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His Precious Love

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298 You Shall Not Mess With My Girlfriend

Left with no choice, Jessica could only acquiesce in heading back.

After watching her leave, Theodore made his way to Wyatt’s ward.

The latter had suffered a gunshot wound, and his face was slightly pale. Still, he lay in the hospital bed

as though nothing serious had happened to him. He even ran his mouth the whole time.

Seeing Theodore set foot inside, Wyatt immediately put on a pitiful look. “Why are you two men keeping

me company, Theodore? I only need my beloved Jessie to stay with me.”

Theodore paced to the bedside and pinned Wyatt with a sharp gaze. “You’ve lost control of yourself,”

was the former’s reply.

Wyatt was confused upon hearing those words. “What do you mean by that?”

“You’ve been won over by lust.” Theodore sounded as cold as the winter. “Ever since I returned from

Norham, I’ve noticed that you’ve changed. It’s good that you finally found love, but have you ever

wondered about the purpose of her showing up and coming into your life?”

“I know what’s been going on.”

Theodore’s brows eased up the moment he heard that response. What a relief! Wyatt’s not a nitwit, after

all. I guess he’s still mindful of what’s happening around him.

The next second, a chuckle escaped from Wyatt’s mouth. “Even the heavens must think that I had to

stop living a boring life. Hence, they sent down a fairy to be my side. Of course, I’ll cherish her!”

“D*mn it! I should send you off to the heavens myself!” Theodore could not help but curse, and the veins

on his forehead were bulging. “To think that you’ve had several years of training in behavioral analysis,

yet here you are, having a brain filled with nothing but garbage!”

Upset by the remark tossed at him, Wyatt refuted, “You’re wrong to see me that way, Theodore. Answer

me this—have I ever botched any task that I was entrusted with?”

He took a moment before adding, “You may not believe in love at first sight, but that doesn’t mean it

doesn’t exist. I think you must have a problem with my girlfriend! If you ask me, you’re the one who’s

been having frequent mood swings since you came back from Norham. Plus, you and Jasmine had

already gone separate ways four years ago, yet you two reconciled easily after so long. I’m also curious

about whether she has any hidden agenda for being with you once again. You don’t feel good listening to

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me doubting Jasmine like this, do you?”

Theodore’s mien grew increasingly grim as he listened to those words.

“That’s totally different. The two of us knew each other already, and there had even been a couple of

misunderstandings between us,” he explained.

“Fine! How about Curtis, then?” asked Wyatt as he turned to sneak a peek at Curtis.

“Hasn’t he always stayed away from women? How is it that the second he stumbles upon Rayna, he

forgets all about his aversion? Don’t tell me Rayna is some kind of antidote. Worse still, he had even

made use of her in the past, and not too long after that, they suddenly started dating each other. The way

I see it, this isn’t normal at all and far too uncanny!”

Witnessing the intense hostility brimming within Wyatt, Curtis massaged his temples before patting

Theodore’s shoulder and uttering, “He’s long lost his mind. If you try to reason with him, he’ll only spew

out more nonsense.”

“I can hear you, Curtis. My brain’s working just fine!” Wyatt continued to fume, “You can all bully me all

you want, but don’t you dare step on my girlfriend!”

As soon as Wyatt finished babbling, Theodore stared at the former and unceremoniously sneered, “Wow!

You sure can blather non-stop. I bet your heart is as healthy as it could possibly be. It’s such a shame,

though, that the robber didn’t aim the bullet right at your heart.”

Without mincing his words, Wyatt retorted, “Why are Jasmine and Rayna still sticking with you guys,

anyway? They texted you ages ago, yet you took donkey’s years to show up. You two must have been

moving at a snail’s pace. You ought to count yourselves lucky that I’ve been exercising regularly, thus

having considerable agility. If it hadn’t been for me taking down those robbers, Rayna and the rest

would’ve been busted and met their makers. Some nerve you have to curse me!”

Feeling the urge to punch Wyatt in the face, Theodore clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles began

to creak.

“Forget it. You already know his character inside and out,” comforted Curtis as he grabbed Theodore’s

hand. “Leave him be. He won’t be admitting his mistake until it’s too late.”

In response, Theodore walked to the window to get some cold air, trying to simmer down.

With that, Curtis pulled a chair over and took a seat before peeling an orange for Wyatt. Then came his

probe, “What happened at the mall?”

“Oh, that! I almost forgot.” Wyatt had been so preoccupied with arguing with Theodore to the extent that

he nearly pushed the important matter to the back of his mind.

Wearing a serious visage, Wyatt went on a tangent. “Curtis, the entire robbery was nothing but a ruse.

Someone hired them and put a bounty of a hundred million on Rayna’s head.”

Curtis’ face fell straightaway. Concurrently, Theodore, who was standing by the window, also shifted his

line of sight toward Wyatt.

The latter then recounted the experience where he had accompanied Rayna and the group to shop for

some clothes, yet with his sharp observation skills, he had noticed that someone else had been stalking

them from afar. Not only that, but he also told Theodore and Curtis about how he had even found

Rayna’s photo in the robber’s pocket.

After elucidating the incident, Wyatt stroked his chin, looking ever so perplexed. “I find it a little peculiar. If

their objective was to commit murder, why didn’t they do it with an AK rifle? Instead, they chose to go

with a multi-barreled, high-latency revolver like the SKI-26.”

Theodore remained silent for a couple of seconds before he started to analyze the situation. “They didn’t

want the local police to give ear to them. Should there be any deaths resulting from the robbery, it’d be

likely for the police to misjudge the deceased as casualties. By wielding an AK rifle, their motive would

become as clear as day, not to mention catch our attention.”

“Mm.” Curtis could not agree more with Theodore. “The other party must’ve gotten wind of the hotel we’d

be staying at, and someone had to be keeping an eye on our whereabouts. As soon as they learned that

you were the only one accompanying Rayna and the rest, they signaled their accomplice at the mall to

take action.”

Curtis’ eyes darkened, and he was emanating a menacing aura. Wyatt, who was closest to Curtis,

unwittingly felt a chill running down his spine.

“C-Curtis, do away with that vibe of yours, will you?” Wyatt made that request as he burrowed deeper

under the blanket, his body trembling. “I’m not your enemy, okay? Besides, I’m still a patient…”

My life is hard!

Right then, Theodore put forward an inquiry for Curtis. “Does Rayna have any nemesis? Judging from

their movements, we must’ve already given ourselves away the minute we boarded the cruise.”

“She’s but a greenhorn in the business industry and has never had any disputes with other business

partners, let alone made enemies,” was Curtis’ answer. Falling into deep thought, he balled his fists

tightly, suppressing the boiling rage deep down.

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I was too careless. I even failed to realize that someone has been tailing us and targeting Rayna right

from the very beginning.

All of a sudden, Wyatt voiced, “Could it have been your rivals, then, Curtis? You previously acquired

quite a few companies in order to expand Faymon Group’s family business, and many of them were the

owners’ blood, sweat, and tears. Those people may have held a grudge, and after seeing Rayna

together with you on TV and in the newspapers, they decided to go after her. After all, Rayna’s a woman

and has no bodyguards with her, so they thought their job would be an easy feat.”

Upon hearing that, Curtis shot Wyatt an ice-cold glance. “The acquisitions of those businesses back then

had been agreed upon with the stipulation that Faymon Group is the sole shareholder, that’s all. We even

allow them to continue operations independently without any kind of intervention from Faymon Group.

They can’t have had a hand in this.”

“Where did Rayna’s enemy come from, then?” Wyatt shrugged.

“I think he might have something to do with this.” Theodore approached Curtis and passed his phone to

the latter. “I’ve just asked someone to check on him. This Jefferson guy is also currently in Jetroina, and

apparently, he’s staying at the same hotel as us.”

“You mean that guy from the Terblanc family?” queried Wyatt. When Theodore grunted in return, the

former became amused. “Rayna’s one lucky girl, don’t you think? Be it an ex-boyfriend or fiancé, her

better halves are all rich and powerful.”

Immediately, he submitted to his penchant for being nosey and began throwing questions at Curtis with

an excited tone. “Hey, Curtis, did Rayna ever tell you the reason she broke up with her ex? I have a

feeling that her ex may not be inferior to you, you know.”

At that, the latter glanced at Wyatt. “Oh, really? Do you want me to sew your mouth shut?”

Then and there, Wyatt ceased all gossiping at once.

After Curtis finished reading through Jefferson’s details, he returned Theodore the phone, saying, “Stay

with him today, Theodore. I’m worried about leaving the ladies at the hotel to fend for themselves. I still

need to settle something.”

Theodore bobbed his head. “Call me if you need anything.”


Just as Curtis left the ward, Wyatt instantly urged Theodore, “Why don’t you head back as well,

Theodore? I’m sure Jasmine needs you. Also, could you ask Jessie to come over? I’ll protect her!”