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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 218
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Channing must have found something out for him to suddenly attack Shannon. After hearing that

Shannon had been hospitalized, Rodney was in full admiration for Channing. He was indeed a

politician after all, he was vicious enough to think of such a way to deal with her.

Rodney had originally planned for Shannon to live a life worse than death. However now that Channing

had already done what he wanted to do, he decided to just let it happen. He would let Shannon live out

the rest of her life in an asylum. Rodney also told Elliot about what happened and instructed him not to

let Amber find out. They would talk about it once she had given birth. Naturally, Elliot agreed.

For the past few days, Riya had been thinking hard for a solution. Finally she thought of one. She

wanted to attempt to mix a Plan B pill into Ruby’s water and let her drink it. That way she would

definitely have a miscarriage.

However, how would she get Ruby to drink the drugged water? She had to find a way to do it

inconspicuously so that no one would get suspicious.

Her son was broke so Riya paid for all their essential needs. After some thought, Riya decided to send

her son some essential items, such as her son’s favorite drink. She would then mix the pill into it.

However, she was also worried that the pill might have an adverse effect on her son if he drank it, so

she called up Itzel. Itzel told her that the pill would have no effect on men. Riya was relieved and went

ahead with her plan.

She bought quite a few different pills and used a syringe to insert them into the drinks that she bought

for her son. Besides that, she also bought him some food and some daily necessities. She made sure

Ruby was not around when she personally delivered all the items to her son.

Of course, Clem had no idea that Riya was trying to set them up. When he saw that his mother had

brought so many things over, he was overjoyed. Even when he brought Cindy up, Riya did not object.

All she said was that they could not reveal her identity for now so she asked him not to tell others about

the relationship between them.

Seeing that his mother was not opposed to the idea of their relationship, he was thrilled. His mother’s

identity was indeed a problem though. They definitely could not reveal her identity now, but perhaps

they could after he had officially married Ruby. So, Clem accepted her request.

At night, when Ruby returned, she drank the drinks that Riya had sent over. The next morning, she

suddenly felt contractions in her abdominal area and she started bleeding. Clem and her started to

panic and he immediately called Riya for help. Naturally, Riya did not dare to send her to any other

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hospital so she told her son to take her to the hospital that Itzel worked at.

She called Itzel and asked her to hide the real reason that Ruby had a miscarriage. Itzel agreed without


Ruby was quickly sent to be treated at the hospital. Not everyone was suited to miscarry from a Plan B

pill. Ruby was not young anymore, and it had been an accidental miscarriage. The remaining cells

inside her had formed a blood clot and she had started bleeding heavily. If she had not reached the

hospital in time, she might have lost her life.

Hearing this, Riya felt like it was such a shame. She should have asked her son to send her to the

hospital a little later. Then, perhaps Ruby could have just died like that and Riya would have saved

herself the trouble.

Itzel had hired a private detective to investigate Shannon. As expected, the private detective did not let

her down. He quickly informed Itzel about the fact that Shannon was now contained in a mental


Itzel was very surprised. She never expected Channing to pull such a move. Since he had been so

harsh on Shannon, he must have found out about the past. Itzel started to feel a little afraid. She did

not know if Shannon had exposed what Itzel herself had done as well. If Channing found out about

what she had done to Amber all those years ago, he definitely would not let her go.

Channing was no saint. Just because he had not done anything to her so far did not mean that he

would not do so in the future. She had to quickly think of a way to resolve the situation.

Itzel was not worried about herself, rather she was more worried about her daughter, Celia. Knowing

how cruel Channing was, and how he treated Shannon, there was no way he would go easy on Celia

either. Itzel had to make sure she was safe.

Itzel went to the private hospital to pay Celia a visit. She was doing well there, Channing had kept

Shannon’s matter a secret from Celia. When Itzel saw that Celia was staying in the most expensive

suite at the hotel as well as how good she was being treated, Itzel was relieved. If Channing knew

about all the crimes they had committed, he definitely would not have let Celia go. From that

perspective, it seemed like Shannon had not ratted them out after all.

If so, she had to find a way to get Shannon out. She had to make sure Channing never had the chance

to go ask Shannon what happened or else she would be doomed.

Itzel hired a bunch of gangsters and paid them to set the asylum on fire. While the hospital was busy

transferring patients out to safety, Itzel sneaked Shannon out.

Shannon was covered in dirt and she had lost a significant amount of weight. Her legs were broken too.

She had originally thought she would be spending the rest of her life in that mental asylum. Now that

she had been rescued, she was ecstatic. Right now, hiding from Channing was the most important

thing. She was a dead woman now. If Channing caught wind of her whereabouts, she would be dead


Shannon no longer cared about keeping Malone secret from Itzel anymore, so she told Itzel to drop her

off at Malone’s house.

Channing quickly found out that the mental asylum had caught fire. Apart from Shannon’s

disappearance, no other patient was injured. He immediately understood that the fire was part of a plan

to rescue Shannon out. Channing arranged for Shannon’s death so as to not draw suspicions to her

sudden disappearance.

Of course he also wanted Shannon to live a life worse than death. He had done so to make sure that

she had no prospects of living a normal life again. However, he had not expected anyone to be so loyal

to her and rescue her out.

It seemed that he had underestimated this b*tch. She clearly had other accomplices outside. He had to

think of a way to figure out who they were. The only problem was he could not do so openly, instead,

he had to carry out everything in secret.

Likewise, when Rodney heard about the fire at the asylum, he knew immediately that Shannon had

been rescued. Right now, there was nowhere she could hide, and the only person she could go to was


When Channing had put her into the asylum, he had no intentions of ever touching her again. However,

now that Shannon had broken free and stirred up all these problems, there was no choice but to make

the entire thing into a scene.

Shannon had been suffering for so many days. Itzel rescuing was like going from hell to heaven. She

took a bath and ate a nice meal. Then, she told Malone the entire story about why Channing was after


Malone turned pale with fright upon hearing this. Since Channing already knew that Ashley’s accident

was planned, that meant that he was in danger as well. He could not stay in this place any longer. He

had to quickly leave South City and hide somewhere else.

Shannon knew as well as he did that South City was not safe anymore, but she could not leave Celia

behind. Besides, she had to find out who the anonymous person who wrote that threat letter to her

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Malone and her were the only people who knew about Ashley’s actual cause of death. Shannon herself

had never told anyone, so that meant that it must have somehow come from Malone.

Shannon asked Malone if he had told anyone about what happened that year. At that point, Malone

knew there was no point in denying it anymore, so he told Shannon about Ruby.

Shannon was furious and scolded him fiercely. In the face of her fury, Malone could only keep silent.

After Shannon vented out all her anger, she started to think about how to take revenge.

She knew that the anonymous letter must had something to do with that b*tch Ruby. She had to be the

one who had exposed the matter. Shannon was full of injuries now, and her legs were crippled, all

because of Ruby. How could she let Ruby just roam around freely? She had to take her revenge before

leaving the city.

Rodney went to look for Director Moore and got him to release Riya’s partner, Rudy, from jail. After his

release, he returned to Parkview Street. Although back then he had been a infamous gangster there,

his glory days had long passed. Most of the gangsters he used to hang out with were no longer in

Parkview Street. The gangsters that hung around there now were no longer the people he was familiar


Rudy’s return did not draw much attention from anyone. All he had with him was a simple bag of

luggage. As he drew up the gate of his house, he saw that it had been overrun by grass and looked


His parents had passed away more than ten years ago and his sister was nowhere to be found. This

house had been vacant for at least ten years. Rudy’s heart was filled with sadness at the sight of the

dilapidated and desolate scene before his eyes. He had once been a man filled with lofty aspirations.

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he would end up where he was right now.

When he was released, he had thought it would cause a commotion. He had thought all the big shot

gangsters would invite him out to drink and celebrate. Then, he would eventually be able to rise up and

rule the streets again like he used to.

Unfortunately, the sight before him shattered Rudy’s dreams. The house was inhabitable. He had no

choice but to take his luggage and head to a nearby hotel. He decided to fix the house up once he

settled down more.

Rudy did not have much money on him. He only had what he had earned while working in prison. The

amount was only enough to last him a couple of days, so he had to find another way to make a living.

After settling down in the hotel, Rudy headed out to buy a cheap meal. Unexpectedly, he was stopped

on his way out. The man looked at him up and down and asked him with friendliness, “Rudy?”