come for Klaus-dono’s life.”

(I can certainly see them coming after my life to snatch my position as the Head Knight. I’m more than willing to exchange places with them, but I doubt Lord Liam would approve—)

Despite being told by Kukuri that Tia and Marie were after his life, Klaus didn’t harbor any thoughts of killing them.

He knew that it would spell trouble for the Banfield Family if either of them went missing in the current situation.

Though Klaus valued his own life, Liam had shown him kindness, so he didn’t wish to pull on the latter’s legs.

At the same time, he didn’t wish to get involved in the fierce war between the different factions.

“No need. Getting rid of them would prove detrimental to the Banfield Family. In exchange, can I ask that I be protected from those two?”

“—That shall be arranged.”

By stepping in to protect them, Klaus had formed a connection with the Black Ops.


Brian (´;ω;`): “Lord Liam’s genes were stolen—it’s painful.”

Wakagi-chan ( ゜∀゜): “More importantly, I have to advertise! Check out Volume 3 of ‘I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!’ which is scheduled to be released on the 25th of this month! Also, ‘The World of Otome Games’—”

Brian (´;ω;`)r鹵~<≪巛;゜Д゜)ノ “UGYAAAA!”

Brian (´;ω;`): “The evil plant has been repulsed. All’s well now.”