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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 466
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Chapter 466

In the study, the conversation continued.

Emeric had the world at his feet: sons and daughters, a high–born lineage, and wealth that rivaled the

whole country. People envied him, yet little did they know the longed for a heart–to–heart, his confidant

being none other than Dylan, who had been by his side since his days as a golden boy.

‘Dylan, the current situation is anything but simple,” Emeric said, his noble brow furrowed as he shook

his head slightly. In the past years, while Evadne was gallivanting abroad, Cassius managed the

consortium, and I could tell it was wearing him down. When Evadne returned, Cassius stepped aside

without a fuss, aware of his limits. Pushing beyond them would have been a herculean task, especially

since Cassius and Arnold, well,”

Emeric’s eyes darkened, hinting at words he couldn’t bring himself to say.

Dylan’s pupils narrowed, his expression grave and silem,

“So, after much deliberation, Evadne truly is the best successor, Even if I’m not particularly fond of

Thaddeus, I can’t deny that Evadine adores him. He’s in a tight spot with the Abernathy Group, under

the constant threat of his elder brother. But Thaddeus is genuinely good to Evadne, with a sharp mind

and decisive action, reminiscent of my younger self. Worst case scenario, if he can’t make it in the

Abernathy family, he could be a formidable ally for Evadne and our company,” Emeric, always a

strategist, had already paved Thaddeus’s path in his mind.

Dylan managed awry smile. “Mr. Emeric, you worry too much. Given Mr. Thaddeus’s abilities, he’s

unlikely to be a trophy husband. The man’s pride is immense, with a military background. I doubt he’d

ever be comfortable living off his wife’s fortune.”

“Ah, just speculation. If he succeeds, all the better. If not, he can help Evadne swallow up the

Abernathy Group, and I’d be thrilled! Emeric said with a dismissive flick of his eyes, “Consider it an

engagement gift for Evadne.”

Dylan was speechless

Outside, eavesdropping, Evadne clenched her teeth in frustration. She thought, “Oh, Emeric, your

ambitions know no bounds.”

“But that’s all in the future. For now, if I want to ensure Evadne and Thaddeus’s happiness, I must quell

the external chaos for her. Jeff saved my life, and that’s a debt I can’t ignore. But if this marriage falls

through the Chambers Group will become our adversary.”

Emeric’s head throbbed at the thought. “After the last horse race, our feud with the Fairhaven Group is

set in store. Frederic has always been at odds with me, and even with Hamilton’s support, he’s getting

on in years. How long can he protect the Abemathy Group? The moment we move on Elmsworth, we’ll

likely face a joint attack from the Abernathy and Fairhaven Groups. If the Chambers Group turns on us

too, our company will be in an eventighter

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Dylan’s brows were also furrowed in concer

Indeed, the Ashbourne family was the undisputed powerhouse in Skyrim, but in Elmsworth, if the other

families banded against them, it would be like hyenas circling a lion. Evadno was inexperienced. How

would she cope?

Moreover, these families were no hyenas. When provoked, they were as fierce as wolves!

“So, it’s only right for Nydia to join the Chambers family

At that moment, Evadne felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her ears ringing.

“Avery is a promising young man, less aggressive than Thaddeus but with a firm hand. Having

interacted with him for a while, I believe his abilities may even surpass Matthew

Emeric’s smirk held a hint of mischief. “Who w

will have the final say in the Chambers Group in the future is anyone’s guess.

“Avery certainly is cunning. After being exiled to Helgen for fifteen years by Jeff, his return has greatly

changed Jeff’s Mew of him to the point of wanting him to marry your daughter. That speaks volumes.

Thus, Nydia marrying him is a fair trade. It will solidify the families‘ bond, and when Evedne takes over

our company, having a sisters the wife of the Chambers Group’s CED”

“But Nydia likes Jason”

The thought of the Dempsey family made Emeric seethe, “Dave has gone senile, letting his eldest son

wreak havoc Cedric, relying on his little talents, has the audacity to cozy up to Frederic and repeatedly

provoke Evadne with the Abernathy family’s backing! The Dempsey family, a small–time player, should

know their place. I’ve heard Day’s wife disapproves of Nydia with Jason? Hah! Even the Ashbourne

family’s least could outshine them. How dare they look down on Nydia? Have they no shame?”

“To think of forcing Nydia to marry that sly, deceitful Avery! Have you no shame?”

With that, Evadne burst through the door in a fury, her fair face flushed with anger, fists clenched tight.

Emeric and Dylan were startled, their hearts skipping a beat.

Emeric’s voice was grave, his irritation palpable. “Evadne, have you no semblance of manners? is it so

hard to knock?”

“Knock? Since when did that become a thing here at Silverlake Harbor?” Evadne scoffed, her voice

dripping with sarcasm. “Oh, now we’re talking about civility? Feeling guilty, are we?”

Trembling with indignation, Evadne retorted, “Emeric, who do you think you are, some kind of king with

a harem? Bad enough you play the field, but now you’re bartering your own daughter to cozy up to the

Chambers Group! What kind of father are you? I thought you were just a playboy but it turns out you’re

selfah and cold–hearted, too! I’ve overestimated you”

Emenc was so taken aback he nearly choked on his own spit

But this time, histone was far from indulgent, it was icy and severe. “You have no idea what you’re

talking about. This is a necessary strategy” “Selling off your daughter, breaking up a loving couple,

ruining Nydia’s happiness for life–that’s your strategy?” Evadne couldn’t help but snert with

She had never felt so angry, not even with all the absurd things Emeric had done in the past

“You’re young, you don’t understand the difficulties of being in power. The Ashbourne family is an

empire, with tens of thousands of employees under the K Group. You think it’s easy to keep everyone

happy? Before I took over, I endured countless humiliations and sacrifices to build what we have

today!” Emeric’s expression was one of defiance.

“Oh, so your plan is to sacrifice others for your own success?” Evadne’s eyes reddened with fury.

“You’re already sacrificing Nydia, who’s next? I bet you’re upset Debby married off early regretting not

having more daughters to sell”

“Evadnel You!”

Emeric rose abruptly, his eyes blazing as he stared down his precious daughter.

Father and daughter stood off once again, tension cracking between them.

Dylan, Emeric’s right–hand man, wiped sweat from his brow, distressed at the sight of Chairman

Emeric and Evadne at odds.

“So, what’s your grand plan? Make enemies of the other major families? You think you’ve got what it

takes to fend off attacks from all sides?” Don’t write me off just yet! Who are you to judge?”

Evadne’s argument grew more heated by the second, her anger palpable. “That Avery is nothing but a

ruthless hypocrite! He’s always schemed against Debby and her husband in Helgen, even going as far

as to sabotage Thaddeus and my brother! You’ve been duped by his charm, and while he’s selling you

out, you’re counting the money for him! Now you’re ready to throw your own daughter to the wolves,

have you hacked your way to success?

Both Emeric and Dylan were taken aback by her outburst.

Emeric scoffed suspiciously, eyeing her. “Evadne, since when did you get so good at spinning tall tales

without even blushing?

“Damn it! After all I’ve said, you think I’m lying?”

Evadine was fuming, her insides burning with rage. “Emeric, has Avery bewitched you?”

“Miss Evadne, this is a serious matter. Do you have any proof?” Dylan couldn’t believe his ears.

“You’ve known Avery since childhood, and judging from the affection he’s shown you, it’s clear to Mr.

Emeric and me. It doesn’t seem fake Why would he do something like thip? It doesn’t make sense

“Dylan is right, do you have any evidence?” Emeric knew his daughter was cunning, ready to stop at

nothing to prevent Nydia’s marriage to the Chambers family.

“I will have evidence, but I need time! Evadne clenched her teeth,

She needed to gather proof to bring Avery down. However, Avery was cunning, a wolf in plain sight

who seemed untouchable.

The only way forward was to find Ward’s contact – Eden.

With Eden’s testimony, Avery’s misdeeds would be exposed,

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But she couldn’t reveal all this to Emeric. The more she said, the greater the risk of alerting the enemy

and disrupting her and Thaddeus’s plans. She had to leave it at that

“Then bring me the evidence, and we’ll talk about changing my decision.

Emerics forehead was beaded with sweat, too exhausted to argue any further. He turned and walked

towards the door, his face set in stone.

Dylan, noticing his discomfort, quickly followed

“Emeric! You heartless, greedy cold–blooded capitalist Evadne shouted after him, her eyes blazing with

fury. I hate you! I detest you!”

Emeric felt as if a sword had pierced him from behind, a gaping, bloody wound in his heart that

staggered him…

The last time Evadne had soleamed at him like this, it was after the death of the woman he loved most,

Evadne’s mother.

He just didn’t understand

He had given her everything, the very best, from her childhood.

He would have sacrificed anyone in the family to pave the way for her bright future.

Yet all it brought him was her hatred.

“You want to marry Thaddeus, don’t you?” Emeric’s voice was cold as ice as he faced away from her.

“The love you seek it blessed by everyone. Those who disapprove will always interfere. My actions will

not only fulfill your wishes but also stabilize the family and grant Nydia a prestigious marriage. Isn’t

That worth it?”

Evadne’s shoulders slumped her throat choking with overwhelming disappointment.

For the first time, she saw Emeric as truly terrifying.

On her way back to her room, Evadne’s clothes clung to her sweaty body, and she felt utterly drained,

Her chest was filled with a bitter ache, a stifling torment that defied description. No way could she let

Nydia and the Chambers family merge through marriage. Whether it was Byron or Avery, it was an

insult to her sister!

Emeric was oblivious to the terror of Avery, but Evadine knew all too well. So, no matter the cost, she

was determined to prevent the union of the two families!

Just as Evadne was about to go comfort Nydia, her phone buzzed to life.

Thaddeus’s call was like a break in the clouds, coaxing a sweet, faint smile across her worry–lined


But then her thoughts tumbled back to the argument with her father, to the realization that it was her

relationship with Thaddeus that had indirectly forced Emeric to push Nydia into the Chambers Group’s

arms, and a massive guilt gnawed at her like a spiky gear grinding through her chest.

After a moment. Evadne slowly answered, Thaddeus.”

“What’s up? You sound down. Do you miss me?” Thaddeus’s magnetic voice gently wormed its way

into her ear, tender and doting.

Evadne rubbed her eyes, her heart heavy, “Yeah, and you know it

His low chuckle, even through the phone, was disarmingly warm. Then stop missing me and come out.

See me.”