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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 446 It’s Been Too Long
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Soon after, Lauren prepared to leave us at the hospital entrance. She smiled weakly and

said, “I won't go with you, Chlo. I should

go home and check on things since it’s been almost two days since I returned.”

I understood she also had a home to return to. I followed Atlas back to the car but realized

I hadn't driven since I returned. He

glanced at me with a suggestive smile and asked, “Pleca Park or Amethyst Apartments?”

“Amethyst Apartment, duh!” I felt embarrassed and couldn't look at him.

After driving me home, he got out and followed me inside. He seemed familiar with the

place as he removed his coat and

entered the kitchen. I hurried after him and said, “Why don't you rest? Let’s just make

some noodles.”

He looked back at me, saying, “You should shower and rest. Let me handle this.”

“Did you get any sleep today?" I remembered to ask. After all, he had also been on the go

for over twenty hours.

He gazed at me tenderly and asked, “Are you worried about me? Let’s go to bed early


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

His words made me blush again. Then, he pulled me in and kissed my forehead, saying,

“You don't need to be shy around me.

Go on, I'll make you some food.”

I was a little skeptical because I hadn’t seen Atlas cooking before. He was always too busy

when he stayed with me and Ava.

Although I was recovering at the time, I did the cooking. I was surprised when he said he

would cook for me.

I asked, “You can cook?”

“What, you think I can’t do housework?” He washed his hands and put on an apron before

taking some ingredients from the

fridge. I only had meat left as my vegetables were no longer fresh. He even trashed them

for me.

“Food is essential, so I learned to cook long ago. I even had special training in wilderness

survival. Would you like to come with

me sometime?” Atlas smiled warmly.

I never expected the dominant man I knew to cook for me. I provokingly asked, “Who else

have you cooked for?”

“What do you think?” He neither confirmed nor denied it. “ Are you jealous?”

“I'm not.” I instinctively pouted. “Boyfriends should do these things, shouldn't they? Still,

‘someone’ seemed to like passing by my

house when sending another woman home.”

Atlas teased, “It seems like you've been paying much attention to me. Why are you still

playing hard to get?”

When he saw an onion in the fridge, he took it and raised his brow, saying, “This is good


His contented expression stunned me. Even his rascal gesture was charming, making my

heart flutter. I helplessly palmed my

forehead, and Atlas probably thought I was tired.

He said, “Go and rest. I'll call you when I finish cooking.”

I remembered I hadn't taken a break since returning from

Celestis Island and had sweated profusely, I felt uncomfortable and even started to smell.

“I'll go now,” I said while running upstairs.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After showering, I walked downstairs and smelled the fragrance from the kitchen. I

suddenly felt ravenous from not eating for so

long. Atlas saw me coming down and gestured, saying, “I'll finish cooking soon. Have a

seat first.”

Soon after, he brought three dishes and a soup. It overturned my perception of him. Even

someone as cool as him wore an

apron, washed his hands, and made soup. I found myself infatuated.

He flicked my nose and said, “You like what you see? There’s that look in your eyes again.”

He always seemed to guess my thoughts, making me feel slightly unsettled. Atlas served

two plates of pasta and sat across from

me. He looked at me charmingly. “Try it and see if it's to your taste.”

I picked up an onion ring among the other dishes and found it was well-fried and crispy. I

took a bite and exclaimed, “It's

delicious! It’s been a long time since I had onion rings!”

He looked at me intently. “Yeah, they should be well-fried, crispy, and bite-sized, too.”

I looked at him in shock, asking, “How’d... you know?”