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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 27
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13:08 Thu, 29 Febr&B


Chapter 27


“Fight it all you want, Willow…I am entirely yours…”

As his seductive words lingered in the air, a gentle spark coursed through my

veins. His possessive grip around my waist drewcloser to his chest, the soft

glint from his earring caught my eye, triggering memories of the past. It

remindedof the time. when he had taughthow to drive and we had

ended up in the sposition due to his playful teasing. The recollection of our

midnight escapes from the pack, secret rendezvous, sultry whispers, and the

thrilling love we shared in the past tickled my heart with a mere glimpse.

“Ahmm….” The sound of someone clearing his throat interrupted us. Slowly

tearing my eyes away from Reuben, we both turned to see Oran at the window,

sporting a sly smile. Reuben rolled his eyes at Oran, but my attention was

caught by the fact that Oran wasn’t alone. Bix and Ella were behind him,

observing the scene. Ella’s expression was full of discomfort while Bix had a

displeased look in his eyes. That was when it dawned. onthat I was still in

Reuben’s lap.

I struggled to get up, but Reuben’s grip on my waist tightened. “Letgo!” I

demanded, my voice strained. It was already an embarrassing situation, and the

redness in my face didn’t escape his sharp gaze.

“I thought you were going to fight me,” he smirked, tracing small circles on my

lower back with his finger. His sudden bold touch sent shivers down my spine.

Glaring at him, I pushed his ch*st hard, summoning all my strength to break free

from his grip and swiftly moved to the driver’s seat.

Reuben chuckled at the sight of my fiushed ears then redirected his attention to

the people outside the window. “What’s up?” he rolled down the window.

“The treaty our pack has been longing for has been secured by Ella,” Oran

beamed with excitement, sharing the news with Reuben. Reuben’s expression

shifted at the revelation. I couldn’t help but notice his intense gaze immediately

landing on the papers in Ella’s hands. Ella stepped forward and approached the

window, aiming to speak with Reuben. Ella did manage to sparea fieeting

glance. I simply ignored her and looked straight ahead, though neither of our

reactions to each other escaped Reuben’s notice.

“I’ve secured the treaty, but they’ve presented additional demands that I find

difficult to accept. We should review them together before making a decision,”

Ella explained,


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

13:08 Thu, 29 Feb JB ·

Chapter 27


clutching spapers that I instantly recognized. The Emerald Bright Pack had

a long- standing dispute with that pack, apparently Ella had the ability to

resolve it. Her posture exuded nothing but seriousness, emb*dying the ideal

traits of someone fit to lead a pack. Ella possessed all the qualities of a perfect

Luna, I envisioned both her pack and Reuben’s working in tandem, jointly

making decisions. There were rumors circulating that after their wedding, both

Reuben and Ella’s packs would merge. Ella was bringing a lot to the table for

Reuben, much like what a pack’s Luna was expected to.

An uncomfortable feeling surged withinfor sreason. Reuben began

conversing with her, “Good job. For now, you…”

“We’re running late for our shopping trip. So please step out of my car and

handle your business outside then we can be on our way,” I cut in, starting the

engine and signaling for him to get out. He was a workaholic, prioritizing the

pack above all else and never neglecting even the smallest task.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

As I spoke, he shota knowing glance from the corner of his eye, signaling

that he was aware I wanted to kick him out and leave him behind. But to my

surprise, instead of getting out of the car, he simply rolled up the window and

brazenly remained seated. “I’ll take care of this matter after we’re done

shopping,” he turned to face Ella then added, “I’m occupied at the moment. You

can cto my office later, and we’ll discuss it.”

Ella gave a slight nod as Reuben quickly fastened his seatbelt, urging me, “Let’s

go. A bitter twitch tugged at the corner of my l*ps at his obsession with tagging


“Mommy, let’s go!!” Wyatt and Lori chimed in from the back seat with

excitement, eager to get moving. I put the car in gear and pulled out onto the

main road, using a map to navigate the unfamiliar roads due to recent city

developments. However, the man seated besideseemed to be lazily keeping

his eyes fixed onthe entire time. Our gazes accidentally met a few times, yet

I deliberately ignored him, treating him as if he were invisible. It was a strange

and entirely new experience for me, having him in. the passenger seat. So, I

drove a little faster to the mall and hurriedly got out of the car, eager to escape

the awkwardness.

Getting out, I opened the car door for the children, but Reuben did the sat

the stime. Wyatt and Lori looked at the two of us in confusion, unsure of

which side to choose. Reuben locked eyes withfor a couple of seconds, then

closed the door, saying to the children, “Always go to mummy’s side.”

His words surprised me. Although the children couldn’t fully comprehend it,

there was a deeper meaning to his statement. Wyatt and Lori slowly exited the

car from the door I had opened, and Wyatt looked up at Reuben, “But daddy, if

we go to mummy’s side,


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort; Laser Cutting

13:08. Thu 79 Feb

Chapter 27


you would be left alone.”

“Never,” Reuben smiled, coming around the car to stand beside me, “Because

you always findnext to her.”


My heart ski pped a beat at his statement. Our shoulders brushed slightly,

causingto clench my dress at my side. I didn’t dare to look up into his

intense green gaze, so I turned and started to walk inside the mall with the

children, Reuben closed the door

with a chuckle.

After walking for a couple of seconds, I noticed too many eyes turning in our

direction, especially women gasping at a certain someone’s handsomeness. I

stopped and looked. back to find Reuben walking behind me, his handsome

face and indifferent attitude obviously attracting too much attention.

“What do you think you are doing?” I paused at the entrance, glancing at


“Walking?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t walk withor the children,” I warned, looking around at sof the

people who had cameras in their hands.

“Why?” he frowned.

“If someone snaps a photo of you with Wyatt and Lori, it will be in the world

news. I don’t want my children’s normal life being destroyed,” I remarked and

took Wyatt and Lori with me, leaving him behind.

“Mommy, daddy…” Lori kept looking over her shoulder.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s an adult. He won’t get lost,” I stated dry,


might be trying to garner the children’s attention. The problem was that

allowing him to walk with us would risk Wyatt and Lori’s future. He was more

eye-catching than any. movie star in the entire country and had already been in

the news due to shouting my nat the airport.

As I grabbed a trolley and entered the mall, the weekend crowd made it chaotic.

“Wyatt, Lori,” I quickly scanned the area for the kids, intending to keep them

close before they wandered off, but to my surprise, they were already gone.

“Wyatt, Lori!” I panicked. Leaving the trolley behind, I spun around to search for

them, only to find them in the arms of a tall man wearing glasses and a cap. My

eyes widened when I realized it was Reuben. He had shed his expensive coat

and was now dressed in just a black shirt, untucked from his pants, he now

looked like any other regular guy

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mer 27

shopping at the mall. He had completely transformed his appearance.


“Now it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” he asked, taking a step closer to me. I

blinked at his willingness to change for me.

“Daddy, you are the best!” Wyatt and Lori happily wrapped their arms around

his n*eck in a hug. He smiled at them and looked atfor approval. I averted

my eyes and turned to grab my trolley to continue shopping.

“Don’t cause trouble or fall behind.” I murmured, ignoring his chuckle.

I began selecting dairy products and meat that I had planned for dinner. Then, I

headed to the stationery section to buy items for Wyatt and Lori. Throughout

my shopping, Reuben followed behindlike a shadow, observing my every

move. This continued even when we entered the ladies’ lingerie shop.

I picked up a black lingerie set in size 32A, appreciating its fabric and design. As

I checked the price, I felt a pair of green eyes on me. Turning around, I

discovered. Reuben standing in the ladies’ section, his gaze lingering on my

chest. I shot him at disapproving look, then he grabbed a similar lingerie set

from the next section, placing it in my hand before walking away with the


As I examined the lingerie set Reuben had given me, I realized it was a 32B. My

cheeks fiushed red instantly. Six years ago, I had more weight on my bones than

I did now, 32B was my actual size. Had he figured out my size just by looking?

That thought embarrassedfurther, especially since it seemed he had been

eyeing my breasts!

I selected a few more lingerie sets and went to try them on in the changing

room. After completing the purchase and stepping out, I couldn’t spot Reuben

anywhere. On top of that the mall was too crowded to pick up his scent among

the crowd. Frowning, I wondered, “Where did he run off to with my children?”

I entered the snacks section in search of them until my eyes landed on Lori’s

favorite snacks. She had a particular fondness for that fiavor, and it seemed

there was only one packet left on the shelf. As I reached for it, someone else’s

hand suddenly appeared, trying to grab it from the other side.

I paused and glanced at the middle-aged man next to me. “Excusebut I

picked it up first, I calmly informed him.

“So what? You haven’t paid for it yet. It’s not yours,” he retorted rudely,

attempting to sna tch the packet from my hand.

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Hort: Laser Cutting

13:08 Thu, 29 Feb G

Chapter 27


“I could say the sto you. Just let it go,” I frowned, firmly holding onto the

packet. His attempt to take it from me, fueled by his ego, couldn’t overpower my


“What if I don’t let it go?!” He aggressively confronted me.

I remained composed, firmly standing my ground. “Don’t complicate things.

You’ll regret it,” I calmly warned. It wasn’t about the snacks anymore. I would

have relented if not for his rudeness that triggered both my wolf and I.

“Ha…this bi tch,” he sneered, stepping closer, his breath reeking of smoke, “You

dare to threaten me? Do you know who I am?” he yelled, making a scene, but

abruptly halted when his eyes drifted pastand settled on something. His

disdainful expression shifted from shock to horror. A terrible feeling crept up

within me. I turned around to find Reuben standing behind me, glaring at him

with intense, dark

green wolf eyes.

“Did I hear you calling her a b itch?” Reuben released a low growl, his grip on his

glasses tightening until they shattered into pieces. Panic surged throughat

the thought of Reuben attacking the man at any moment. He must have

overheard the derogatory term directed at me. Unintentionally, memories from

my school days when I had been bullied by a senior fiashed in my mind’s eye.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Reuben had intervened, severely beating the bully causing a major scandal

since the senior was human and an Alpha had attacked him. His father, Alpha

Luis, had paid a hefty sum to hush up the matter, but now I feared that Reuben

wouldn’t stop until he sucked out the man’s soul as payment.

A crowd had gathered, drawn by the low growl resonating in the store’s aisles.

“You can keep it,” I tossed the packet into the man’s face and immediately

grabbed Reuben’s hand. “Let’s go,” I pulled him away from the crowd before his

eyes attracted unwanted attention.

People watched us curiously until we were well away from the snacks store.

Tightly gripping Reuben’s hand, I kept moving until we reached a quieter area,

away from prying eyes. “Didn’t I tell you not to cause trouble?” I admonished

him, stopping in front of a less crowded store.

He responded in a cool tone, looking all innocent, “When did I cause trouble?”

My frustration fiared, did he think I couldn’t see through his act? “You….” I began

to scold him before the voices of Wyatt and Lori interrupted me.

“Mommy,” their voices drew my attention toward the ice cream parlor. Blinking, I

glanced back in the opposite direction to the snacks store. From where I stood, I

could. be easily seen from that ice cream parlor. Looking back at Reuben, I

realized he had been watchingthe whole time, even though I hadn’t sensed


The Secret to Making Mors Money with Lana Effort: Laser Cutting

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Chapter 27



Ignoring his gaze, I stepped into the ice cream parlor to purchase treats for

Wyatt and Lori. They happily started enjoying their ice creams. Just as the server

behind the

counter handedmy treat, Reuben asked, “Where’s mine?”

Glancing up at him, I replied, “Buy it yourself,” then turned to head toward the

table. where Wyatt and Lori were seated.

“I don’t have any money,” he followed, his expression pleading.

I paused, surprised. “Why don’t you have money?” I inquired.

“I forgot my wallet,” he admitted with a pitiful look.

I couldn’t help but smile, responding, “Well, no wallet means no ice cream for

you,” as I continued walking towards Wyatt and Lori.

He narrowed his accusing eyes at me. Ignoring him, I brought my ice cream up

to my mouth to eat. Just as my l*ps touched it, I noticed Reuben also lowering

his mouth to steal a bite of my ice cream from the other side. Our eyes locked,

and my heart started beating faster. His green eyes fiirted with mine making my

hands shake, my hold on the ice cream loosened, causing it to drop from my


Reuben grabbed the ice cream in midair and wrapped his arm around my waist,

pullinginto his chest. “What are you so scared of?”

My breasts bumped into his ch*st as he leaned down to brush our l*ps against

each other. My eyes widened, I couldn’t put up my d*rty hand on his ch*st with a

gasp. “What are you doing?!”

I pulled away in shock, looking at him with wide eyes. Did he… did he just? He

brushed his thumb over my lower l*p and leaned down to lick it, “Eating my own

personal ice cream.”




The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser