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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1044
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Chapter 1044

Alicia had been friends with Suella for a long time. She knew the kind of woman Suella was. Suella had

been trying to use Alicia to marry a rich guy, yet she wanted nothing but the best. She didn't like the

rich guys who liked her, but the ones she had her eyes on spared her no affection. Yet, she still tried to

seduce them like a fool. Even though those men's wives knew what Suella was doing, they never

attacked her due to her friendship with Alicia. Though, they would talk behind Alicia's back.

This wasn't the first time Suella did it. However, Alicia kept trying to cover for her because they were

college friends, and thanks to that, Suella managed to stay in the circle of the wealthy. This time, she

tried to cover for Suella as usual. "Sorry, Miss Whitney. She just wants to marry the best, but she

means no harm. I'll tell her that."

"You know Miss Taggert better than I do. I trust you just like how you trust her," Ariel mocked.

Alicia looked away nervously. This isn't the first time she's done this. I can't tell Ariel that she's actually

a good person.

Ariel thought she had pushed far enough, so she said solemnly, "Miss Heidelberg, you're a good friend.

Danny and I are willing to be your friend, which brings me to a serious topic. Keeping a scheming

person around is a hazard. They might explode in your face one day, and you might end up dying."

Alicia had wanted to cut ties with Suella a long time ago, but every time Suella came up to her, Alicia

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would relent and drop the idea. Now that Ariel was already telling her to break off ties with Suella, she

would do just that. She figured she would do it after they went back. "Thank you, Miss Whitney. I'll take

your suggestion into account. Sorry to trouble you."

"No worries. Thanks for saving Danny. See you. Have fun tonight."

"See you." Alicia sent Ariel off and closed the door. Alicia stared at the bottles of water in her hands.

A while later, Suella came out of the bathroom draped in a piece of towel. She dried her hair and

looked at Alicia standing at the room entrance. "Who was it just now?"

"No one. You were hearing things," replied Alicia.

"I see." Suella shrugged it off. She looked at the bottles of water Alicia was holding and froze. Hey,

that's the water Ariel had. Alicia has them as well? How come I don't know? "I'm parched. Give me a

bottle." She snatched a bottle and took a gulp, demolishing half a bottle in one go. Then, she scoffed.

"It's nothing special."

After saying that, she smiled smugly. And Ariel said I wasn't worthy of this. Look at me now. I want the

best of the best. Even the man I date must be the best.

Ugh, she has that stupid look again, Alicia thought while shaking her head. She then changed the topic

and said, "Get changed. We need to start our hike soon and get a good spot, or we're going to miss the

meteor shower."

"I know." Suella finished the remaining water and straightened herself out.

Twenty minutes later, the ladies were making their trek up the mountain. The observatory was on the

top. The hotel was at the mountainside, so they had to trek if they wanted a better view. Even though

Alicia was holding most of their stuff, Suella was already sweating and huffing not long after they

started to trek. Eventually, she got dizzy, and her legs wobbled. "I can't go on." Suella leaned on the

guardrail. "How much farther? I can't go on any longer."

"What?" Alicia looked behind them. That's like two flights of stairs. She shrugged. "You really need to

train, Suella. Take your time. I'll set up camp." Thinking that Suella was just out of breath, Alicia left her

alone. There were a lot of people here for the meteor shower. She wasn't worried about Suella. If

anything happens, some of the tourists will help. Alicia exercised a lot, and without Suella holding her

down, she was gone in a flash.

Suella stopped for a moment and tried to catch up to Alicia, but then her stomach churned, and she

retched. I can't go on. Better go back and rest. She held her nausea in and wobbled back to the hotel,

evading all the tourists.

Her whole body was flaring up when she was in the elevator. Every inch of her skin felt like it was on

fire. Slowly, her consciousness was starting to fade, and she tugged on her shirt, trying to cool herself


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The elevator door swung open, and she leaned on the wall as she moved ahead. Her will was what

kept her conscious. Just then, she bumped into someone and fell over. "Water... I need water," she

muttered. Her throat was parched, but then she noticed a familiar scent. It woke her up a little. "Mr.

Danny, is that you?" She leaned on the man before her, touching him all over.

The man stayed silent for a while. Danny? He picked the woman up and took her into Room 206.

At the observatory, since Elise was pregnant, Alexia told her to sit down while she and Irvin happily set

up a tent. The kids worked well, and thanks to Elise's guidance, they set up their tent in less than half

an hour. Then, they hung some lamps. The fluorescent star stickers on the tent started glimmering,

filling the air with innocence.

Danny and the others finally came when the moon was hanging high up in the sky. The first thing they

did upon their arrival was to tease Alexia. "Ooh, that's a nice tent. I bet you can dream of a meteor

shower if you sleep in it. Can I have the tent for the night, Lexi?" Jamie placed a carton of wine on the

picnic mat.

"No! You're a baddie, Godfather." Alexia stood before the tent's entrance and opened her arms. She

then scrunched up her nose, making everyone laugh. Hey, they're playing around with me! Alright,

Godfather, you asked for it. She quickly hugged Narissa's leg. "Godfather's a bully!"

Narissa hunkered down and straightened Alexia's hair. Then, she said, "He's going to sleep on the

ground tonight, then."

"Great idea!"