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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 425 Don't Let Hiim on the Bridge
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Atlas clasped my hand in his, but neither of us spoke.

He simply cradled me in his arms.

He looked at me, then gently rested his chin on my forehead.

"I promise Ava will be safe." I reached out and hugged him tightly, burying my face in his


"Atlas, save her...

She's so young and always so well-behaved.

She must’ve seen something.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to chase after that car." "Don't cry! I understand."

Atlas patted my head.

"That car...

Something in it must have attracted her.

I thought it was you.

She must’ve seen you, that's why she chased after it...

This morning, she asked me when you'd return from your business trip.

She wanted to travel with you..." I choked on my sobs.

I broke down in Atlas's arms, completely losing control.

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“She must've felt so lonely.

When my mom wanted to see her this morning, she refused and asked if her grandmother

would bully me.

She's so young, yet she already knows how to protect me.

But I couldn't protect her.

It's all my fault...

She must be scared..." I whispered these words desperately in Atlas's ear, and I could hear

his teeth grinding.

Suddenly, I could hear voices from the car device exchanging locations.

Atlas wiped my face gently.

"Listen, I promise we'll bring Ava back.

He then made a shushing sound and listened intently to the conversation on the wireless


Atlas patted the shoulder of the aide in the front passenger seat, gesturing for him to hand

over the device.

“What's the target's position?" As soon as he spoke, there was a brief pause on the other

end before the specific location was reported.

I understood.

It was near the border of Foswood and Murborough, not on the main road but on a fork

leading from Murborough to Bourdamun.

At the end of this road was the main street of the Northum Bridge.

The Northum Bridge spanned two mountains, with Foswood on one side and Murborough

on the other.

The bridge towered over the deep river below.

“We mustn't let them get on the bridge.

Has the target noticed us?" I understood Atlas's purpose in keeping the car off the bridge.

It was to reduce the risk to the bridge and the people.

"It seerns not, but they're moving extremely fast! It looks like they're trying to cross the

bridge and enter the border between Murborough and Bourdamun before it gets dark.

There's a mountainous area with dense woods that’s perfect for hiding.

They can easily blend in!" I couldn't help but glance out the window.

It was already getting hazy and less visible out there.

“How far am I from them?" Atlas asked.

“Less than a kilometer!" The voice from the device glitched, making it difficult for me to


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Atlas's expression grew even darker.

Even though I had known him for so long, I had never seen him look so ominous.

His eyes were filled with hostility, sending shivers down my spine.

"Dylan, intercept them at the bridgehead! Don't let them onto the bridge!" Atlas issued a

stern order.

"Ensure the child's safety at all costs!" "Understood!" Dylan's voice came through the

device, then fell silent.

One kilometer.

I was only a kilometer away from my daughter.

I felt a shortness of breath.

I craned my neck to look ahead.

The road wasn't easy —a winding path.

Though it was short, it was a challenging route.

At the end of this road was the intersection leading to the bridge, a three-way junction.

Our car was speeding up, and I had a hunch that we were closing in on that car.

It seemed like, in the twists and turns of the road ahead, I could faintly see the taillights of

the car.

It flickered in and out of sight as the night fell.