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Billionaire God of War

Chapter 303
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He had to settle this feud.

The Luo family was deeply embarrassed, not just because they had lost the illegal circle of Shengcheng, but

more because of what happened to Ye Kuang. Everyone was laughing at the Luo family.

If they didn't kill Jiang Ning, then the Luo family would remain a laughingstock for the rest of their lives.

"We have to kill Jiang Ning for sure," Luo Yonggian said with a malicious voice. "But we have to wait for a while."

He was a careful person. Since he didn't know exactly who was backing Jiang Ning, he didn't want to attack him


Tve already sent someone to investigate the Jiang family and we'll get news soon. Once we confirm that this

Jiang Ning has nothing to do with that Jiang family, then you can make your move!" Luo Yonggian continued

coldly, "Besides making a move, you have to make sure everything you do rings out loud and clear! | want

everyone to know that the illegal circles of Tianhai

still belong to the Luo family!"

Ye Xinhuo nodded. "Got it."

He was now waiting for the result of the investigation. He was waiting to see if this Jiang Ning had anything to do

with that true blue powerful Jiang family.

If he didn't...

Then he was going to get nasty!

Ye Kuang was the biggest joke of the century and the Luo family becthe butt of their jokes again.

After Broken Sword killed off so many family members that they had to hide themselves at home, they managed

to kill off Broken Sword to get their reputation back. But now another one of theirs was stripped bare and was

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hung from a lighthouse.

The Luo family wasn't very flashy in the first place, but now they couldn't lie low even if they tried.

And now, not only the Luo family was guessing who Jiang Ning was. The other families that pulled out of Tianhai

were making guesses too.

Many of them suspected that Jiang Ning was someone from the Jiang family in the north, so they started using all

means and ways to find out if this was the case.


At the Jiang house.

One of the truly powerful families of the north, the Jiang family!

If the Luo family could be considered a powerful family of the north, then the Jiang family was the king of them

all, riding high and mighty above them, and the rest could only dream of becoming like the Jiang family.

Every person from this sort of family was important, and wouldn't do anything for fun.

But if they did anything, it would cause a huge uproar!

The manor of the Jiang family was very quiet. The servants never dared to make too much noise. The rules were

strictly followed here and nobody dared to step over the line.

There was a middle aged man practicing his calligraphy in the study.

The strokes on the paper were vigorous and energetic, and seemed to surge together with everyone!

"Master, another one has casking again." A voice rang out from outside the study.

The man did not stop writing. He continued writing what he started, but it was clear that his strokes had gotten

faster and a little messy compared to the steady and leisurely pace he was at earlier. In fact he also seemed a

little angry.

"Around eight families have their eye on Young Master, it sounds like we might have a bit of trouble."

The voice outside the study spoke again.


The man in the study scoffed coldly. "What Young Master?!"

"That fellow doesn't want to admit that he's a Jiang! What sort of Young Master is he?!"

"Now that he's capable and he's risen above the rest, he looks down on the Jiang family!"

The man in a suit standing outside the door didn't dare to say anymore.

The man in the room was angry, but he wasn't angry with Jiang Ning. He was angry with himself.

If he had been able to hold his ground

back then, Jiang Ning and his mother

wouldn't have bee hasedtoat ofthe

poly fay WETS wouldn't have

died, and Jiang Ning wouldn't have

hated him to the point where he

refused to acknowledge his own

father! The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

He was glad to hear that Jiang Ning

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had left that place, because he knew

that if Jiang Ne cqqiAed O'staY

there, helnéight die anytime. slialiih

thi FEndNgvel Ret website on Gagglil

to access chapters of early

and in the highest quality. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Even though Jiang Ning's abilities and standing was different from before, his master was that nutcase!

In the end?

When he sent someone to look for

Jiang Ning, this boy chased his pen

away and even asked (Fhe wid after

Jiang Ning power or money! This x

Sra. |r

little punk was being sarcastic to him ey 2 7.

and wouldn't forgive him at all! The OR =

content is on novelenglish.net! Read re DN WE


the latest chapter there! Insanely uilGh 7

Super FuilGame!