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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 412
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Chapter 412

Bella‘s POV:

A few minutes later, I received a call from John. Not only did he manage to enroll Betty in the

sanatorium, but he also got a discount for me.

I was both happy and grateful.

The next morning, my mother and I helped Betty move in to the sanatorium.

The environment of the sanatorium was really good. It was quiet, surrounded by mountains and small


It was clean, and the doctors and nurses were of good quality.

No wonder they wanted to build this sanatorium here. The environment here was really helpful in

adjusting the patient‘s mood.

Although it was expensive, in order to help Betty get better soon, I could not care too much.

The sanatorium arranged a single room for Betty, and I felt much more relieved with my mother staying

here to accompany her.

Looking at Betty, who was still sitting in the hospital bed, I felt uncomfortable.

I turned and walked out of the ward.

My mother also sighed and came out to talk with me.

“Mom, the doctor said Betty is a little depressed now, and her mental and emotional states are not very

stable now. You should pay more attention to her!” I told my mother.

“I know. Bella, did Herbert find the sanatorium for us? Please thank him for me.”

*Just now, the nurse said that the director especially told her to take good care of us. He said that we can ask for anything we want. They will definitely find a way to help us.” My mother was very satisfied

with this arrangement.

Hearing this, I pursed my lips and didn‘t explain.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

My mother didn‘t know that the relationship between Herbert and I would be over soon.

I asked Mr. Hall for help to get Betty to this sanatorium.

Betty‘s condition was very bad now. I couldn‘t let her worry about my marriage anymore.

So I didn‘t explain that this matter had nothing to do with Herbert

“By the way, why haven‘t I seen Ryan these days?” I changed the subject.

In the past few months, he had been staying at Belly‘s house, but I had not seen him at Betty‘s house

these two times. Could it be that he no longer pestered my mother like chewing gum?

Hearing this, my mother said with a bitter smile, “Since he knew that Betty had the one million dollars in

her hand, he always asked Belty for money Betty gave him some money, but he spent it quickly after

he got the money This time, I asked Betty to give him a few thousand dollars While he is fooling around

outside, we can stay here Anyway, we have to live here for a long time, and it is not so easy for him to

find us. Besides, this place is secluded. No one can come in to disturb us”

“Don‘t worry about him. Even if he becomes a homeless person, it has nothing to do with us.”

10.020 Hearing this, I couldn‘t help but be stunned that my mother could finally be cruel to Ryan.

In the past, when it came to Ryan, my mother was always soft–hearted. She always said that he was

the biological father of the two of us and we should still respect him

Perhaps in the past few days, my mother finally saw that Ryan could not be changed. She had

completely given up on him.

Looking at me who was staring at her, my mother sighed and said, “If Ryan hadn‘t been involved in this

matter, Betty wouldn‘t have ended up like this.‘

Seeing my mother‘s sad look, I stepped forward, held her shoulder, and comforted her, “Mom,

everything will be fine. We can only hope that Betty will get better soon and start over again in the

future.” “We can only hope so.” My mother nodded with tears in her eyes.

After coming out of the sanatorium, I walked slowly along the river, feeling very heavy in my heart.

I didn‘t know how long my mother and Betty would stay here, but I knew it was very difficult to cure this

kind of disease. It was very likely that Betty would continue behaving like this. What should I do if that

was the case? Would my mother stay here with Betty for the rest of her life? But if she didn‘t stay with

Betty, my mother and I wouldn‘t be at ease...

Ring... Ring... Standing in front of the riverside railing, I heard the ringing of my cell phone while I was


I took out my phone and saw that it was Mr. Hall calling. I quickly picked it up. This time, he helped me

a lot.

“Mrs. Stepanek, are you satisfied with the arrangement of the sanatorium? If there‘s anything you‘re not

satisfied with, just tell me. I‘m going to communicate with my good friend.” As soon as the phone was

connected, Mr. Hall‘s voice came from the other end.

I quickly smiled and said, “I‘m very satisfied. Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Hall. Do you have

time tonight? Let me treat you to dinner.”

“We are friends, so there‘s no need to be so polite.” Mr. Hall was extremely gentlemanly.

“I‘m treating you as a friend, that‘s why I wanted to treat you to dinner. Otherwise, I would go to your

company and thank you in person.” I said with a smile.

Then, Mr. Hall readily agreed, “Alright, then let‘s have dinner. The more the merrier, so why don‘t you

invite your friends as well? It will be fun!”

“Okay, then it‘s settled. I‘ll make a reservation and send you a text message.” After that, I hung up the


At half–past six in the evening, Joey and I were already sitting in the restaurant, waiting for John.

“It‘s time. Why hasn‘t he come yet?” Joey stretched her neck and looked in the direction of the

restaurant entrance

“Mr Hall said that he has something to do and he will be a little late. We have to wait a little longer Out

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

of courtesy, Joey and I stood at the door of the private room and waited

At this time, Joey started to complain “I don’t know what you‘re thinking either that you actually asked

Mr Hall to help when Herbert can also help you”

pouted and said angrily, “Without hirm, I can also get things settled”


“Don‘t tell me the two of you haven‘t reconciled yet. Is it worth it? Can‘t you say something nice? You‘ll

push all the men away like this, do you get it?” Joey reminded me kindly. “Be it then! He is not fated to

be with me. Even if he stays here now, he will leave in the future.” I was stubborn. “You‘re really

stubborn now. Don‘t be sad when another woman gets together with Herbert.” Joey teased.

These words made me even more uncomfortable.

However, I would have to hold on no matter what.

“It just so happens that I don‘t want him anymore. I‘ll be relieved if another woman comes and takes

him away!” I said with anger. “You‘ll definitely regret it!” Joey shook her head helplessly. “Don‘t mention

him, okay?” When Joey mentioned Herbert, my mood became bad. “Alright, let’s not talk about him.

Sigh.” Joey sighed.

Just in time, Mr. Hall entered the entrance. Joey and I both saw him. I was probably in a bad mood, so I

drank a lot while eating with Mr. Hall. I was drunk when I left. Fortunately, Joey didn‘t drink much. She

helped me get into Mr. Hall‘s car. I leaned on the back seat of the car, feeling my cheeks burning hot

and my brain dizzy. I didn‘t know what was going on either. I really wanted to drink today, and I didn‘t

have any strength left.

I had never drunk so much wine before.

I felt like I was stepping on cotton when I got drunk, and I really wanted to sleep. I fell on Joey‘s body

and heard Mr. Hall‘s voice. “Joey, Bella is drunk tonight. Where does she live? Tell the driver the

address and we‘ll take her home.” Topened my mouth and wanted to say my address, but because I

was too dizzy, I couldn‘t even say a complete word, Fortunately, Joey was by my side. Joey told him

the address, and I slept comfortably on Joey‘s body.