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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 279
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After losing about a million, Casper finally understood the rules of playing rummy. Harold kept

complimenting Casper, “Oh, young man, you are so talented in the game. I can’t believe you know how

the game works after one round. If so, shall we increase the bet?”

Casper knew the cunning man could no longer hold back his greed. Harold’s eyes gleamed when he

mentioned money.

“Sure. Let’s do it. Why not increase the minimum bet by ten times the amount previously? Let’s go for a

million, shall we?”

Casper was very daring to raise the bet to a million. It was also an amount that met the expectation of

the people at the table.

“Let’s spell this out first. What would be the consequences if a person got caught cheating or if they

declare a win without a legal winning hand?” Eugene smoked very slowly because this was his last


Without changing his expression, Harold said, “Naturally, the person must return all the money they

won and break one of their legs! However, King of Cheats, I notice you only have one leg left. Am I


“Haha. Thank you for concerning. Harold, you have so many surveillance cameras around the place.

How would I dare to play tricks in front of you?” replied Eugene straightforwardly.

“Please don’t misunderstand me. That is not the purpose I set up the cameras.” Harold looked


While Eugene and Harold confronted each other, Gunther did not idle around. He blended himself into

the crowd to find out who Harold’s subordinates were. These were the people he had to subdue if a

fight arose.

Right now, almost everyone in Horington Casino came forward to spectate the game. Even in this

venue, it was rare to have bets that could go up to tens of millions. It wasn’t a hundred, a thousand, or

ten thousand. Ten million was a sum ordinary people could not even earn in their lifetime.

At the moment, the chips Eugene had was worth twenty-three million. Previously, Casper wanted to

give Eugene half his chips, but Harold stopped him. Thus, he now had nineteen million worth of chips

in his hand, while another gambler at the table had ten million. As for Harold, he had unlimited chips

because he was the boss of the casino and could get any amount he wanted.

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The onlookers discussed Casper’s identity because they had never seen him around. Which wealthy

family is he from? I’m sure he isn’t from an ordinary prestigious family because he can place such a

large amount of bets.

“Could it be that he is from Yaleview?” someone guessed.

“I can’t be sure. However, I think only elite people there have the financial power to spend so much.”

“I’ve done a background check on him. Last year, he came here to study as a university student.

Although he is a student, he has numerous assets under his name. The aggregate value of his assets

is worth tens of millions.” Someone who had an impressive network got news about Casper’s social

and financial status in a short amount of time.

“Tsk! Tsk! He must be the descendant of a distinguished family!”

While the spectators were talking about Casper’s familial background, Casper, who sat at the gambling

table, had cold sweat beaded across his forehead. He was merely a newbie in rummy. Thus, he felt

stressed because three of his opponents were experienced players.

Casper would have to hesitate for a long time whenever he wanted to discard a card. He was afraid

that his move would allow his opponent to win. Casper didn’t mind if Eugene won the game, but if the

winner turned out to be one of his other two opponents, he would be in a dilemma.

Fortunately, Casper was clever. He gradually got the rules and techniques of the game. However, there

were too many things Casper needed to consider. For example, the card his opponent wanted, which

card he should or shouldn’t discard, and what techniques he could use to minimize his loss. All these

questions were like magic spells running through his mind.

Hey, aren’t you the King of Cheats? Can’t you see I need help? Shouldn’t you at least give me some

hint? Casper shot a meaningful glance at Eugene when his opponents weren’t aware of his actions.

Eugene didn’t bother with the former. Instead, he anxiously touched his ears because he had finished

smoking all his cigarettes.

“Excuse me, do you have any cigarettes here?” Eugene discarded a card. Immediately, Harold took the

card, melded it with two other cards of a similar number, and placed it on the table.

“I’m sorry. I usually smoke cigars from Corleon. I’m not sure if you are used to it,” said Harold as he got

rid of a card he didn’t want.

“You’re right. I’m not quite used to it. The taste is so strong that it will choke me, and I will feel dizzy.”

Eugene waved as he took Harold’s card and made it into a run.

“If that’s the case, I can’t help you. Most of my employees don’t smoke. However, we do provide

alcohol. Do you want some? They are fine wine.” Harold looked at the card in his hand with hesitation.

A while later, he still decided to discard it.

“Unfortunately, I don’t drink. Cigarettes can make a person feel awake, whereas alcohol might cause a

person to make a mistake,” rejected Eugene. After that, he looked at the card Harold put on the table

and smiled. “Don’t think about matching that card. The number you want is in my hand. I suggest you

discard as many cards as possible now so the winner will win fewer points.”

The veins on Harold’s forehead popped out. It seems like this man is not trying to win. He is merely

doing things that will stop me from victory. Eugene’s playing skills are far better than mine. He can

guess my cards just by looking at what I discard. Moreover, he keeps targeting me!

As expected, Harold didn’t win this round. Even though he started smoothly, he still lost in the end.

After everyone showed their cards, Harold was infuriated when he saw Eugene’s pile. That was

because Eugene had all the cards Harold wanted. It was apparent that the man didn’t want to win from

the start, and his only motive was to stop Harold from winning.

“Everyone, I need to take a rest. Let’s have a short break. I’m an old man, and sometimes my body

doesn’t function properly. I will head to the restroom now.” Harold bowed and walked out with his cane.

“Mr. Murphy, although we’re at your casino, you can’t just stop the game whenever you want, can you?

Who knows what you’re planning to do?” Eugene shouted at him. Immediately, Harold’s face flushed

red. “Can you please show some empathy to a senior citizen like me? If you don’t believe me, you can

follow me.”

To Harold’s surprise, Eugene pressed the table and stood up. He looked like he had the intention to

follow Harold. The latter’s heart skipped a beat. However, he suppressed his feelings and pretended to

be calm. “Are you sure you want to come with me?”

Eugene rolled his eyes and sat back down. “Oh, forget it. I’m not interested in looking at an old man

pee. But please empty your bladder in one go. My only hope is you won’t go to the restroom in the

middle of the game after this.”

After Harold went to the restroom for about a minute, the other gambler suddenly stood up and said, “I

want to take a piss too.” Before Casper and Eugene could say a word, the man headed toward the exit.

Of course, Casper wouldn’t let the man go just like that. He reached his right arm and pulled the man’s

sleeve. “Where are you going? Are you going to have a secret talk with your boss?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

That man had good acting skills. He was calm even in this situation. “What are you saying? I really

need to use the restroom urgently.”

Eugene said, “It’s okay. Let him go. Since we are not in the middle of a game, there is not much they

could communicate about. Why not you help me buy a packet of cigarettes? I’ll let you leave if you do


After that, Eugene took out a wrinkled note with the face value of a hundred from his pocket and

passed it to the gambler. “Get me cigarettes of better quality. The lousier ones will choke me.”

Upon hearing that, Casper frowned. What is wrong with Eugene? I seriously don’t understand what he

is doing.

Even though Casper had doubts, he chose to believe Eugene and let go of the man’s hand. That man

took the money and ran to the restroom.

“Are you sure you can help the person behind you pay off his debts?” Casper suddenly asked. In

reality, he meant if Eugene could win the money from Harold.

With a calm expression, Eugene said, “No matter what happens, this will be my last time coming to this


It was as if Eugene had seen through everything. Casper knew Eugene was going all out to defeat

Harold. Therefore, he nodded to inform Eugene he understood the latter’s intention.

On the gambling table, Casper and Eugene were having a discussion. At the same time, Harold was

scolding his subordinates furiously in the restroom.

“What is wrong with you guys? Can’t you see their cards with the surveillance cameras? Why can’t I

hear a word through my earpiece?”

The few people in the control room were dismayed. “B-Boss, that cheater, Eugene, is too cunning. I’m

sure you noticed that he doesn’t show his cards. He can remember his cards just by looking at them

briefly. Besides that, he doesn’t arrange his cards and Terrence is blocking our view. We can’t see a


After the person explained his situation, Harold turned to the other side. “What about you guys? Do all

of you have short-sightedness? Can’t you see Casper’s cards? Even though Casper covers his cards,

he still needs to take a peep every time he makes a decision because he isn’t an expert like Eugene.

Hence, I’m sure he will reveal his cards. Why don’t I see any signals from you guys?” These were all

the men Harold had hidden in the crowd.

“We could see part of his cards, and we did signal you. However, you can’t see our signs because we

are too far away from you.” The bunch of people felt wronged.