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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 6
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Both of them were surprised, they never expected to meet again expecially not in a situation like this. Am

y‘s heart began to thump and she wished the land could swallow her up

at this moment. This man had warned her not to show up before him again and that the next time she do

es, he

would destroy her. Why was fate trying to punish her by bringing her to the attention of this man? “You da

red to appear before me again, you cunny woman,” the most powerful man in North Hill, Broderick Aless

andro, said with a dangerous look. Amy‘s mouth shiver on its own and she shook her

head,” I.. I never knew that you were the CEO, sir. I…” She swallowed hardly, “I…never knew.” Broderick

didn‘t beleive her at all. There was no one who doesn‘t know that the

CEO of Alessandro‘s corporation was him. This woman even had the gut to lie to his face. He stood from

his seat and once Amy saw him stand to his feet, her heart thumped in fear and she stood at once, shoul

d she run away? Oh gosh! Will she loose the second job she got in a space of one week? Why has she b

een so unfortunate here? She stood slowly and adjusted back, “erm…

you can fire me, sir.” “No, you tell me what you want?” He replied sharply walking towards her slowly but

elegantly with an intimidating aura eminiating from him. Any kept adjusting back as her heart was almost

jumping out of her chest, she felt like she was in a prison but a side of her eyes was

by the door, should she run away or should she stay? Isn‘t he a human being? Running

away will make it look like she has an hidden agenda for always appearing before him. She should stay

and make him see that all their meeting three times in three days was nothing but a coincidence. A

weird coincidence though. Why would she meet the same man in three days consequetively? Worst, he‘s

the most powerful man in North Hill. Amy stood firm until he was standing before him, his scent radiated

her nose and went down straight to her lungs, they were alluring but at the same time, familiar.

She was trying so hard to remember if they had met before? In the past

two days that she had met with him, she had not stood this close to him

to perceive his scent. “Who are you?” He

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asked suspiciosly, she either wants something or was sent by his enemies, there was no way he would b

eleive that this woman didn‘t have a preconceived and hidden agenda towards

“I‘m Amy Owen and I‘ve just moved in this city, I applied for job

few days ago and the hospital we met at was the first organization that offered me work, the second orga

nization was here, I didn‘t have any plan of meeting with you, sir…

I don‘t know why fate keep bringing the

two of us together,” she said. He studied her for a moment while Amy grew so tensed wondering what ne

xt he would do or say. He was so close to her that she was even finding it difficult to breath. It was like sh

e was entrapped in

the Lion‘s den. If she escaped this place alive, she would be the happiest woman in the world.

“Didn‘t I tell you that when next we meet, I‘ll destroy you,” he said sternly, his hazel blue eyes flashing an


She swallowed, “please, beleive me...I.” before she could complete her words, he grabbed her and in a

quick sussession, she was being pinned down

to his table that had all sort of well arranged files in. She almost didn‘t know how it happened,

she was standing just now and the next moment, she was laying with her back to

the table pinned with his hand on her neck. “Woman, I know your type. You want sex and I‘ll give it to

you here,” Amy‘s head almost blow up, “I‘m not a …

slut… I didn‘t…” She wanted to say a lot of words to defend herself but it was impossible for her to utter

much words as his hand was pinned very hardly to her neck that she was finding it hard to breath. He br

ought his face closer to her and asked, his breath fanning her lips,” isn‘t that what you want?” There was

a sardonic

smile on his lips. Amy shook her head in response but couldn‘t really speak, she couldn‘t even breath wel

l, she tried slapping his hand away from her neck but he was too strong. He withdrew his hand from her

neck all of a sudden making Amy jerk up from the table, coughing repeatedly and thanking her stars for j

ust escaping death. This man is too dangerous, she arched her back and kept trying to catch a

lot of breath until she began to breath normally, she panted as she

stood upright. “I‘ll leave now and never appear before you again,” she lowered her head and said then im

mediately began to walk away. When she got to the door and was almost twisting the knob of the door, s

he paused at his words. “Your scent is familiar,” he said making Any freeze to her spot. Her scent was fa

miliar to him too? She didn‘t know whether to walk away now or turn back, if she just walk away, won‘t he

be angry that she dared to walk out from him. Why sort of problem has she brought on herself? While sh

e was bewildered on what to do, his majestic voice came like thunder again,” you are that woman.” Amy

almost melt when she heard this, what woman was he talking about? She was confused and then turned

to him slowly,” This is my third time of meeting you, sir. The day before yesterday, yesterday and today a

nd I say sincerely, it was all coincidence. I promise never to appear before you again, if I do, you

can do all you want with me then.” “You are that woman that took advantage of my state many years bac

k,” he declared and Amy furrowed her brow in shock. Take advantage of him? Where? How?

Many years ago? That‘s not possible. She had

never met him anywhere before. “There must be a mistake somewhere, I will

tender my resignation letter,” she lowered her had and wanted to leave but his hard voice couldn‘t let her

make any move. “Don‘t even take a step,” he walked towards her and made her face him, he buried his n

eck on her shoulder and when he raised it, he said,” you are indeed that woman.” He said confidently. A

my shook her head slowly in confusion wondering what he was talking about. He walked towards his

table and picked the bracelet from the table, “after taking advantage of my state and letting me have sex

with you, you forgot your

bracelet behind. You even dropped money behind, who did you think I am?” Amy‘s mind suddenly raced

back to when she jumped at a random man and let him had sex without thinking of the consequence. Sh

e thought it was a gigolo she had sex with many years back. Could he

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the one she had sex with then? No, that‘s not possible? Although the club she went to

was one of the most luxurious club in NorthHill but could the most

powerful man in NorthHill be there? Oh! That reminds her of his smell that he perceived few minutes

ago. It seems he was the one, it‘s no wonder he had the same look as the father of her children. –

Turns out she finally found the father of her children, but she will never let this man know about

the children. She didn‘t even want to ever close to a man as powerful as this. He was too intimidating and

blessing meeting with the father of her children or a curse, she shook her head like she had no remembra

on his finger and said,” I guess you don‘t need this again.” “It‘s not me, I have never met you before,” she

couldn‘t watch him destroy the only bracelet that lets her remember her mum. Her mother had given it to h

with her chin and tightened his hand around her chin making her wince in pain. “You were clever then, but

heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that he had finally gone to his seat. “I want to know everything abou

woman who sex with him then but all efforts to find her has been futile, he didn‘t expect for the

woman who dared to take advantage of him to appear as a worker in his office. He would punish her seve

have one,” she answered. “Boyfriend?” “I don‘t have one.” She responded. “You must be a full time

prostitute then. You prefer jumping on every rich men and giving your body out to them rather than marryi

with her then because she was heartbroken and wasn‘t in her right senses. Infact, she had not had

any intimacy with any man ever since then. How could he think of her that way?

“So why are you denying sex just few minutes ago? This is what you want and this is why you have been

appearing before me, right?” He stood and went

to shut the door and said, “let‘s start by repeating what happened that night, strip naked.” “Huh!” Amy‘s


almost fall off. “Aren‘t you a prostitute? Why are you disguising? Don‘t even dare to disobey me cause I ru

can ever escape me.

I will make your life a living hell here, woman. Take your clothes off and undergarments pff.” Amy adjusted

that year was a mistake, please.” “If I pounce on you, I‘ll go very rough

and you will not enjoy it, I won‘t repeat myself again, strip naked,” he commanded.