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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 123
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122 Finally We Meet Luke.

The day of reckoning was finally upon us. | had knots in my stomach even though | wasn't the one fighting Regan. | had a foreboding that things might not go as planned, and | planned not to be overconfident because arrogance always brings failure. Not wanting to underestimate Regan, | decided to have a meeting in our suite before we moved to the battleground. The news Helicopter was already broadcasting on the television even though no one was on the field.

Caleb picked up the television remote and put it on mute. Sitting down on the couch, he faced me.

"It's finally here, big brother," He said, and we both looked at our father where he was sitting. He looked calm as if he was not bothered.

"| have waited twenty-three years for this, and now it is here. | really don't know how to feel about it." My father confessed, and | smiled at him.

"One-on-one, you will win, but you have to be careful with that fucker. He has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, and | do not want us to be caught by surprise." | said aloud and switched to the mind link.

"Henceforth, we communicate our plans via our mind link. The room might be bugged," | said, and they all nodded. Looking at my father, I linked Mike and Kirk.

"Call and make sure the three hundred men are on standby so they can cin if Regan decides to be funny. As for the rest of us, we will observe the fight in plain sight. | do not know about you guys, but | have a wife to go hto. None of us should dare die here today, and we mustn't let Regan win. " | said, and they agreed in unison.

"Father, | need you to fight that man with a clear mind. Do not let your anger cloud your judgement. Do not let it control you. Fight him with a peaceful mind knowing that you will be doing the world a favour. | know you want revenge. We all want to revenge, but if you fight for it, you will be blinded by it. My mother is proud of you wherever she is. You have done right by me, and Stacy loves you dearly. Left to her, she wouldn't want you facing him. You have nothing to prove, father.

You are fighting that bastard for the safety and peace of our family and island," | pleaded with him because | did not want his anger to affect his concentration. He nodded, stood up, and Caleb and | hugged him tightly.

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"Don't die out there, father," | said, and he chuckled.

"You must think so little of me. | am not an old man. You can ask Tia, and she will tell you," As weird as that sounded, | understood what he meant. | knew he wasn't old and was strong enough to take anyone. | still wanted him to be alright.

"Regardless, father, | am not ready to say goodbye," | said, and something faltered in his eyes. He huggedtightly and hugged Caleb again.

"lI am not ready to die either," He said, and we all laughed. | was glad that by the end of the day, hopefully, Regan will be history, and we can move on with our lives.

We left the hotel with people cheering and wishing us luck. Neev was still under us, so it was expected that they would be on our side, but these were tough times. We dared not trust anyone. Not now, not ever.

Mike hired a car, and he was behind the wheels. | prayed to the goddess and hoped all this would end soon for our sake.

" The troops are at the venue hiding in trees in the woods. There is a small crowd there, and sof our soldiers are in their midst. The ones in the crowd are twelve in number, and they are unarmed. The others are scattered about the place. They couldn't cheavily armed, so they could easily blend in. Because of this, our weapons are limited. Hopefully, they won't have to engage," Mike linked me, and | thanked him. | thought of Tia. She had calledin the morning to find out how | was. | was happy to hear her voice and couldn't wait to go hto her. Once this was over, | would spend a lot of twith her. | would delegate the work so | could be hmore often. We were too young in our marriage to be scarce around each other.

We finally arrived at the venue. Mike parked, and we moved toward the grounds. The crowd was few, barely fifty people, and no one looked like a military officer, which was good because sof them were our people. A man that looked like Regan was already standing in the centre shirtless. He had no mark on his neck. | searched the back of his shoulder and found none. He had indeed forced Stacy into a union because he was supposed to carry her mark too. My father took off his shirt and stood in the middle.

"Aesop, you finally grace us with your presence. | thought you would chicken out last minute," Regan said to him with a condescending tone. My father just smiled at him and did not utter a word. He was a man a very few words, and Regan was about to find that out.

"I have always wondered what was so special about you that the woman in my life picked you over me." He said, and my father did not say a word. He had said that deliberately to get a reaction from my father because my mother was never in his life.

"Father, do not let him get you angry," | linked my father, and he looked atand smiled.

"He is a clown. He is mad | got all the girls he wanted," My father linkedand smiled at me. | was happy my father was going in with a light heart.

"Spread wide so the champions can fight." The moderator said, and we opened up the circle. It was wide with the helicopter hovering over us.

"This is a challenge. A fight to surrender or die! Winner takes it all," the moderator said, signalling the fight to begin.

No one charged at the other. They kept circling with Regan talking a lot of nonsense.

"Your twhoring women for a living has rubbed off on you, Regan; you talk like a bitch!" my father said, and Regan charged at him in his human form half shifted. My father Half shifted and met his might.

They caught themselves in an arm and leg hold, which looked like a bulling position. Each trying to wrestle the other to the ground. My father flipped him and caught him in a mild lock. As easy as it looked, Regan was suffering. Without warning, Regan shifted, forcing my father to let go and shift too. They growled at each other.

Regan's wolf was brown and big, while my father's black wolf stood his ground. My mark burned a bit, and I tried to calm down.

They lunged at each other, and my father clawed at his face causing a deep cut with four claw marks to scar his face. | wanted to laugh out of excitement, but | held it in.

Regan moved back, and my father did the same. They were sizing each other, catching their breaths and calculating their moves. They finally lunged at each other again, and Regan dodged my father and clawed his side deeply. My father whimpered from pain but regained himself. Regan growled at him in anger, but my father did not respond. They lunged at each other and locked themselves in a wrestle. Each trying to bite the neck of the other. Regan landed a bite on my father's front legs and bit down. My father held the pain and bit Regan's neck, forcing him to let go. Regan staggered, and my father limped. They had both cursed each other's bones.

The fight was intense, and it went on for a long time. One hour forty-five minutes later, they were coated with each other's blood. No one was backing down. Both were limping and injured. My father barrelled into Regan's side, knocking him down. He bit on his hind leg and yanked it with his teeth. | heard it crack, and my spirit was lifted. Regan got up with difficulty. | guess he wanted to die. This was his opportunity to tap out. He growled at my father and lunged at my father. My father fell backwards with his belly up, which was a vulnerable position for a wolf. Being weakened from the fight, he couldn't quickly turn back to his feet. While my father was still trying to turn around and get up, Regan crunning, and | wanted to scream because my father was open to a successful kill. Regan leapt in the air so he could land on my father's stomach with much force, exposing his throat for him to bite and crush. My father quickly but painfully moved to the side, causing Regan to land on the ground hard, spraining a leg with the very force he wanted to use to knock my father out.

My father got up, whimpering to approach Regan when we heard a gunshot and people began to run.

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Heavily armed men cat us. The helicopter was shot down by a missile to stop the broadcast, and | knew they were not our men. We shifted to protect ourselves because they were coming our way. The chaos was much. The bullets hit me, and as my body pushed them out, | realised they weren't silver. | was grateful to the goddess they didn't have the proper ammunition. The bullets didn't do much but slow us down. It also gave them the advantage because even though it could not kill us, it could wound us.

They were too many, and | knew our men would not be able to fight them. How did Regan bring this many people into Neev?" | began to fight blindly. My mark burned, and so did the mark on my soldiers. We began to fight, but we were outnumbered. | should have transported more than three hundred men. My men were armed with silver ammunition and used them, but soon they had to abandon the weapons and fight too.

How did Regan get this many men into Neev? They just kept coming.

"The Alpha of Neev double-crossed us. These are mostly Neev soldiers," My father linked me, and | heard the labour in his voice; he was tired from the fight.

"Caleb, Kirk, get father to Saftey now!" | linked them. | began to fight like a rabid wolf. There was a possibility | won't survive the fight. A possibility that | would die there with my men, but | intended to take down as many of them as possible. | was angry. Angry that | did not see Neev's treachery.

Mad that | would not see my mate, our baby and Paul again. | knew we were dead men no matter how hard we tried. Reinforcement wasn't going to come.

A wolf barreled into me, knocking the wind out of me, and | wondered who it was, only forto see it was Bashir.

"Why?" | linked him, and he growled.

"You must think we are fools, Moon. My father might be forgiving, but | am not. Your father damaged our territory for a crwe did not commit and wants to shake hands. You refuse to fund our military and give us weapons, yet we know of the heavy weapon shipment Woodclaw received.

You and that bitch Luna of yours are selfish and don't deserve to lead this island. | might not like Regan, but we have a common enemy: you. Today the Moon lineage ends. | know your son has no Key mark. Your bitch and brother's bitch will be an easy kill." he said, and | growled at him, mad that he would insult my wife as he did. | lunged at him, and we began to fight.

TWO HOURS INTO THE BATTLE Others had got into my fight with Bashir and broken us apart. It didn't matter anyway. We were almost finished. Regan and Bashir had the upper hand, and they were winning. Most of my men were either dead or injured. We had put a dent in their numbers, but they still outnumbered us.

While | was killing and shredding people into bits. | prayed to the goddess to take care of my family.

| prayed that the goddess would heal Tia's heart and give her the courage to love again. | prayed that Tia would find someone that would love her more than | do. | prayed that she would forgivefor not being able to keep my promise and chto her. My life with her kept playing in my mind, and | continued to fight the attackers. My heart was breaking that | would never see our baby and that we would not have the bliss that we tried so hard to have. Tears clouded my vision as | fought, knowing that it would be my last day in the world. Regan had somehow outsmarted us, and he had won.