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Bride Behind The Mask (Frederick and Marguerite)

Chapter 317
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Chapter 317

Feden’s boumally impassive face turned terrifyingly grim in a split second, making Yuna anxious. She quickly said to

him, “Freddie you go out and search where Haves might be and I stay home and check if we missed anywhere.

Let’s split up”

Whout any hestation, Frodenck, dashed out of the house, his long legs carrying him swiftly like an arrow shot from a


Yuna feta gust of wind pass by her

Sering Predeck leave, Manley held Yuna’s hand, his nose slowly dribbling with snot

Mommy, are you going to look for that mute?”

Yuna smiled coldly, pulling out a tissue from her pocket to clean Manley’s nose, “why would mommy have time for

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that mute bay? I’m going to play Legos with

Manley was ovenoved at heanng this, eagerly leading Yuna to the living room filled with Lego blocks. They sat and

began to play

They were delighted and oblivious to the fact that Hayes was hiding in the corner formed by the couch and the wall.

Through a small gap, he saw his moth Manley locking so happy. But he had never experienced such happiness from

his mother

Meanwhile, Yuna watched Manley playing, a wicked grin playing on her face

Three years ago, she secretly brought Hayes back to their island home, planning to convince Frederick that the two

boys were twins once Manley was com

But babies grow fast. Hayes was already half a month old, and Manley still hadn’t been born.

So, she starved Hayes to stunt his growth. If it weren’t for the nutritional supplements, Hayes would have been long


A month after Hayes arrived, Manley was finally born.

At the parentage test, she tricked Frederick by using only Hayes‘ blood, making him believe they were his twin sons

Manley, being a preemie, wasn’t as healthy as Hayes, so she always fed him hearty meals and supplements. But

she overdid it turning Manley in a plump boy

with a somewhat slow mind

Regardless, Manley was her child, and she would do anything to give him the best

Hayes, being Marguerite’s child, wasn’t so lucky. Hayes was just a tool for her to pass the parentage test

Every time she saw Hayes, she was reminded of that woman, Marguerite, and wished she could strangle him to

death. But it was because of Haves that she be with Frederick. So, she couldn’t do anything to him in public, and

could only plot behind his back

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While helping Manley with the Legos, she asked, “Manley, did Hayes get into a fight today?”

The thought excited Manley. “It wasn’t really a fight. But he got into trouble because some girl was bullying him.

Mommy, Hayes is so week, and bully him.”

Yuna seized the opportunity to teach Manley a lesson. “You can’t be like Hayes. You should be obedient, and stay

close to Daddy. He likes you and he everything to you”

Manley was thrilled. “Mommy, Tm the older brother Daddy will definitely leave everything to me

Yuna affectionately pinched Manley’s nose. “That’s right. You’re the firstborn”

Many sucked on his finger confused, “Mommy, what’s a firstbom?”

“A fretbom is the one who inhents everything. Mommy and Daddy love you the most”

Mankey locked up at his mother expectantly. “Mommy, does daddy love Hayes?”

“Of course not Yuna declared firmly, adding, “Remember, Daddy and Mommy only love you It’s Hayes fault for

being disobedient”

Hearing the answer he wanted, Manley danced around in joy. Meanwhile, Hayes, hiding behind the couch, heard

everything. His young eyes fille hurt. He didn’t understand what heartache was, but the feeling of it was already

tearing him apart.