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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1433
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Cayson had his own team and project to supervise and was usually occupied with frequent business trips.

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Besides, Loraine had deliberately distanced herself from him. This would be their first meeting in person after the banquet.

Cayson was pleasantly surprised that Loraine had taken the initiative to meet him. He stood up from his desk, smiling, and walked to her, examining her face.

“Lorrie, it's great to see you. You've finally cto visit me. | was beginning to worry that you had forgotten me.” Cayson'’s eyes glinted with affection.

Cayson was a wise man. He knew his previous actions had caused Loraine to distance herself from him.

Therefore, he decided to be patient, wait for the right moment and give her space instead of constantly throwing himself at her.

As such, Cayson was genuinely happy that Loraine had cto visit him.

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Loraine couldn't help but chuckle.

“Cayson, | know you've been occupied with your projects, so | didn’t want to bother you. Besides, | had sfamily affairs to attend to. So...” “I know,” Cayson interjected softly.

ninja “Lorrie, I'm sorry | couldn't be there for you when your grandfather fell ill. | was away on a business trip and couldn't cback on tto support you. | have been planning to visit him, and | didn’t expect you to be here.” Loraine paused and looked at him when she sensed the intimacy in his tone. “Grandpa is much better now,” she said politely. “He would love for you to visit. My uncles will be thrilled to see you as well.” Cayson'’s smile dropped as he realized Loraine deliberately mentioned everyone's nexcept hers.

Nonetheless, he smiled at her and asked, “So, you wouldn't be happy if I visited?” “I won't be at home,” Loraine explained calmly.

“I'm going to the countryside for a while. | cto see you because | need your help in managing the company until I return.” Cayson stopped for a moment when he heard that. While he was happy that Loraine considered him first for the task, he felt equally worried.

“Lorrie, | can help you manage the company. However, is it safe for you to go to such a place alone? It seems risky. How about | arrange for someone to accompany you?” Loraine’s face softened. She shook her head, smiling as she recalled Marco offering to accompany her.

“Don’t worry. Someone has already agreed to escort me. Besides, | grew up there, so | know the place well. It won't be dangerous.” Cayson'’s body tensed when she mentioned someone was accompanying her.