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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97
Bella still couldn’t focus on her work at her art center. Why would Ethan be frequenting a hospital? she wondered.
There was only one thing left to do, go visit Ethan himself and ask him himself.
She hadn’t visited him at work for sometime now, Ethan had told her not to. But this one, she concluded just couldn’t wait till he
arrived back home later tonight. And knowing him, there was a good chance he would arrive when she was already asleep in
bed. She decided that she would go to Ethan’s office right now.
Her car glided into the driveway of the company, the engine purring to a halt. As Bella stepped out, the crisp air tousled her
hair a little.
She hesitated for a moment. Ethan and told her not to come to his company, but her here was.
Sucking a breath she walked on.
Bella’s steps
faltered on the pavement as she caught sight of a familiar silhouette emerging from the company’s entrance. A lady with long
flowing hair held up in a ponytail, shrouded in a business–like aura, gracefully entered a waiting taxi, clutching documents
adorned with the unmistakable symbols of the Tesco Empire. A frown etched itself on Bella’s face as her gaze lingered on the
departing taxi.
The outline seemed vaguely recognizable. Hazel? Bella’s mind flirted with the possibility, only to dismiss it promptly. No, it
couldn’t be Hazel; she had left years ago. Besides, what business would Hazel have in Ethan’s company? She pushed the
thought to the back of her mind and pressed forward.
As Bella approached the entrance, the warm greeting from the lady at the front desk broke through her contemplation. “Good
afternoon Mrs. Wild,” the receptionist welcomed with a genuine smile. Bella nodded in acknowledgment, her focus already
shifting towards the elevator that would carry her to Ethan’s domain.

Navigating the familiar corridors, Bella moved with purpose, her presence recognized and acknowledged by the passing staff.
She approached the elevator with the ease of familiarity, the soft chime signaling her ascent to the upper floors.
“Okay,” she murmured to herself readying herself to face Ethan as the elevator doors opened, revealing the corridor leading to

Ethan’s office. Her steps carried a subtle urgency as she nearly bumped into Axel who was on his way out.
Axel, having just returned from the hospital and was about returning back with a handful of items Ethan had requested, found
himself intercepted by Bella as he was about to leave the office.
“Axel, where is Ethan?” Bella inquired, her eyes scanning Ethan’s opulent office.
“He’s out,” Axel replied. Bella scrutinized him for any hints, from his stance she could tell he was about leaving the office, he
seemed to be in a hurry.
“I needed to ask him something.” She said her tone laced with disappointment.
“Anyway, I’ll just ask you,” she declared, her gaze holding a determined intensity. With a nonchalant gesture, she indicated a
seat, compelling Axel to sit with her on one of the plush sofas within the office.
“Sit, she instructed, her tone carrying a mix of authority and familiarity as she settled onto the sofa crossing her legs gracefully.
“Where did Ethan go without his trusty assistant, or were you heading there to meet him?” Bella questioned, her eyes narrowing
with a discerning gaze that sought answers in Axel’s demeanor.
Axel chose silence, an enigmatic shield he wielded effortlessly, taking off his glasses with a calm deliberation, and meticulously
cleaning them.

Bella scoffed, a blend of frustration and intrigue coloring her expression. The only person who happened to be her husband’s
confidant appeared unyielding and rigid.
Chapter 97
“I heard my husband has been frequenting a hospital,” she declared, throwing the observation into the open, a subtle challenge
in her tone. Axel’s hands, mid–cleaning, halted, his narrowed eyes betraying a hint of suspicion.
Uncomfortably clearing her throat, Bella proceeded cautiously. “A friend mentioned seeing him at the hospital,” she clarified,
seeking to dispel any notion that she was keeping tabs on Ethan, as Axel might was currently suspecting. The air in the room
hung heavy with unspoken questions.

Who would actually dare monitor or jeep tabs on Ethan? No one she had tried to employ previously took the job. Her she was
begging his assistant for scraps of information from gossips and hearsays.
The room hung in a tense silence as the two locked eyes, a silent duel of curiosity and guarded secrets. Bella, caught in Axel’s
scrutinizing gaze, felt an uneasy tension settle around her. There was something unsettling about the way Axel looked at her, as
if he knew something. Whatever it was, it was clear. Axel didn’t like nor trust her..Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Axel, the epitome of calm and composure, maintained his silence, carefully crafting a response that would satiate Bella’s
curiosity while diverting her attention to something else more believable that would interest her.
“Tesco is currently undergoing some projects there, and Ethan is overseeing them,” Axel finally replied, his words carefully
chosen to deflect Bella’s probing inquiries. The tension momentarily lifted as Bella’s suspicion changed immediately to that
of interest.
“Really?” Bella inquired, her tone piqued as Axel continued to navigate the delicate dance of half–truths.
“Along with the fundraiser coming on,” he added, seamlessly steering the conversation toward a more socially acceptable topic.
Bella’s intrigue deepened, her thoughts now occupied with the prospect of the upcoming event.
“There’ll be a fundraiser?” she asked, a spark of anticipation in her eyes. The revelation meant Ethan’s attendance, a prospect
that pleased Bella. Months had passed since their last event together, and now she found herself looking forward to this.
opportunity to accompany him.
“If that’s everything, I would be leaving now. I have lots of things to do,” Axel stated. With that he stood up and left the office
without wasting another second.
Bella was pissed, his departure was swift and he hadn’t even lingered for a moment to see of she needed anything, it was stark
contrast to other assistants who sought to flatter and win favor. Axel, however, left without waiting for her dismissal, like she
didn’t matter.
Axel strolled swifty through the corridors. Minutes of his time had been taken by Bella’s sudden visit and probing.
Someone had seen Ethan, she said.
He would have to warn him. It seemed Ethan had momentarily forgotten the extent of his influence and just how renowned he
was especially among their social circle. If people found out he was visiting a little girl which happened to be the daughter of his
ex–wife, that could escalate to something else.
Bella and Hazel meeting was a scenario they had to avert at all costs. Ethan had gone to great lengths to keep the two women
apart. He had practically instituted a ban, restricting Bella from his visiting his company unannounced. The idea of them
converging in the same space was not just inconvenient; it was a recipe for disaster.

Axel understood that it would be in the best interest of everyone involved to keep Bella blissfully unaware.