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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Every word he uttered added to the pain in his chest, until his body Involuntarily curled up. The weight pressed down on Flors, leaving her almost breathless.

She got it Connor felt insecure.

"Did you seemeeting with a man?" Flora quickly grasped the situation.

Connor didn't answer, just stared at her with reddened eyes, as if silently accusing her It seemed she was right.

Flora sighed intomally, realizing the surprise had tumed into a scare, "Can't you trust me? He's just a friend. Don't I have the right to meet with frends?" *You lied to me." She had said she was tired and wanted to stay home. She refused to meet him, but she dressed up beautifully to meet another man.

Flora sighed, struggled to take out her phone from her pocket, and showed the chat with Henrik "Look, I was actually coming to see you, to surprise you. About that guy, he's just a friend who asked to see me. After meeting him, I rushed over to see you." Connor's chaotic breath calmed down a bit as he stared at the phone screen.

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On it, were messages she sent Henrik about going to see Connor and asking which dress he liked more, thinking Connor would appreciate it.

"Connor, I really don't like it when you act like this." "I'm sorry." Connor panicked. Would Flora be angry with him? "Go open a window. It's stuffy in here." Seeing Connor like this left Flora at a loss.

Connor quickly got up, opened the curtains, and the window, waiting for the air to clear. Once done, he stood aside, looking helpless and guilty, like a child who had done something wrong.

Flora sighed, walked up, and hugged him. "Connor, it hurtswhen you're like this. Im sorry. I won't lie to you again. I wanted to surprise you, but it ended up causing a big misunderstanding." "You're great, Connor" She emphasized every word, "Really great, and I really, really like you" "It's not because I feel qu guilty or plan to leave after your leg heals. I truly like you.

"Let's not jump to conclusions next time, okay? If there's a misunderstanding, I hope you can talk todirectly. Trust is crucial between us." "Flora..." Connor's voice was rough.

"But you've improved. Before, you would have just directly draggedaway." "I've thought about it Connor confirmed.

Flora, feeling both frustrated and sympathetic, decided to drop the subject. "What did you go out for?" "To buy puff pastries." "Where are they?" Connor quickly presented the bag. "Want some?" He asked her, his tone cautious.

In front of Flora, he was incredibly insecure.

He didn't think she truly loved hirn.

"I am pissed, not hungry anymore." Connor's mood darkened, so she added, “As punishment for your unwarranted jealousy, you'll eat them all.” "I bought them for you." "Don't want them?" "No." "Then, I'll watch you eat" Connor had no choice but to start eating the pastries.

Chapter 585 Flora knew he disliked these sweet treats; making him eat them was her way of punishing his lack of confidence.

However, after watching him eat two, her heart softened. She took the remaining pastries from him.

Lie down, I'll massage your leg.

"Are you still mad?" Connor asked.

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"A little," Flora admitted honestly. It wasn't anger but more of a feeling of empathy.

Connor didn't say anything and just lay down obediently.

Outside, Moss and Beck, worried after not hearing from Flora for an while, couldn't help but eavesdrop. Then, indescribable sounds cout. "Relax a bit. You're too hard "My hands are getting sore." ""Is the pace too fast?" I haven't even started, and you're already struggling?" "Connor, you seem a bit weak." Beck's eyes widened. Connor's innocence would be ruined by this woman.

This couldn't happen!

Beck was about to charge in when Moss quickly grabbed him his voice very low "Are you insane? Do you want Mr. Connor to send you away?" Till sacrifice myself. His honor must not be tarnished." Beck heroically prepared to sacrifice himself, but just then, the door opened from the inside.

Connor and Flora walked out.

Beck instantly lost his nerve. Secing the sweat on Connor's forehead, he el couldn't help but think. It was over in just a few minutes? It seemed that Connor was intleed a bit weak.