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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1700
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Chapter 1700 Stanley Is Leaving

Caitlin was first taken aback, then smiled with delight. “Really?”

“Really.” Joyce nodded. “He said it himself a few days ago.”

“That's just wonderful!” Overjoyed, Caitlin clapped her hands.

Joyce added, “Yes, Mom. So, isn't this good news?”

“Of course it is! If this isn't good news, then what is?” Caitlin glanced at Joyce and

continued, “Ever since he came here, the three of us haven't had a moment of peace.

We've been on edge and living our lives according to his whims. We've been so stressed

that we can hardly breathe. Now that I know he's leaving, I suddenly feel like I can breathe

again. Why didn't you tell us this good news earlier, child?”

She couldn't help but give Joyce a light pat.

Joyce stuck out her tongue and said, “I didn't realize it then.”

“Oh, you!” Caitlin shook her head helplessly.

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“But Mom, don't get too excited just yet. I just said that he's only temporarily leaving, not

that he's gone for good.” Joyce's expression turned solemn.

Caitlin nodded, “I know, I heard you. But anyway, as long as he leaves, it's fine. By the

way, Joyce, did he mention where he is going and what he is doing there?” After

pondering, Joyce answered as her eyes glimmered, “He said he's going to meet Mr.

Thompson and that Mr. Thompson has some things over there that need his assistance.”

Caitlin was first taken aback, then smiled with delight. “Really?”

She didn't tell in detail what Stanley planned to do since she knew her mom would be

worried if she knew Stanley was about to engage in a life-threatening fight with his enemy.

After all, Shane had helped them a lot. To her mom, Shane was their savior. If something

were to happen to him, her mother would definitely feel sad.

In that case, it was better for her not to say anything.

Upon hearing Joyce's response, Caitlin didn't think much and nodded with a smile. “That's

good. So Joyce, do you think we should take this opportunity to leave this place?”

Her words instantly sent a shiver down Joyce's spine. Shocked, she quickly shook her

head. “No, please don't.”

Joyce thought she was the only one with this idea.

She didn't think her mom thought the same thing when she heard that Stanley was


It was evident they were mother and daughter, as both of them thought of the same thing.

“Why not?” Confused, Caitlin looked at Joyce.

Joyce sighed in response. “We can't do that. At first, when I heard Stanley was leaving

temporarily, I was relieved. At the same time, I was planning to take you two with me and

leave to where he couldn't find us. But before I could even reveal this plan, he had already

sensed my intentions, and then...”

Caitlin's heart skipped a beat. “Then what?”

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Joyce looked at her and asked, “Mom, you must have guessed it already, right? What else

could he have done besides making threats?”

For a moment, Caitlin pursed her lips and fell silent. After a while, she finally spoke with a

worried expression. “Is it impossible for us to leave? Do you think he can find us once we

leave this place?”

“Mom.” Joyce rubbed her temple and continued, “He might not be able to find us in a

short time after we leave. But I'm sure he will find us eventually.”

“I-Is he that good?” Caitlin's face turned somewhat pale.

Joyce couldn't help but look at her helplessly. “Yes, he is. Don't forget, Mom. We only

managed to hide so well this time because of Mr. Thompson's help. But in the end, he still

tracked us down. So there's no doubt about his capabilities.”

Caitlin fell silent again, only resuming the conversation after a few seconds. “You're right. I

wonder how he found this place and even came here.”

“Someone told him.” Joyce smiled bitterly. “That person is Mr. Thompson's enemy. He

planted a spy by Mr. Thompson's side, who then eavesdropped on our information. That

person then contacted Stanley, and that's how Stanley found out.”