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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114 I May Raise a Fake Son

“Let’s eat.”

It took a long time before Andrew said a few words in a deep voice with a sad voice.

She noticed that this old man was like a lion, always standing tall. But just after Leo made this decision,

he seemed to be a little bent back, showing a little old.

The meal looked harmonious on the surface, but she knew that there were too many open and secret


She doesn’t like this feeling, and always feels that it is full of too much calculation.

After the meal, the old man didn’t let them go back, but stayed at home for one night to enhance their



Monica has a certain shadow about this place, and she doesn’t dare to walk around casually.

The ser vant came to pass, and the old man asked her to drink tea in the study.

When she went, the old man was reading a book.


she shouted politely.

“Sit down, don’t be restrained, and treat this place as your own home.”


She responded softly and sat down.

The old man let out a long sigh, as if he was preoccupied.

This tea doesn’t look so good.

Andrew was about to make tea, but Monica didn’t dare to let the elders come, so she made it herself.



Chapter 1141 May Raise a Fake Son

288 ¡Vouchers

Seeing her skillful technique, he was very surprised, “You know how to make tea?”

“In the past, when guests came to my house, I always made tea in the back. The guests all said that

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my tea was delicious.”

Monica couldn’t help but said proudly.

Andrew laughed, and when he saw her, his mood didn’t feel so bad.

“George raised a good daughter, but it’s a pity he didn’t cherish you well.”

“But Leo found out that I’m a baby, and it’s the same. Pearls shine everywhere.”

She was not reserved at all, and praised herself.

It’s not that there is a saying that excessive modesty is pride, but she has never

been modest.

Originally, the advantages are limited, and one can be found to be one.

“Come here, I have something to ask you, how is your relationship with Leo?”

“Very good, I had a fight before, but I reconciled, and the relationship is better than before.”

“Husbands and wives will always be a little stumbling, and they will get better and better. Monica, if Leo

does something crazy in the future, which hurts himself and his family, and no one else can persuade

him, you must persuade him.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Monica couldn’t understand.

Will Leo hurt his family in the future?

“I owe a lot to Karl and Leo. They were not around when they were young. They finally grew up and

picked them up, but they suffered bad luck. Leo has always been worried about Karl’s death. I am

afraid that he will get worse on this road. deep, and in the end the muddy feet got sunk, and they

couldn’t get out.”

“There is a estrangement between our father and son. He may not be able to listen to what I say. In the

future, you will need to mention him in front of big right and wrong. He is obsessed with the authorities,

but I think a bystander will know clearly. You will definitely know what is right and wrong.”

Chapter 1141 May Raise a Fake Son

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The topic of Andrew was a bit heavy, and she was a little out of breath. Will Leo make mistakes in the


“Uncle, although I don’t understand it very well, it may be because I am stu pid. But I will do my best to

take care of Leo. If he really does something wrong, I will not stand by. I can’t just watch him ruin

himself .So don’t worry, I’ll definitely keep an eye on him.”

“With your words, I feel at ease. Girl, my son still has a lot of stubbornness. You may not see it now, but

you can’t dislike it in the future.”

“Stubborn? Of all the men I’ve met, there’s no one with a better temper than Leo! Arguing with him is

the most boring thing, anyway, he’s very powerful, I can’t say no to him…”

“Are you talking about my son?”

Andrew expressed his doubts. His son has an eccentric personality, moody and unpredictable, and his

business methods are extremely cruel.

In the Lilder City business district, hearing his name, everyone felt a little afraid.

But Monica said he has a good temper?

“Yeah, it’s Leo.”

“I may have raised a fake son. He doesn’t listen to me, he only listens to his wife.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Monica doesn’t understand yet.

Just then, someone pushed the door open.

“I naturally have to listen to my wife. Isn’t this the ancestral motto of the Hawn family?”

Leo stepped forward, wrapped his big hands around Monica’s waist familiarly, pulled her gently, and

pulled her into his arms.

Monica wanted to struggle, but she couldn’t get rid of it no matter what, so she could only blush and

make the old man laugh at her.

“Why are you here? Are you afraid that I will bully your wife?”



Chapter 1141 May Raise a Fake Son

The old man said displeased.

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“That’s not the case. I’m afraid that my fiancée is not very sensible and spoils my father’s interest.”

He was afraid that the old man would say some esoteric topics and increase Monica’s burden.

“Okay, it’s getting late, what should you young couple do, I’m a lonely old man, let’s drink tea to nourish

our sex.”

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“Good night.”

After Leo said something, he pulled Monica away, and Monica also said hastily.

After coming out, he didn’t take her back to the room, but went upstairs all the


She couldn’t help being a little surprised, and said, “Aren’t you sleeping?”

“I’ll show you something.”

Finally they came to the room on the top floor. The attic was so big that it wasn’t crowded when two

people stood in it.

There is also an astronomical telescope here, which protrudes from a small round hole and can be

rotated 360 degrees to see in all directions.

There are bookshelves, and a rug, and a cot.

“What is this place?”

“My private domain, these are my things when I was a child. Later, Karl and I went abroad. The room

has been vacant for a long time. Some things were damaged and had to be repaired. Some things

were broken, and some things were moved


Monica fiddled with the telescope, and she could really see the stars, and felt that the distance was

shortened all of a sudden.

But she doesn’t know much about astronomy, so Leo explained one by one, which one is Sagittarius,

which one is Libra, and which one is the Big Dipper.

His se xy and mellow voice resounded in my ears, so nice.


Chapter 114 I May Raise a Fake Son

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A breath was blown into her cochlea, making her numb and exhausted.

“There is another star in the sky, you must have never seen it.”


“Come closer.”

he said softly.

Monica moved closer to him, and was finally wrapped in his arms, with her ears pressed against his


“This heart in my arms belongs to you completely. There are always thousands of stars in the sky, but I

only have one heart. You must protect it well and don’t let it hurt you.”