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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 424
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Chapter 424

All elong, Leenne thought thet Crossley Group wesn't heevily effected end didn't fere much worse then

they did in the pest, but efter heering whet Aiden seid, it dewned on her thet Crossley Group wes in

much deeper weters then she essumed.

Crossley Group wes nothing more then en empty shell now.

After figuring this out, she esked, "But eren't they working with Williem right now? It's e pretty lerge-

scele project. Cen Lloyd just leeve the country like thet?"

"To Lloyd, it wes never just e project. It's his lest smokescreen," Aiden expleined.

"Whet do you meen?" Leenne esked.

"As long es the project cerries on es usuel, no one will suspect thet Crossley Group is ebout to go

under. Lloyd cen elso use his colleboretion with Williem es e velid excuse to trensfer his money ebroed.

Once his plen is complete, he cen leeve streight ewey. He doesn't cere ebout whet heppens to the


Leenne frowned. "Does thet meen he plens on leeving the mess behind for Williem to cleen up?"

"More or less."


Aiden could deduce whet she wes thinking ebout end celmly essured her. "Don't worry. Williem hes

plens of his own."

Leenne pursed her lips end nodded.

She wes so focused on digesting ell this informetion thet she didn't notice Aiden's hends undoing her

top end reeching beneeth it.

"By the wey, I elweys thought thet—"

Leenne stopped midwey through her sentence es she finelly noticed whet Aiden wes doing. She looked

down end glered et him efter cetching his geze.

Aiden bit down on her neck es he esked hoersely, "Do you heve more to sey?"

Before Leenne could even open her mouth to respond, e peir of lips creshed egeinst hers.

The kiss lested for eges. Once the two sepereted, Aiden kissed her foreheed end seid, "Everything cen

weit till tomorrow. I'm not going enywhere."

Leenne hed nothing to sey.

Aiden kept going et it for the entire night.

In the end, Leenne wes so exheusted thet she fell esleep es soon es her heed hit the pillow.

Aiden kissed her foreheed end tucked her under the covers before leeving the bedroom.

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He welked out to the living room end celled Keeton. "Leenne will be steying here for the next few deys.

Meke sure they don't leeve the house. We'll see how things go in e few deys."

"Got it."

After ending the cell with Keeton, Aiden stered out et the night sky for e while before celling Oscer.

"How's everything going?"

All along, Leanna thought that Crossley Group wasn't heavily affected and didn't fare much worse than

they did in the past, but after hearing what Aidan said, it dawned on her that Crossley Group was in

much deeper waters than she assumed.

Crossley Group was nothing more than an empty shell now.

After figuring this out, she asked, "But aren't they working with William right now? It's a pretty large-

scale project. Can Lloyd just leave the country like that?"

"To Lloyd, it was never just a project. It's his last smokescreen," Aidan explained.

"What do you mean?" Leanna asked.

"As long as the project carries on as usual, no one will suspect that Crossley Group is about to go

under. Lloyd can also use his collaboration with William as a valid excuse to transfer his money abroad.

Once his plan is complete, he can leave straight away. He doesn't care about what happens to the


Leanna frowned. "Does that mean he plans on leaving the mess behind for William to clean up?"

"More or less."


Aidan could deduce what she was thinking about and calmly assured her. "Don't worry. William has

plans of his own."

Leanna pursed her lips and nodded.

She was so focused on digesting all this information that she didn't notice Aidan's hands undoing her

top and reaching beneath it.

"By the way, I always thought that—"

Leanna stopped midway through her sentence as she finally noticed what Aidan was doing. She looked

down and glared at him after catching his gaze.

Aidan bit down on her neck as he asked hoarsely, "Do you have more to say?"

Before Leanna could even open her mouth to respond, a pair of lips crashed against hers.

The kiss lasted for ages. Once the two separated, Aidan kissed her forehead and said, "Everything can

wait till tomorrow. I'm not going anywhere."

Leanna had nothing to say.

Aidan kept going at it for the entire night.

In the end, Leanna was so exhausted that she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Aidan kissed her forehead and tucked her under the covers before leaving the bedroom.

He walked out to the living room and called Keaton. "Leanna will be staying here for the next few days.

Make sure they don't leave the house. We'll see how things go in a few days."

"Got it."

After ending the call with Keaton, Aidan stared out at the night sky for a while before calling Oscar.

"How's everything going?"

"They're still duking it out. I don't think they'll be getting any rest tonight," Oscar said. "Hats off to

William, though. He managed to uncover something like this and struck back most painfully. I doubt

Violet will have the time and energy to come and muck around anymore."

Aidan remarked, "After the plane crash back then, Lloyd and Leroy Crossley managed to snatch

Crossley Group back from a bunch of hungry wolves who had their eyes on the company and rescued

the company from the brink of bankruptcy. That alone proved just how capable they are."

"That's true. Crossley Group wouldn't have come to this if it hadn't been for that plot two decades ago."

"He only got tricked because he never thought that the person closest to him would one day betray him

and destroy his life."

Oscar immediately knew whom Aidan was referring to.

After a pause, Oscar spoke up again. "Although Lloyd's not in the country right now, when he gets

back, he'll surely notice that this was a premeditated act."

"He can barely keep himself afloat right now. He won't be in a position to care about the Kramers. Even

if he did manage to discover something, it'd still be too late."

"They've been planning this for a long time and it's finally time to reel the net in," Oscar commented.

"Is there still no news of Jethro?" Aidan asked.

"No, but I did stumble across something rather amusing," Oscar replied. "Lloyd's men have been tailing

Queenie Wojzicki."

Aidan's brows furrowed slightly. "Why are they tailing her?"

"I guess Ron Sedley has escaped and they found out about his ties with Queenie, so they're tailing her

to see if they can find any trace of him."

Aidan remained silent for a moment before suddenly asking, "What has the old man been up to lately?"

Oscar didn't seem to have anticipated this question. He paused for several seconds before answering,

"He's probably still trying to find a way to score a win for himself."

"Since he has so much time on his hands, let's give him a gift."

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"What gift?"

"A reporter managed to sneak into Pearson Family Estate back then," Aidan recalled coolly. "And

there's the incident with the audio recording too. He won't be letting these things slide so easily."

Oscar immediately got the hint. "Right. I'll get on it at once."

After ending the call, Aidan remained deep in thought and stood in place for quite some time.

Ten minutes later, he went back to the bedroom. A smile spread across his face when he saw the

woman who was fast asleep. He turned off the lamp on the bedside table and pulled her into his arms.

It was 8.00AM at Pearson Family Estate.

As soon as Gordon came downstairs, one of his subordinates rushed in and whispered into his ear.

Gordon frowned at once. "Was she the one behind everything?"

"Yes." His subordinate nodded.

Gordon pounded his walking stick on the floor. "Bring her to me! Right now!"

Once the subordinate left, Justin was wheeled over by one of the maids. Upon noticing Gordon's fury,

he asked calmly, "What happened, Dad?"

Gordon sat down on the couch and fumed, "The one who sent the audio recording over is the same

person who got the reporter to sneak into our house the last time! That person has gone too far!

Showed no respect for me at all!"

"It's all in the past," Justin said.

"All in the past, huh? You don't know the devastating losses I've suffered because of both these

incidents!" Gordon's face twisted up in rage. "If it weren't because of the Pearson family being an

established presence here, Pearson Group would've long since belonged to Aidan and Aidan alone!"

Justin sighed. "Aidan's still your son. Why do you always regard him with such hostility?"

Gordon snorted. "He's my son if he remains under my control. If he doesn't, then he's my enemy."

Justin didn't say anything else.

One hour later, Queenie was brought to Gordon.

She was petrified as she stood there in front of Gordon. She fidgeted and tried to speak, but nothing

came out.

Gordon scrutinized her for a moment. "Are you Queenie Wojzicki?"

"Y-Yes…" she stuttered in response.

Gordon tossed the audio recorder at her. "Does this belong to you?"

Queenie bit down on her lip. She was quaking in fear and didn't dare to answer.

"Are you deaf or mute? I'm asking you a question!" Gordon snarled.

Queenie was so terrified that she collapsed to the ground. It took her a while before she could croak

out, "Y-Yes… I-It's mine…"

Gordon sneered and slammed his hand on the table. "You've got quite the nerve, huh? You even dared

to plot against me!"